
The Great Dictionary of Magic

Magic is a general name for techniques that produce various phenomena via controlling mana, and it is also called “sorcery”, “thaumaturgy”, and so on. Humans who use magic are called “magicians”, “sorcerers”, and “mages”, while monsters who use magic are called “witches”, etc., but these terms are often mixed up.

Formerly, those among humans who used magic were at times respected as sages who commanded power beyond human ken, or saints who embodied the miracles of the gods, but at other times they were also persecuted as heretics who sold their souls to demons or renegades who set foot into the forbidden domain of the gods; thus, they were treated as special beings who were different than ordinary humans much of the time, but, as of the present, the chief god's Order acknowledges the expediency of magicians, and since magic is generally well known and has been promulgated as a scholarly discipline, unlike in the past, it is generally recognized as a category of skills that can be used. On the other hand, among monsters, from past to present, it has been consistently recognized as “one of the powers that can be possessed” much like physical abilities such as brute strength.

The history of magic is ancient. It is regarded as part of the knowledge given to humans by the gods in the age of genesis. Throughout the long history of warfare between humans and monsters, magic has been extensively developed by both primarily as a means of attacking one's enemies, and it has grown increasingly complex with many specializations, but ever since we monsters obtained our current forms, our magical research has been directed towards developing culture and civilization. Among monsters, research into magic for the purpose of obtaining partners and enhancing our sex lives with our partners is also widely and enthusiastically conducted. Magic has become indispensable for us to attain greater heights of pleasure and lead more dissolute, debaucherous lives.

The word “magic” might give you the impression of something difficult, but since it is used by employing the life force that all people possess, anyone can use it so long as they have sufficient intelligence and the proper knowledge, although aptitude varies greatly. Certain races of monsters and humans born with a natural talent for magic may in some cases be able to use magic intuitively even when lacking knowledge, while it has been confirmed that even among plants and animals which lack intelligence, there are some varieties that can put up a fight against enemies by instinctively using magic.

The existence of this world hinges upon the workings of the energy that is the fundamental basis of all life, i.e., mana. It is presumed that god also created this world with a kind of magic utilizing extraordinary mana. Perhaps for that reason, the phenomena that can be produced with magic varies from little things like making a stone in front of you fly, to great feats like a god such as creating vast new lands, continents, and islands. Casting spells basically requires some means of issuing commands to mana. In general, most spells are cast by “chanting” out loud and reciting the incantation of a spell or performing a specific gesture. Additionally, large scale spells can also be cast in the form of “rituals”, which require time spent laying the ground work and preparing intermediaries and offerings in advance.

And the most important thing of all when invoking a spell is mind power.

In other words, it is necessary to intensely focus one's thoughts and mentally visualize the phenomenon that one wants to bring about. For example, when chanting a spell to conjure flames, since most people visualize red flames, the magic flames will be red too, but when a monster who lives in a mamono realm that had grown up seeing candlesticks lit with purple colored flames chants the exact same flame spell, the magic flames will turn out purple. Furthermore, if someone with no conception of what flames are were to chant it, the spell itself would not work in the first place. The form in which the flames of a spell appear also varies according to how each caster imagines them to be; they may appear as small fire balls, gigantic walls of flames, or in rare cases, in the form of a dragon for some people. Also, there's the example of the monsters called “alices (Encyclopedia I – p.106)” who conjure cute flames like something out of a picture book because they have only ever seen flames in picture books.

In this manner, the power of the mind is greatly involved with casting spells. As a matter of fact, it's theoretically possible to cast any spell even without chanting, gestures, rituals, and so forth, just by thinking about the phenomenon that one wants to bring about; however, casting a spell with only thoughts requires more concrete, accurate, and precisely detailed thinking. For instance, in the case of the flame spell given as an example earlier, it would require knowledge of the true underlying principles of flame; that is to say, it would require one to have accurate knowledge of information concerning not just the proper form of flames, but also what flames are made of, the nature of the existence of that which we call flames, how flames are produced, what happens to things that come in contact with flames, and so on, and all of it would have to be taken into consideration. Additionally, one would have to be prepared with some sort of guidelines to use to accurately compute the coordinates of the location in which to launch the flames, and moving the flames would require determining how fast and in what direction to launch them; all of this would have to be taken into consideration and the necessary amount of mana required for it would have to be computed in one's head.

Furthermore, it would also be necessary to imagine an element corresponding to a “directory”, in which all of the complex data and processes described above are non-erroneously recorded in order to send commands to the mana. Casting spells with only thoughts requires thoughts to be focused entirely on the spell without any interruptions. If other thoughts enter the caster's mind for even a brief moment, the commands won't reach the mana, and the spell will not work. When using flame magic with the objective of lighting a hearth, if one allows things that are not directly related to “lighting a hearth” to enter one's thoughts for even the slightest moment, the spell will fail simply due to that.

In other words, it is unrealistic for an ordinary person to use magic with only thoughts. For that reason, the system of “magic” currently in use has the above written complex process simplified to the point of “conjuring the flames that one imagines in front of one's eyes” through a spell incantation imbued with a summary about flames, positional data, the required mana cost, and commands. Likewise, gestures are performed when using magic for much the same reason. In some cases, one may hold one's hand out in the direction to fire off a spell, but this is also done to curtail the specification directional information. Groundwork involving offerings and rituals is also conducted to support and simplify casting even more complex spells. The usage of intermediaries, staves, etc., is also a big help when using magic. That which has the complex process of magic simplified in this manner to be worth using by humans and monsters is “archaeomancy”, which is the basis of all magic. Other than that, there are also various other systems of magic such as “nymphomancy”, which is used by succubi, “elemental magic”, which borrows the power of spirits, and so on, but these are all based on archaeomancy optimized so that magic can be used more easily and efficiently for specific intended purposes.

Furthermore, the discussion up to this point was merely a generalization, and there are also those who do not require these simplified systems of magic. Being flame spirits, “Ignis (Encyclopedia I – p. 220)” are themselves embodiments of flame, hence, they themselves are endowed with flame data to begin with, and they can easily control flame magic at will without the need for chanting or complicated thoughts just by thinking “I want to shoot flames”. “Gazers (Encyclopedia II – p.88)” have the power to hypnotize targets. It's extremely complex magic, but it is possible for them to cast it just by staring at a target with their eyeball. In these cases, individuals of such races are born with bodies and instincts equipped with the data necessary for casting spells, and the caster's very existence itself is what simplifies and optimizes the spells. Even among humans, there are those born with that sort of talent for magic who can use it intuitively without even needing to chant or think complexly, and in some cases, some even appear to cast spells unconsciously at times. It is extremely rare for a person to be able to wield a wide array of spells in that manner, but there are a fair number of people who appear to be able to use only an extremely limited number of spells that way, and they are treated as having a high aptitude for certain spells or systems of magic. Moreover, this is more than just an innate trait. Higher rank monsters well-versed in magic and experienced higher rank human mages also sometimes uniquely optimize existing spells so that they can use them more easily without chanting. Among them there are even those who use unique systems of magic that they developed by repeatedly refining and improving existing systems of magic so that they could use them more easily.

In the “great encyclopedia of magic” that follows, I will introduce various “systems of magic” along with individual “spells” belonging to those systems, but the classification of spells is quite ambiguous. Since most systems of magic are derived from archaeomancy, they can also be said to be archaeomancy at the same time, and since there are derivations of derivations, and ones that combine two or more systems of magic, there are also spells that we cannot say belong strictly to a specific system of magic.

Additionally, there are even spells with the exact same effect that are classified as belonging to different systems of magic simply because the method of casting differs. Please bear in mind that the classifications given in this book are ultimately those which are commonly well known, or those which seemed to fit that system the most based on the judgments of the Sabbaths.

Wisdom Cultivated From Antiquity:


A system of magic handed down from the most ancient era which is the foundation of all magic. It resulted from simplifying and improving the efficiency of the originally complex processes of magic to make it easier for humans and monsters to use. Born in the age of genesis and cultivated and refined by humans and monsters all the way up to the present day, it's the most complete system of magic there is.

It's orthodox magic with few kinks, so it's easy to use and suitable for a wide range of uses. The elements needed for casting and a certain degree of directionality are contained in comparatively short incantations and simple spell formulas. This magic can be used by focusing, visualizing the phenomenon to occur, and chanting the spell, and it's possible to make using it even more intuitive by incorporating casting actions. It's also highly versatile, and one can easily modify the magic's effects even just by adding to the incantation or spell formula. When developing new magics, research is usually conducted using archaeomancy, and most of the systems of magic that currently exist are also derived from archaeomancy. Compared to other systems of magic which are specialized for various purposes, there are also cases when its spells are individually weaker; however, a lengthy period of time has been spent on improving the efficiency of archaeomancy, which means it can exhibit greater effects at a relatively lower mana cost. It's also easy to combine different magics. For example, it is difficult to combine conflicting attributes such as “fire” and “water” using “elemental magic”, but it can be easily done using archaeomancy. Also, it is possible to reproduce most of what can be done in other systems of magic by combining and applying archaeomancy spells, but it tends to be difficult.

This is the magic system that has the most casters, including both humans and monsters, and accordingly, most of the outstanding casters, including most of those deemed archmages, are experts in archaeomancy!


Translation notes:

古式魔法 koshiki mahou translates more directly as "ancient style magic".

List of known spells belonging to this system:

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell to conjure and fire mana. Conjuring and firing mana is one of the most basic techniques of mana manipulation. This “mana shot” is mainly the basis for attack spells which lash out at one's opponent with mana. However, since that which we call mana originally has no mass or attack power, and it's basically just striking a foe with mana, it doesn't have much power at all, although some kinds of mana such as mamono mana have the property of exhibiting an effect even just by pouring it inside the target's body.

For that reason, when using mana as an attack spell, the usual process taken is to materialize it into something that has mass and attack power and manipulate that. We can say that spells that conjure and launch fireballs and spells that shoot icicles as lances, and so on, are all derived from “mana shot”.

Each caster has a different image of the vague invisible energy called mana, and these differences result in the different directions and attributes each caster specializes in. The image of the spell which is one's specialty reflects the mind state of that person himself and the environment in which he has lived, and in the case of monsters, race also has a huge influence. A caster born to a blacksmith who grew up seeing fire and is the impulsive type would tend to be inclined towards specializing in flame spells, while a caster with a calm personality who grew up in a snowy country would tend to be inclined towards specializing in ice spells. Also, the potency of attack magic isn't decided just by the strength of the mana. When conjuring mana, it's also crucial to boost precision via concentration and advanced thinking.

Also, even if we categorize them all as flame attack magic, the effects differ depending on the caster's image of flames. Spells conjured based on a human's image of flames will in most cases have searing heat and cause burning, which will be used to attack. On the other hand, in the case when monsters use flame spells, they don't have the image to harm humans, and at the same time, elements such as “the flames of love and passion” towards men burning inside them and “heat building up in the body” due to the pleasure of sex overlap with their image of flames, and therefore the spells they conjure also mostly take effect by making their target's body flush and burn, heating up their heart, and igniting their passion. Moreover, only the image of brightness goes into flames conjured just for illumination instead of attack magic, so even if the flames look the same, there are also cases in which they don't have the power to burn anything. In this manner, “mana shot” is one of the most basic spells, but at the same time, it has endless variations depending on the user, and we can even say it's one of the spells that most reflects individuality. The child prodigy that Sabbath boasts of, “Momonika”, the lovely goat of the playground, uses “if it's not cute, I hate it!” as a catch phrase, and prefers conjuring magic in a heart pattern, be it flames or whatever, but when “Shirokuto”, the white goat of wisdom, one of the archmages who represents the baphomet race, uses her flame magic, rather than flames, it's horrifying hellfire that looks like a gigantic *monster clad in flames.

Furthermore, mana is intrinsically invisible, but granting mass and attack power to something invisible is extremely difficult, and so even in the case of spells that fire pure energy, it is conjured in the form of flashes or spheres of light, etc. Invisible attack magic by means of purely formless “void” mana, undetectable to the eye, is a feat that only a handful of extremely exceptional casters in the world are capable of performing.

“May you continuously gasp in agony amidst my incessant flames...”

~”Shirokuto” the White Goat of Wisdom~

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that grants the target a magical effect. One of the most basic techniques for manipulating mana, which causes the target to exhibit magical effects by imbuing it with mana. All enhancement spells which infuse living things with magic to boost their physical abilities and what not are actually variants of enchant, but the name “enchant” itself mainly refers to imbuing items with magic.

Imbuing a sword with a flame spell to add a flame attribute or imbuing armor with a hardening spell to make it more durable are examples of basic uses for it, and it's even possible to do things like making a magical sword capable of dispelling targets struck with it by imbuing a sword with “spellbreak (p.45)”, or making magical armor that automatically repairs itself even if destroyed by imbuing armor with a mending spell. Normally the mana imbued dissipates over time, and the magical effects wear off, but by performing “affixation processing”, which adds in a spell formula that allows effects to be maintained by automatically gathering mana from the surroundings to replenish it, it is possible to produce “magical items” that maintain their magical effects almost permanently. Unfortunately, if left as is, the item will then be in a state where the effects will constantly be active, but if it's not the type of item that always applies effects to the one who possesses it, then it's also possible to set conditions to trigger the effects, for example, “when the caster prays while holding the item in his hands”, etc.

Simply imbuing an item with magic isn't difficult at all. Even novice casters can do it, but affixation processing and setting conditions is difficult for all but experienced casters. The larger the scale of the spell being sealed inside, the greater the difficulty increases, so in the case of magical items imbued with high level spells, they may break after only a few uses, or even just a single use. Therefore, magical items produced by inexperienced casters may be shoddy products that don't produce the correct magical effects, and can even be dangerous if they scatter the magical effects all around indiscriminately since they are not set with conditions.

Additionally, spells that imbue non-living inorganic things with life such as “golems” are also more complex and higher level “enchant” spells. The easier it is to imagine the connection between the spell to be imbued and the item itself, the easier it is to imbue and affix a spell. In other words, it's easier to imbue swords with offensive spells, and set the trigger conditions to things like “cutting” and “swinging”, which are natural methods of using a sword. This is also the reason why golems, etc. are mostly made in the shape of humans or animals. What's more, even the same basic article can be made more easily enchantable by altering the overall design or adding clever little details. For instance, it's easy to enchant ordinary armor with protective spells, but difficult to enchant it with offensive spells; however, if the armor is adorned with spikes and has a design evocative of sharpness, then it will be easier to enchant it with offensive spells. For that reason, there are many items which are crafted with enchanting in mind beforehand. For example, they may be adorned with decorations that call to mind a given spell or be engraved with the words of a spell's incantation or magical patterns by craftsmen.

On the one hand, the item itself which is to be enchanted is important, but the image the caster has of the item, the caster's moral values, and the power of imagination are also crucial factors. For instance, from a monster's point of view, clothing, armor, etc. is meant to be worn to flaunt their own attractiveness and further inflame men's passions rather than as a means of protecting the body. Therefore, if the caster is a monster, it's possible to imbue spells such as “seduction(p.49)”, etc. with greater effects, and create powerfully enchanted items which attract the eyes of men and guide their gaze and consciousness to the breasts, *genitals, etc. Furthermore, all sorts of desires are connected to sexual desire, and various cultural practices are rooted in having sex with men, so if a monster gets her hands on them, all manner of things including weapons, golems, writing implements, and even tableware can be made into magical items with lewd effects.

The renowned enchanters among the “march hares (Encyclopedia II – p.130)”, a race living in Wonderland who interpret everything in a lewd manner, are said to even be capable of picking up a random pebble from the roadside and imbuing it with a lewd effect like a divine treasure by going on and on about their wild delusions, or rather, adding imagination.

“Master, can you enchant me with a spell to attracts a man's gaze?

Currently, I have targeted a male human individual for essence extraction,

but essence extraction efficiency will increase if he's gazing at my bosom.

Besides... If he gazes at me like that... aah...♥”

~a golem who will so be joined with her partner in the future~


Translation note:

*下腹部 (kafukubu) directly translates to “lower abdomen”, but it can also be a euphemism for the genitals.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell for placing concentrated mana, creating a marker. Mana normally dissipates soon after release, but this spell, one of the most basic spells for manipulating mana, causes it to remain at a single point by condensing it. The greater the caster excels at controlling mana, the longer it is possible to make the mana persist.

Condensed mana is still invisible, but it can give even those who normally can't sense mana a feeling that “there is something there.” Markers are used like beacons by setting them at specific points, and they can also be set up so that they signal only to certain targets. For example, by adjusting the concentration and quality of the mana, they can be made undetectable by ordinary humans so that only magicians or certain specific races will be able to sense them, or they can be made so that they're difficult to notice unless one is in possession of a certain magic item. For superior magicians, it's even possible to do things such as including messages for those able to detect the set marker, or imbuing spells so that those gathered around a marker can be healed.

Additionally, markers set by this spell are also used as targeting marks when firing spells. When casting long range spells that extend even beyond the caster's field of vision, it's difficult to aim and fire, and spells will often hit unintended locations, but if a marker is set in advance and targeted, then one can ensure that a spell will land accurately. AoE spells are difficult to fine-tune in much the same manner, but by setting a marker to encircle a specific area in advance, it is also possible to ensure that a spell's effects will only extend over the encircled area. It's highly difficult compared to setting markers at specific locations, but it's also possible to set markers on objects and living things. There is a high likelihood that it will be canceled out quickly, but it's even possible to cast spells that automatically home in on the target by setting a marker on the foe one wants cast magic on and then targeting it before firing.

When using this spell as a marker for other people, it's basically used to communicate with allies. Sometimes there are markers set by officious monsters pointing out locations where lots of unwary humans pass by and monsters can lurk in a perfect spot to attack men without being noticed. Upon carefully sharpening their mana sense and taking another look, unmarried monster ladies seeking men will find out that there's information about “hunting grounds” scattered all over the place that their senpais left behind. Besides that, the property of this spell “to give even those who can't sense mana a feeling that something's there” is also exploited by monsters to use it as a method of luring human men into their own lairs.

Also, in nations where humans and monsters live together, an unconventional use of this spell is to cast it on unmarried human men to help them get together with specific races of monster girls. Markers that can be strongly perceived by the corresponding race that a man desires are set on human men. These markers tell other races of monster girls, “I want to be joined with a specific race, so keep your hands off me”, and an extremely wide area is affected, so it's like a man advertising himself to every individual of a particular race that he is seeking, and unmarried individuals from among them will probably gather before the man, scrambling to be first.

“We've discovered the outpost targeted for subjugation.

We'll leave a mana marker behind and return for now.

…There are five men within the target, a perfect number.

Why don't we share them nicely and enjoy ourselves...♥”

~amazoness in a radical sweeper unit~

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that dispels magical effects cast on a target. Spells with ongoing effects invariably leave the caster's mana in the target's body to maintain the spell, and the effects of such spells can be ended by causing that mana to disperse.

However, to dispel a spell requires as much mana as is being used by that spell, or perhaps even more. Also, this spell is by no means omnipotent. Only spells that are “temporarily” active can be dispelled. For example, it's possible to dispel spells that are used to temporarily boost physical abilities using mana, but the kind of spells that restructure the body to permanently maintain high physical abilities cannot be dispelled. It is also powerless against spells that are constantly active as part of a race's ecology, as well as spells that have been applied with affixation processing to magical items, magical creatures, etc. In other words, the “protective mana” that safeguards her partner during sex that all monsters possess, the flotation of the sort of races that constantly use mana to fly, and so on, cannot be dispelled. Neither can beings that came to life from mana dwelling within objects be returned to mere objects with this spell.

Furthermore, changes that were produced directly by the effects of a spell can be dispelled, but it has no effect on the phenomena that occurred along with that. For example, suppose that a target has been magically implanted with lust like that of a inma and she is copulating with a man. It would be possible to extinguish the lust she had been implanted with using “spellbreak”, but even so, once a woman has known devilish pleasure, it becomes engrained in her body and mind, and will never disappear. Even if the effects of the spell were the impetus, the desire to continue immersing herself in sex and pleasure that newly sprouted from having known devilish pleasure, and the gradual transformation of her mind and body into that of a inma cannot be undone because it is no longer due to the spell's effects.

The various spells that monsters use to charm men can also be dispelled with “spellbreak” in some cases, but the charm monsters possess that enthralls human men is ultimately something a monster is inherently endowed with due to monster ecology itself. Spells only support it. If a man has beheld a monster's uncanny beauty, exchanged words with a monster who tempted him in a lovely voice, reached towards her soft skin which looks as if just touching it would feel wonderful, or simply received pleasure from a monster for even the briefest moment, then the fact is that he will be charmed by that, and the lust aroused in him will no longer have anything at all to do with the effects of a spell. If a man has “directly” come into contact with a monster's charm in any way, shape, or form, then it will already be too late even if the spell is dispelled.

“I'm fine now that you broke that spell the inma put on me.

You've saved me... haven't you...

Aah... You look very yummy...♥”

~a human female knight who had been captured by a inma~


Translation note:

"Sakyubasu" is a katakana transliteration of the English word "succubus", but "inma" is a Japanese word for "succubus". Sometimes KC also refers to other fiends such as imps as "inma" too. For clarity, we'll keep "inma" as "inma" especially since the succubus profile notes they are meant to be two different names.

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A spell that warps the target to another location far removed. This spell is the culmination of exhaustive research into moving objects using mana, one of the basic ways of manipulating mana, and it is regarded as one of the most highly difficult spells. Teleporting living things like humans and monsters is extremely difficult. An advanced spell formula designating the coordinates of the far off destination, etc., is required along with a correspondingly vast mana cost. Among the “baphomets (Encyclopedia I – p.180)”, there are even those who perform all of their movements using this spell, but that's possible precisely because baphomets are a superior race with elite mastery over magic. Ordinary monsters and human casters are incapable of that.

But on the other hand, it's not that unusual at all to find casters who can wield this spell. In fact, it's even used a lot in our daily lives. This is because mana, originally a scarce resource, is continually plentifully produced in mamono realms, and the teleportation spell has been simplified as much as possible to be of practical use. It is necessary to strongly focus one's thoughts on the destination. Using the spell however one likes to go wherever one pleases is extremely difficult, but using it just as a one way ticket to return to a place deeply connected with the caster, such as the caster's home, is comparatively easy.

Besides that, another effective method of usage is to establish the coordinates of the point of departure and the destination, and then set some sort of guide marks. For example, by setting up magic circles with teleportation spells that incorporate “mana marker (p.44)” into the spell formula at two locations and using both of them as guide marks, the positional information can be omitted. Due to this, it's even possible to permanently establish magic circles that enable teleportation of numerous people at the same time in either direction, and it's treasured as a method of long distance movement in mamono realm nations.

There's also the method of using a person's individual mana as a guide mark, which is possible for monsters precisely because of their proficiency in distinguishing the mana of individual people. Naturally if the mana of an individual is known, it's possible to teleport to the target's location, but by determining if anyone else's mana is in the body of an individual, and figuring out places where strong traces of the target's mana remain, it's even possible to teleport to places deeply connected to an individual, such as an individual's home, etc., or to the location of the family of an individual. When prisoners of war originally from nations under the control of the Order of the chief god or those who have newly become monsters wish to bring their family to immigrate to a mamono realm, often times there are cases when it is difficult to just go and pick them up directly, and in such circumstances, the method employed is to connect a teleportation magic circle to their home or the location of their family and bring them directly to the mamono realm.

Furthermore, the easiest way that teleportation magic can be used is for a monster and incubus husband and wife to use each other as markers. Since they both possess the same mana, a mixture of each other's mana, it's extremely easy to teleport in both ways, and it's possible to casually teleport to one's spouse.

Married monsters mostly spend their time constantly having sex with their husband, but there will probably also be times when they will have to temporarily separate from him to take care of some sort of errand. When away from their husband, even just suddenly recalling his face is enough to call to mind the joy of being held in their husband's arms and the taste of his essence, and this may even cause unbearable lust to come over them. At times like that, as long as they have acquired this spell, they can instantly return to their husband and enjoy sex to their heart's content.

“I'm home. Uhm... What is it? I just wanted to touch you a little bit, ya bastard...♥”

~a dullahan, the following day after departing on an expeditionary mission~

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 3 out of 3

A spell for creating a new space called a “spirit realm”. This spell creates new “worlds”, which was originally the work of the gods, so to speak. It's the highest level spell, classified as the most advanced spell in existence, and it requires the most mana. Of the large scale spirit realms created using this spell, “Pandemonium”, created by the fallen god, and “Wonderland”, created by one of the daughters of the mamono lord, are among the most famous.

An archmage would have to expend a vastly enormous sum of mana simply to create a small room where nothing exists. Creating a space the size of a kingdom and then creating land, nature, and buildings there would absolutely require godlike power. But since it has become possible to infinitely accumulate power by having sex with one's spouse in the present era, there are a fair number of monster and incubi casters with power to the degree of a lesser divinity, and it has now become easy to create small scale spirit realms using the overflowing mana that is continuously generated in mamono realms.

For that reason, things have gotten to the point where it is no longer rare for a powerful monster to prepare a room in a spirit realm to use as a bedroom for living with her husband, or even to have her own small mamono realm in a spirit realm, as if owning a villa in a summer resort. Our Sabbaths also possess numerous branches, test sites, and venues for black mass in spirit realms.

Spirit realms are created in different dimensions than the current world, but the dimensions intimately overlap, and it is supposed that they are somehow connected to it. Such overlapping places can serve as entrances or exits to spirit realms. In some cases, doors or gates, etc. are artificially established so that the entrances are easily recognizable. But in the case of Wonderland, there are lots of entrances that were randomly generated. Mere hollow trees and holes in the ground, etc. can be connected to Wonderland, and there are even cases such as when people walking through forests unwittingly wind up in Wonderland. Furthermore, even “Pandemonium”, which supposedly has no entrances or exits, and can only be accessed via a spell cast by adherents of the fallen god, does have more than a few places that overlap with the current world, and people do randomly stray into it on extremely rare occasions. Also, when spirit realms nearly overlap with places in the current world in such a manner, they sometimes exert influence. It is supposed that humans who live in lands that nearly overlap with Pandemonium are highly likely to awaken to the fallen god's faith. As for the closest spirit realms, in some cases there are near identical spirit realms created at the “backside” of structures, villages, etc. that exist in the current world. The venues where our Sabbaths secretly hold black mass in human villages are also mostly created in places such as the “backsides” of the chief god's churches.

Even after creation, mana is required to maintain spirit realms, but since all living things produce mana, spirit realms can be maintained as long as life is active there. If life goes extinct in a spirit realm, then it will gradually contract and eventually disappear. Conversely, as long as life exists in a spirit realm, nothing can extinguish its existence. What's more, if human and monster married couples live there, then sex will result in the production of vast amounts of mana, enough for a surplus even after paying the spirit realm's maintenance cost. That's why as the number of couples inhabiting a spirit realm increases, a spirit realm will naturally expand larger.

“This is our bedroom, where you and I will make love...

This is the place to which you will return.

You thought you opened the door to your own room...?

No, no matter where you try to go, you'll always

end up returning here... and coming back to me...♥”

~a lilim, a daughter of the mamono lord~

Sensual Succubus' Temptation:


A system of magic uniquely developed by the inma in their pursuit of debauchery.

It used to only be used by monsters classified as inma who seduce humans and suck their essence, however, due to the fact that all monsters currently have inma traits, it is now being used widely by many other race.

It's the sort of magic ideally suited for the purposes of a inma, used for things like seduction and charming, or enhancing one another's erogenous sensitivity. Casting it requires mamono mana, primarily succubus' mana, and the method of using nymphomancy is imprinted in a inma's instinct, so we can say that almost any race or individual has an aptitude for this system of magic, as long as she's a monster. In contrast with typical sorcery, which requires advanced thinking and concentration, nymphomancy has evolved so that it can be used without issue even in situations where the caster lacks concentration and is distracted by other things. In other words, this is a system of magic designed with the intention of being used in situations such as when the caster is infatuated with a man before her eyes or indulging in the pleasure of sex. Casting is mainly done through gestures, and many of the spells don't require chanting and can be cast just by barely having the desire in mind, and there are even cases where spells can be used unconsciously just by reading the caster's desires instead of her thoughts. It's a system of magic truly befitting of a succubus. Not only does it not require concentration, on the contrary, it has developed so that the magic's effectiveness increases the more one fills herself with pleasure and the more her mind melts in ecstasy. For casters seeking to master nymphomancy, it is an absolute must to drown in pleasure with their partner as much as inhumanly possible.

In this manner, it's an extremely excellent system of magic, but because spells are cast when the caster's desires are read, it isn't possible to use spells that run contrary to the caster's desires, and there are even times when unintended spells will fire off automatically in response to the caster's desires. It's good if it's usage is left to instinct and impulse, but it's difficult to rationally control.


Translation notes:

Nymphomancy is kind of stretch as a translation for 淫魔法 inmahou, a made up term coined by adding the character 淫 in which means something like "lewd/lascivious/indecent" to the word mahou, meaning "magic." So a more direct translation would be something like "lewd magic". But nymphomaniac can sometimes be translated as 淫乱女 inran-onna,which also in in it. And I think "nymphomancy" sounds fitting.

"Sakyubasu" is a katakana transliteration of the English word "succubus", but "inma" is a Japanese word for "succubus". Sometimes KC also refers to other fiends such as imps as "inma" too. For clarity, we'll keep "inma" as "inma" especially since the succubus profile notes they are meant to be two different names.

List of known spells belonging to this system:

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that seduces and charms the target. The most basic spell that has been used by inma since antiquity. Since the monsters of the present all have the nature of a inma, many races can use this spell, but it originated from the inma, and a inma's seduction spell is especially potent. This spell can be easily and casually cast with a sexy gesture, an alluring vocalization, or a suggestive look, etc. Since it's one of the spells most deeply rooted in all monsters, the seduction spell is not just actively cast, but also unconsciously cast on men fancied by the caster. Furthermore, those which are actively used are called “temptation”, while those which are automatically cast due to the race being naturally endowed with it to begin with, or because of enchanted equipment are called “charm”, and a distinction is made between them.

This is a spell which focuses the target's feelings and consciousness on the caster. The purpose of monsters' existence is to copulate with men in the first place, so even without magic, they have beautiful looks that can easily rob a man of his heart. The effect of this spell is to flaunt the sex appeal of their own beautiful face and body to the target and make him aware of it.

One under the influence of seduction will find his gaze unintentionally shifting to places such as the caster's lovely face and bouncy, voluptuous bosom. The provocative gestures one witnesses will be burned into one's eyes, and won't go away. Even if one were to close one's eyes and try to endure it, this time one's ears would be thoroughly and continuously violated by her even more lucid, sweet man-seducing tone of voice, and if one covers one's ears, then the indecent aroma tickling one's nostrils will excite one's senses. With it impossible to distract oneself from the lewd being in front of one, one will be robbed of one's heart. Unable to resist one's erection and instinctive arousal towards her, one will pursue the being before one's eyes. And it works with more than just simple beauty. If it's a monster like a young little girl, then after having one's attention drawn to her innocent cuteness, one will be made to see the depraved sex appeal present within immaturity. If it's a monster with a grotesque body, then one will be made to notice the creature-like allure present within grotesqueness. In this manner, these spells do not charm the target by using hypnotic effects to manipulate the target's heart. Instead, charming works by forcing the target to strongly perceive the caster's existence.

For that reason, it has little effect unless the caster is substantially attractive. For example, even if a pebble on the roadside were able to use a charm spell, since it has no sex appeal, it wouldn't exhibit any effect. Since it's not a method of mind control, even after the spell wears off, the charm of the monster that one was made aware of continues to remain within the target without disappearing. Since the target is charmed and genuinely experiences attraction towards the monster, it is impossible to dispel the charm. Also, it's possible to cast even during sex, and in that case, not only does it show off the silliness of the caster going wild with pleasure, it also focuses the man's consciousness completely on the pleasure produced by the caster's body during sex, and can strongly engrave it into his heart. For that reason, once one experiences sex with a monster, escape is rendered impossible.

Also, since a seduction spell can be used to focus attention on themselves, conversely, it can also be applied to divert attention. For instance, monsters with eye-catchingly beautiful looks can use it so that they can actually go about doing things without standing out, and monsters with an appearance tempting to men can even make it so that they won't attract the desires of any but the specific man that they are targeting. There are several nymphomancy spells that all monster races ordinarily cast unconsciously, and this is also one of them. The fact is that most monsters with partners divert the desires of men other than their husband by means of this spell.

“Seduction spells” can theoretically be used by human men to charm human women and monsters, and would exhibit a high effect on monsters in particular since they normally view men in a sexual manner with their values. However, since it is “nymphomancy”, it would be extremely difficult for a human man to acquire and use, and it would have very little effect on a human woman unless the man was handsome and sexually attractive in the first place.

On the other hand, despite having the same effect of focusing the target's consciousness and feelings on the caster's charms when used on monsters, what monsters look for in a man is different than human women, so the target's looks and sexual attractiveness don't have very much to do with it. What we find appealing about men varies by race as well as on an individual basis, but the thing about men that's universally “appealing” to monsters in general is the fact that men are our “male” counterparts. In that case, the factor that boosts the effects of a “seduction spell” turns out to be the magnitude of a man's lust and passion towards a monster and how much he desires to engage in the act of reproduction with his target.

A monster who has been put under a “seduction spell” will sense the odor and presence of the caster's mana more acutely and start feeling that the caster is a “delicious looking” being. Every single thing about the man will start to feel as though it is tempting her, naturally including the image of the man seen by her eyes, his body odor and the scent of his essence tickling her nostrils, and his words reaching her ears, and especially if the man has an erection, she won't be able to stop gazing at his crotch or get it out of her mind. The sexual desire and arousal felt by the caster towards the monster will transcend her consciousness and senses, communicating directly to her instinct and womb. When struck by a “male charm” that seeks to impregnate a female, a monster will be utterly enchanted. When a monster girl is like that, it's extremely easy to invite her for sex, so the caster can have his way with her as much as he pleases... is what I'd like to say, but unfortunately, in most cases, the caster will end up being mercilessly ravished by a monster girl gone wild; however, monsters who already have partners or already have their hearts set on certain men are unable to recognize any man other than their partner as a male, and since they do not feel any sexual attraction toward other men, a “seduction spell” will have no effect.

“Ufufu...♥ What's the matter? You're staring at me so much... naughty boy♥”

~a succubus seducing a soldier of the Order~


Translation notes:

*"Sakyubasu" is a katakana transliteration of the English word "succubus", but "inma" is a Japanese word for "succubus". Sometimes KC also refers to other fiends such as imps as "inma" too. For clarity, we'll keep "inma" as "inma" especially since the succubus profile notes they are meant to be two different names.

Charm and temptation as specially defined only appear that one time in the text. They are katakana English terms, tenputeeshon and chaamu in the original text. Other instances of these terms in my translation are translations of Japanese words that aren't meant to signify the special cases defined.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that provides a melty sort of pleasure, disrupting a foe's thoughts and interrupting spell chanting. Since pleasure is the domain of the inma, they are able to cast a variety of spells in conjunction with providing pleasure to a target by using the very pleasure they produce as a magical catalyst. This spell is also one of those. It is cast by caressing the target's body, kissing, or other things of that nature which provide minor pleasure. It causes an opponent's thoughts to melt away by transferring mana into the target along with pleasure, interrupting the chanting of spells.

The moment mana imbued “pleasure” is transmitted to the target's mind, it spreads so as to diffuse throughout the entire mind, and for a while, his thoughts will be seized by pleasure. The target's mind ends up becoming unable to recognize or process any information other than that it “feels good”, and will abandon all other thoughts as he experiences a sensation as if his mind were melting. Since it actually stops the target from even thinking, not only does it interrupt spells that need to be chanted out loud, it can even nullify the sort of spells that are cast just via mental thoughts.

Also while a target's thoughts are seized by this spell, it creates a huge gap in the target's spell resistance, resulting in a state where any spell cast on him by the inma will be extremely more effective. This spell is most often used particularly in combination with “seduction spell(p.49)”, and due to the effects of seduction spell, the pleasure that serves as the catalyst of this spell will be more powerfully engraved into the target's heart. The feeling of the inma's pleasure inducing lips, fingertips, etc. will never disappear, and the sweet afterglow will continue to linger in the target's mind. As a result, the effects of “melty kiss” will end up lasting even longer, and the continually lingering afterglow of the pleasure that “feels good” will continue to impede the target's casting indefinitely. What's more, the effects of “melty kiss” can be empowered by leaps and bounds by using greater pleasure as a catalyst, such as that which results from deep kissing, ejaculation, etc.. Once a man is brought to ejaculation by a inma, not only will his body be dominated by the pleasure, even his very thoughts will be at the inma's mercy due to this spell.

In the age of the former mamono lords, succubi with high spell resistance who neutralized many human wizards via the use of this spell were even dreaded as “wizard slayers”. On the other hand, to modern day inma, this spell is just something they use when they decide they're going to enjoy sex right then and there to make human men, who tend to think excessively, focus only on sex and get them to enjoy the pleasure of a inma's body without hesitation. In most cases, there is no other meaning or purpose for it. In other words, it means “instead of having excessive thoughts, look only at me, and just indulge in my body.”

Reading or conducting research while teasing each other's bodies and sharing pleasure is pretty nifty too. That's what happens on a daily basis even in our Sabbaths. But the fact is that as creatures of passion, it's very important for us to have times when there's just a male and a female, and nothing else exists except for the pleasure shared when the two join together.

“Don't think of such difficult things♪

Let's just think only of pleasure, 'kay♥”

~a devil loving an Order cleric~


Translation note:

"Sakyubasu" is a katakana transliteration of the English word "succubus", but "inma" is a Japanese word for "succubus". Sometimes KC also refers to other fiends such as imps as "inma" too. For clarity, we'll keep "inma" as "inma" especially since the succubus profile notes they are meant to be two different names.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that infuses the target's body with mana, greatly increasing sexual pleasure. One of the most basic spells possessed by inma, which acutely sharpens the erotic sensations of the target so that the pleasure provided by a monster can be felt even more strongly. The intensity of the erotic sensations of humans that have been boosted by this spell is so powerful that it makes rational thought difficult, and may even cause them to pass out from the pleasure, but it's nothing compared to the intensity of the erotic sensations that monsters and incubi normally experience. The difference in the intensity of the erotic sensations and the magnitude of pleasure tolerable by humans and monsters is readily apparent.

Also, this spell is cast not only on human men, but also on oneself and other monsters so that they can enjoy sex more, and it is also sometimes used for things like instilling human women with the joy of drowning in devilish pleasure. There are also countless other “inma's blessings” aside from this with various effects such as increasing fertility, causing lust to surge relentlessly, and increasing the amount of semen during ejaculation.

It's a spell that has been continuously used by inmas since antiquity. The effects granted during the age of the former mamono lords and the present era are the same, but the nature of the spell itself has become somewhat different. In the age of the former mamono lords, when humans were nothing but prey to inma, this spell used to be called “inma's curse”. It used to be an “enfeebling” spell which lowered the target's resistance to pleasure so that one could easily suck a human dry. On the other hand, the current spell is used with the idea of “wanting to make humans further enjoy sex and pleasure”, and it has become a spell with the effect of “enhancing” the target's erogenous organs. In this manner, the “blessing” and the “curse” are two sides of the same coin and of the same nature. The effects that can be obtained with the spells are similar, and yet due to this difference, some aspects are like night and day. The curse is used with “malice” and “spite” towards the target, but the blessing is used with “benevolence” and “compassion” towards the target. Therefore, since it bypasses the most general type of magic defense, which “protects against malicious enemy attack spells, but doesn't affect the healing and enhancing spells of allies”, the “blessing” is a spell which is far more difficult to defend against.

Just as the existence of a divinity grants blessings to their believers, so too do monsters with vast power sometimes become beings who spread “inma's blessings” to many simply by existing. For example, “Druella-sama”, the ruler of Lescatie and one of the mamono lord's daughters, is a being who inspires obscene, gooey passion and causes all to descend into darkness regardless of race or sex. Additionally, we baphomets who lead many witches also awaken the “primal female urges” of the yonge little monsters who belong to our Sabbaths just by existing, which makes it easier for men to become aroused towards the little ones. Our very existence grants blessings to all yonge monsters, leading them into depravity so that they can live pleasurably.

“Oh, how my witches indulge in copulation. It is truly picturesque, indede.

Abandon yourselves to this depravity, offering up everything, and

I'll grant you even more pleasure...♥”

~a baphomet speaking to witches indulging in sex~


Translation Notes:

*The baphomet has an elderly, formal tone

"Sakyubasu" is a katakana transliteration of the English word "succubus", but "inma" is a Japanese word for "succubus". Sometimes KC also refers to other fiends such as imps as "inma" too. For clarity, we'll keep "inma" as "inma" especially since the succubus profile notes they are meant to be two different names.

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A defensive spell that blocks out everything other than pleasure. By creating a special mana membrane and draping one's body in it, it blocks out shock and pain other than pleasure, but, on the other hand, it extremely reduces resistance to pleasure. The invisible mana membrane prevents mutual harm. When weapon or spell attacks are inflicted upon an inma draped in this membrane, it definitely feels as if they hit the mark and not as though they were interrupted or deflected by anything, and yet regardless, not a single wound can be inflicted on the inma. On the other hand, since attacks and spells that inflict pain or shock made by the caster herself are also nullified, she will also be unable to harm anyone.

This incomparably powerful defensive spell is predicated upon a strong oath to abandon all resistance towards sexual pleasure in exchange for absolute defense against pain and shock. The mana membrane doesn't let attacks through, but when the caster receives pleasure, the mana of the defensive membrane dissipates, and it comes off. The effect of this spell is empowered by means of an “oath” to sacrifice something in exchange for something else, but even if an inma becomes more sensitive to pleasure dealt to her, all that does is make her enjoy sex even more. In the age of the former mamono lords, it was prevalent as a powerful spell that compelled men to have sex with inma. It's not impossible to magically dispel the defensive membrane, but “spell break (p.45)” is nonetheless mostly ineffective against inma, since they are a race that possesses ample mana, so dispelling it is not very realistic. For that reason, when men encountered inma during battles between humans and monsters in the age of the former mamono lords, they would flee at the sight of them, or, for instance, leave them be after neutralizing them with spells that don't cause pain, shock, etc. such as sleep inducing spells and so on. It is said that of all the monsters, inma had an extremely low mortality rate because they were mostly dealt with by avoiding fighting them.

This spell provides powerful defense, but on the other hand, abandoning resistance to pleasure is, in other words, tantamount to leaving oneself completely unable to resist any pleasure given to her by a man, mentally or physically. If a man reaches towards the caster not to attack, but to pleasure her, and fondles her all over her body, the pleasure dealt will be as though it practically pierces the very core of the caster's body, easily leading to climax. Also, it's not just the body that loses resistance towards pleasure. If a man assaults the caster, determined not to defeat her, but to make her his female, unable to resist the pleasure provided, the caster's heart will easily yield, and she'll acknowledge herself as belonging to the man. However, in the case that the caster is a married monster, it's another story. Monsters who already have a husband are unable to recognize any other man as a male and by their very nature are unable to even experience pleasure from doing it with other men no matter how low their pleasure resistance drops. Thus, it is impossible to break through this spell's defense with pleasure that never existed in the first place, and as a matter of fact, the only man capable of providing pleasure that could break the spell would be the caster's husband.

Furthermore, the “pleasure” that the caster loses resistance to is not just that which is directly brought about by erogenous sensations from sex and fondling. She also loses resistance to the “pleasure” induced when her husband's lust is directed towards her and she's pursued sexually, when her husband is pleased by the pleasure she provides him, and so on. In other words, even without having sex, even the “joy” she experiences just from being with her beloved spouse will be irresistible. A demon general who used to be known for being highly capable and having a stern personality boasted with great enthusiasm, “I will dominate everything from his body to even his very soul,” when headed to face the human man who was her rival in a decisive battle, but as a result of having used “oath of pleasure” during the battle, she has become completely subservient to the hero who ended up as her husband, and is now madly in love with him. She used to be stern and overbearing even towards men, but now there's not even a trace of her former self. She's unable to hold back the slackened smile that seemingly indicates that she's happy from the bottom of her heart just from being beside her husband, and they say that when the two exchange words, she can't help but dote on him because she loves him so dearly.

Additionally, the “protective mana” that presently safeguards men so that they don't get injured from sex that's too rough, or the monster's claws, horns, etc., the spell that all monsters are endowed with by their very nature that is constantly in effect, is thought to be originally derived from this spell.

“A contract between a man and a woman doesn't need such a distasteful thing.

What we exchange, what burns us, is only this pleasure... For now, just indulge in me to your heart's content.“

~the demon general back when she still had her dignity intact~

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A spell for materializing the power of darkness and controlling it at will. It is a “mana shot (p.41)” using nymphomancy, which entails materializing highly condensed mamono mana, forming a slushy dark colored mass of it, and putting it to use. The spell is named “dark matter”, the same as the monster race, and it's the same stuff as the black sphere that the dark matter monster sits astride.

The materialization of mana is itself the basis of magic, but compared to other systems of magic, it's extremely difficult to picture and materialize the element governed by nymphomancy, which is something like “pleasure” or “desire”, since it doesn't exist in any clear form. What's more, nymphomancy itself is a system of magic in which spells may even be autocast when the caster's desires are read, which further exacerbates the difficulty of consciously controlling it. Thus, the only ones who can control dark matter at will are those such as casters of the highest rank who are extremely adept at wielding magic and high rank inma born as beings who embody desire and pleasure. For others, it requires filling themselves with pleasure and desire by having sex with their partner countless times, so that they understand it both physically and mentally, and become a being lewd enough to embody it.

Since dark matter is a mass of desire, if a non-monster being touches it, it will immediately penetrate the interior of the target's body in a voracious attempt to erode the target's mana, and since it is also a mass of pleasure, during this time, it induces pleasure and a burning sort of flushing, which is almost like the erogenous sensations experienced by a monster, leading the target to climax. Given that monsters basically use their own body to provide pleasure when attacking human men, in most cases, it's used to pleasure women and break them with the goal of changing them into monsters. Dark matter is mostly materialized in the form of a sphere, which is easier to picture when solidifying mana, or in the form of tentacles. If the caster is able to control it, not only the shape, but also the texture and hardness can be freely changed. For instance, it can be changed into sticky liquid that envelops and binds a woman's body, while gradually continuing to pleasure her, or it can be changed into firm, rubbery tentacles, which can be used to penetrate a woman orally and release condensed mana liquid inside her mouth, or crawl all over her breasts and knead her nipples using the tips, providing sharp pleasure. What's more, despite being materialized, it also retains the true nature of mana which is incorporeal and intangible, and depending on how it is used, it can even phase through objects, flesh, and so on. It's possible to do tricks like breaking a woman by slipping it inside the vagina without piercing the hymen, or slipping it into the womb through the navel to erode only the womb itself, remaking it so that it throbs seeking a man's essence like that of a monster. Even compared to other methods, dark matter is one of the spells that is most efficient at mana erosion. Just by continuously touching dark matter, a human woman will gradually transform into a monster, and if her entire body is engulfed by dark matter, then it will lead to instant monsterization.

Furthermore, due to its very nature, if magic is shot into dark matter, it erodes all the mana and ends up growing even bigger. A spell flung to try and save a woman who was engulfed by dark matter will only have the opposite effect, aiding her rebirth as an even lewder monster.

Since nymphomancy is often autocast according to the caster's desires, when inexperienced casters create dark matter, it sometimes starts moving automatically, and the caster herself is dragged in and violated by it. But there are also those who try to take advantage of this to live while constantly immersing themselves in pleasure by sitting astride a sphere made up of dark matter, or shrouding their body in tentacles made from it.

“Kuroferuru”, the black goat of dark sludge, who is the seeker of nymphomancy, is also one of them. She invariably grants those who become witches of her sabbath “black goat's blessing”, which makes it so that their mana keeps unconsciously materializing as dark matter. Thus, every witch of black goat Sabbath is always being forced to conjure as much dark matter as she possibly can and cover her body in it. The size of the dark matter is indicative of the amount of mana she possesses, and the degree to which she can control it is indicative of her magical talent. Naturally, almost all inexperienced witches are unable to control it, so the dark matter “moves according to their desire”, and they wind up having their own body continuously toyed with and violated by it, but they're able to continually immerse their body and mind in “pleasure” and “desire”, which is viewed as important for using dark matter, and at the same time, by continuing to constantly materialize and employ condensed mana, they are able to unconsciously imprint themselves with the method to materialize it, and that itself makes it effective training for controlling dark matter. Plus, the power of nymphomancy increases the more the mind melts with pleasure, so we can say it is extremely logical for those who wield nymphomancy.

“Expose your desire and lay it bare.

Let it be known far and wide that you are a slave to base pleasure.

Our sorcery exists precisely beyond the point of falling.”

~”Kuroferuru”, the black goat of dark sludge~

“Dark matter” by the baphomet “Kuroferuru”, the black goat of dark sludge.


Translation Note

*魔泥 madoro is actually just another term for dark matter, so it's probably better to call the last part of Kuroferuru's title something like “dark sludge” rather than “devil mud”.

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

Pink breath that provides the target with euphoria. Imbuing breath with mana transforms it into excessively sweet pink breath that is effective when blown on foes. This spell is an act of “sharing happiness” on the part of the inma. The euphoria that the target receives is a portion of the bliss that the caster acquired by spending her days having sex with her husband.

This spell strictly doesn't provide pleasure directly, but the euphoria a monster can experience by having sex with her husband is so tremendous that it's beyond human comprehension, and as a result, the target will end up climaxing repeatedly regardless of the fact that she hasn't been sexually stimulated. Due to its very nature, the effect of this spell increases the more the caster herself has experienced great bliss, i.e., the more she knows the joy of living with her spouse and making love with him. For instance, if the target is given the bliss of the moment when the caster was first joined with the partner she had been longing for, which is one of a monster's most blissful experiences, then the tremendous euphoria will make the target gush like a monster in heat, and the heat in her womb won't subside until she obtains that pleasure again. Additionally, if the caster is an ex human who has experienced monsterization, then she can also induce the feeling of ecstasy and liberation from then in the target, and she will practically shake in anticipation of her transformation into a monster. Before long, she will come to know that joy firsthand.

The euphoria induced by this spell feels just as if it were actually experienced by the target herself. Thus, she can never get the blissful memory out of her head. Instead, as time passes, what was supposed to be the caster's bliss, becomes the target's, and in her memory, she gradually replaces the caster with herself, and replaces the man that the caster was having sex with with the man she has feelings for. It eats away at the target just like a slow acting poison. Since the nature of this spell is to share a portion of the bliss that the caster herself actually experienced instead of just randomly providing euphoria, the target is able to grasp upon what basis that euphoria is produced. In other words, the target will know that it's something that can never be obtained just from mere sexual pleasure, drugs, etc., and that she will never be able to experience it ever again so long as she remains human. Also, since this bliss is “a woman's happiness”, so to speak, it generally has very little effect when used on men. Nevertheless, in the case of men who have the nature of an “alp (Encyclopedia I – p.108)”, a being which is a man turned succubus, it will awaken the inner self that longs for happiness as a “woman” attained from sleeping with the man she loves, being impregnated, and carrying offspring.

Furthermore, this is also one of the comparatively new spells created after the dawn of the new mamono lord's era since inma only started being able to experience intense bliss from sex with their partners after monsters assumed their present womanly forms.

“Quite pleasant, isn't it? This is what awaits you after dropping your sword... after falling as a monster with him...♥"

~a succubus corrupting a female knight~


Translation note:

*Every instance of “breath” actually corresponds to 吐息 toiki a word which matches up with “sigh” in most of its senses, but is also used to describe breath when deliberately blowing on someone to tempt her.

Doing that wouldn't be referred to as sighing in English, so changing it to “breath of ecstasy” seems prudent.

Difficulty: Not Stated

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that forces the target to obey with pleasure. It is one of the spells that once made inma dreadful horrors to humans when they used to fight monsters in the age of the former mamono lords. The spell is invoked by having intense sex with the target, enthralling him with inma pleasure, and along with that, binding a powerful contract which would state, “the target will be pleasured by the caster if he takes the specified action.” Those who have become enthralled by inma pleasure prioritize obtaining more of it over all else, and become willing to do anything to get it, so the caster is able to control their actions as she pleases. It is said that with this spell, the inmas of the age of the former mamono lords used the humans under their domination to set traps to destroy humanity, and carry out sinister plans given to them by the mamono lord. Thus, it is an extremely terrifying spell, but it no longer exists in the present due to various reasons, and the spell has now been lost.

There are various reasons why it has been lost, but it mainly has to do with the changes in monster ecology, monster thinking, and the alteration of the nature of mamono mana. In particular, a direct factor is that the invocation of nymphomancy spells is based on the caster's “desire”, and spells that run contrary to that desire cannot be used. “Sex” and “pleasure” were nothing more than a means of attacking and preying upon their human male victims to the inmas of the age of the former mamono lords. That's why they were able to mercilessly use “contract of obedience” for their villainy in the ways that they used to. On the other hand, to the inmas of the present, “sex” and “pleasure” are not just a means of obtaining essence. Instead, intercourse is the most powerful expression of their love for their partner, and pleasure is something to drown in together. While they give it to their husband so that he feels good and is pleased with them, they themselves also enjoy receiving the pleasure given to them by him. What's more, to inmas, sex is fundamentally something that they want “immediately all the time.” As far as they're concerned, they want to be getting off on pleasure provided by their husband at every given moment. Therefore, the act of attaching conditions to sex would just be tedious and idiotic to inmas precisely because of how badly they want their husband, and thus, they are no longer able to use “contract of obedience” since it is greatly detached from the “desire” they embrace.

Furthermore, “demons”, which are the fiends who used to lead humans to destruction, are still fussy about their time-honored fiendish ways even now. They corrupt men and propose contracts “promising eternal pleasure in exchange for offering up everything to them.” And yet, still, for a man to offer up “everything”, means for him to stay beside the demon and live with her, direct his pleasure and lust towards the demon, seek pleasure from the demon's body, pour his essence inside the demon, and impregnate her. Ultimately, a demon's contract boils down to “a promise of eternal pleasure by becoming her spouse for eternity”, which is something close to a human “marriage contract”. It is similar to, yet different from a “contract of obedience.”

Also, another big factor is that mamono mana, which exhibits more power if used in accordance with desire, is, on the other hand, endowed with an extremely high resistance against spells which force someone to do “something that is contrary to desire”. In the present era, the men enthralled by inma pleasure who would be targeted by “contract of obedience”, are in other words, those who have already had sex with inma and become their husbands. They may already be incubi, but even if they aren't yet, they would still at least have mamono mana in their bodies. Due to the resistance conferred by mamono mana which blocks magical effects that greatly contravene men's desires, nobody would try a method like “making him ambush his fellow human allies in exchange for pleasure”, and even if they did, it would have absolutely no effect. In this way, it's not that “contract of obedience” “can't be used because it was lost”, it's that it's a spell that “was lost because it can't be used” in any conceivable manner.

“All right, let's scrub your body in the bath before that, 'kay♥

And then, I'll make you feel real good♥ It's a promise with onee-san...♥”

~a nominal “contract of obedience” by a demon~

Monsters have extremely high resistance to things such as hypnotic suggestions that run contrary to their desires due to the nature of mamono mana, which rejects that which isn't in accordance with desire. For example, even the kind of spells that would alter the essence of desire itself or cause a monster to mistake who her husband is are unable to manipulate the desire which is engraved in a monster's soul and instinct, so they will prove ineffective. Sometimes, it does look as though it actually worked, but in such cases, it's probably just that the hypnotic suggestion happened to align with the desire of the monster herself, so it was interpreted in a convenient manner.

For instance, here are some precedents that have actually occurred. Even if one were to hypnotize a monster to believe “you are an assassin going after your husband's life”, it would result in the creation of an assassin who can only choose love with the target, being unable to take his life. Even if one were to cause a monster to “mistake that her husband is a different man”, it would just result in her roleplaying the scenario of forbidden love with a man who isn't her husband with her actual husband, and after enjoying sex in a fresh situation for a while, she would easily revert to normal in the end. Furthermore, the same can be said of men who have become husbands of monsters, since they also have mamono mana inside them.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell for hiding the distinguishing features of a monster such as horns, tail, etc. and mimicking the appearance of a human woman. “Harpies (Encyclopedia I)”, who have bird wings instead of arms, can transform their wings into human arms with this spell, and “mermaids (Encyclopedia I)” who have a fish tail for a lower half, can also transform it into human legs with this spell, enabling activities on land.

All of the monsters of the present are closer in appearance to humans because they are endowed with the nature of an inma, so this spell is highly suitable for all of them, and many monsters have used it to slip into human nations and pursue men. The external appearance is all that can be changed, and mana, behavior, and so forth, cannot be disguised. In the case of races that don't have human legs, sometimes they even walk unsteadily until they get used to them. Most humans won't catch on to their true nature since they can have looks that appear perfectly human. But in some cases, those such as people with good intuition, who are extremely rare, and skilled magicians can sense that there is something off about their mana. Since monsters have an excellent mana sense, a monster would realize right away that she's dealing with a monster like herself even if that monster had changed into a human using a “anthropomorphosis spell”, but among races who specialize in this spell, and superior casters, there are also those who can disguise even their presence and mana as human and do it well enough to deceive even monsters.

One cannot change into whatever form she pleases using this spell. The caster's looks basically remain the same, but her monster traits are swapped with human traits, for instance: inhuman skin color changes to be the same color as human skin, parts that humans don't have such as horns, tail, etc. are hidden, the monstrous lower half changes into human legs, and so on. Despite the assumption of a human appearance, superhuman beauty and charm is retained, spells including “seduction spell” can be used, as well as a monster's special characteristics, so she can seduce human men no problem; however, the “anthropomorphosis spell” will break should the caster receive intense pleasure or ecstasy unless she has an extremely high aptitude for the spell or is a skilled caster. Thus, it's basically impossible to maintain this spell while engaged in copulation with a man, and even just being head patted by a man results in so much ecstasy that it may sometimes cause the ears, tail, etc. to inadvertently appear, but being in such a situation means that she's already charmed the man and stolen his heart, or that she's already brought him back to her bedroom and become physically intimate with him, or maybe even that they're already right in the middle of sex, so in such cases, it usually isn't a problem since the man would have already been made to taste the pleasure of the monster's body firsthand. In fact, if anything, revealing one's true form from human form mostly enthralls a man's heart even more as the lewd, bewitching, devilish charm of a monster is in full force in her original form, and the transformation accentuates it.

The inma of yore used to use a more advanced transformation spell of the same school to change themselves into the ideal women of the men who were their prey, but unlike the inma of yore who only sought men as “fodder to be consumed in a single night”, the inmas of the present seek men as “partners for life”, so it would be meaningless to charm men in a makeshift form. Naturally, this spell stopped being used as a result.


I-If I'm forced to swallow... this stuff, then... ♥,

It's delicious. I feel light-headed, and it's all coming out...♥”

~a werewolf whose true form was revealed while fellating a man ~

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A spell that transforms the targeted human female or monster into a little girl. This secret art of “Sabbath” causes the target to rejuvenate to the point of having the form of a little girl by reversing the flow of mana, and it stops growth, fixing her in that state. It is an extremely difficult spell that requires abstruse and delicate manipulation of mana, but “baphomets” are innately able to use it.


It is only the woman's outward appearance that is rejuvenated. Her mental state and abilities remain the same. Despite the body growing small, it doesn't reduce physical abilities, and there is no change in mana capacity either. The woman's memories and personality basically remain as is, but humans often become mentally worn out over years of aging, or they may have developed an overly inflated sense of pride or shame, and in the case that such attributes are damaging to the appeal of a childish form, the caster may optionally add in an extra effect that soothes the heart and melts it, restoring the heart to the state of a pure young child so that the girl can honestly seek the affection of “onii-chan”. Also, since the spell involves the target's mana being deeply interfered with and manipulated by baphomet mana by its very nature, when human women are rejuvenated by a baphomet, they will invariably be transformed into monsters that are minions of baphomet such as “witches (encyclopedia I – p.182)”, etc. Changing from human to monster means that a woman won't revert back into her original younger self, but will instead assume an even lovelier and more beautiful form as a little monster girl, which not only arouses the protective instincts of men, but even sparks depraved passion in them, and awaken to the inma's power to seduce men with “extreme youth”. The target won't grow any more than that after having her form fixed in a rejuvenated state. This spell is something that remakes the target's very being so that she has a younger form, rather than something that temporarily grants a younger form, so spells that dispel magic such as “spell break (p.45)” have no effect, and the spell is pretty much irreversible.

As part of Sabbath's canvassing activities, “one day trial” pedomorphosis spells are also used. Strictly speaking, these operate on an entirely different principle than the previously discussed “pedomorphosis spell”. Much like the “spell of anthropomorphosis (p. 58)”, etc., the spell just temporarily changes the target to a younger form. Hence, the rejuvenation effect will wear off, and the woman will revert to her original form in due time, and it can also be dispelled with “spell break”.

Furthermore, it doesn't change women into monsters, so it's possible to rejuvenate them while still human; however, it is still a spell that uses mamono mana, so while the effect is active, there will be mamono mana inside the target's body. The amount of mamono mana typically used for this is low enough to not cause monsterization, but even with just that, it causes increased lust, mental exaltation, and the flushing and throbbing of the body, which may make the target become aggressive towards men like a monster. If she copulates with a man while under the spell's effects, then taking in a man's mana will cause the mamono mana being used by the spell to swell up resulting in a transformation into a young little monster girl in the same manner as the original pedomorphosis spell.

“Kukuku... Behold the sight of yourself reborn... You've got a lovely yonge body which truly shines with depravity♥”

~a baphomet baptizing a new witch~


Translation notes:

Its worth noting that "pedo" is just one way of translating the Japanese term 幼化 (which can refer to small size as well as young age).

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A spell that transforms little girls into adults. This abhorrent heretical curse is an unforeseen byproduct of the process of Sabbath's research into the “pedomorphosis spell (p. 59)” which causes a little girl to grow until she's roughly the age of an onee-san and then fixes her form in that state. It works by hastening the flow of the target's mana. Even races originally lacking an adult form who typically remain physically the same as when they were very young can be made to grow up using this spell. Since it is the antithesis of “pedomorphosis spell”, it can cancel out its effects which would normally be irreversible by making the target grow into the form of an onee-san. Conversely, “pedomorphosis” can also cancel out the effects of “megamorphosis”, which are otherwise irreversible, and rejuvenate the target back into a little girl.

The nature of this spell is also similar to pedomorphosis. The target only grows up physically, but remains the same psychologically; however, when a little girl of a low age is made to grow up, her physical abilities also increase to match her external appearance. Since her mannerisms and speech patterns remain childish, there tends to be a mismatch between her outward appearance and her psychological state. But despite her mental immaturity, the woman's body will naturally exude a charm that entices men since growth was spurred by mamono mana. Moreover, after being granted a mature womanly body by this spell, even an originally introverted little girl will be full of sexual desire and start to recognize human males as “men” regardless of the fact that her knowledge of the topic is shaky at best, and her exceedingly young mind will begin feverishly longing for a man. As expected, when used on human girls, since the spell interferes with the target's mana using mamono mana, it invariably causes monsterization, spurring growth into a gorgeously bewitching monster woman. Furthermore, since it fundamentally works by sort of reversing the flow of mana when using pedomorphosis, features antithetical to “childishness” will tend to become prominent, so the target will be prone to having a bountiful bosom in grown-up form. Not only that, it may sometimes trigger the development of mental qualities such as tolerance and a motherly nature along with the inma's ability to exploit them to spoil a man and melt his heart. It is said that a man who was an “onii-chan” to her until then may even start to look very “cute”.

I digress, but although this is a forbidden art that greatly contravenes the doctrine of Sabbath, it's not like there's any punishment for violating the taboo, so do you suppose that every baphomet must have tried experimenting with it at least once...?

“W-What's this!? They're bouncy, huh!? ...B-But when aniue plays with 'em, it feels so...♥”

~a baphomet experimenting with magic with her partner~

Cast a “megamorphosis” spell on her and even a baphomet who normally has an extremely young appearance will end up this way!


Translation notes:

The word aniue 兄上 = a formal and archaic, form of "brother"; only for older brothers.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that converts spells of other systems of magic cast by foes into “nymphomancy”. The spell is invoked with a short and simple incantation, which can be even further reduced by directly touching the targeted foe's body. This spell can either be used on an opponent while they are chanting, or on the spell itself after it has been fired to erode the mana of the spell with mamono mana and thereby alter it into nymphomancy.

Spells converted into nymphomancy lose their original offensive nature and effects, being invariably distorted to have lewd effects resembling the original. For instance, a flame spell meant to incinerate enemies will have its power to sear enemy flesh distorted into a power that causes enemies' bodies to flush in a sort of burning manner along with euphoric sensations, transforming into “flames of passion”. A “heart-calming spell” meant to clear away sinful thoughts and maintain mental composure will instead be converted into a “heart-corrupting spell”, filling the target's head with wicked fantasies and altering her heart to be like that of an inma so that only indecent things come to mind when she gazes upon the opposite sex. The ironclad rule is that spell's effects will only be based on the original and cannot be arbitrarily determined by the caster. Additionally, the fact is that the target and direction of the spell fired cannot be changed, so even if a flame spell fired at the caster of this spell is converted into flames of passion, the caster will still suffer the attack, only instead of being roasted by the flames, she'll end up being erotically agonized by the flames.

This spell exhibits its true value when used to counter support magic that boosts the abilities of oneself and others. As with the previously mentioned “heart-calming spell”, when ability boosting spells are converted into nymphomancy, it tends to result in spells that “enhance one's abilities as an inma”. And the most major thing of all is that the mana the target used for the spell is completely eroded into mamono mana since the spell's effects are lewdly distorted. In other words, the mana of those who have lewdly distorted support magic cast on them will also be gradually eroded, so the foe will actually end up transforming herself and her allies into monsters and incubi by her very own hands. If a powerful support spell employing vast mana is used, then that alone is enough to trigger the target's monsterization, and if the spell targets many, then it will spread monsterization to all the humans targeted.

Additionally, this spell is also extremely effective when used to intervene in warfare between humans, as one can make it so that humans shoot spells that cause monsterization at each other. Since this spell will erode enemy spells and cast nymphomancy using enemy mana, we can say that if a huge enemy spell is eroded, one can utilize nymphomancy with a tremendous effect at an extremely minor mana cost. The larger the scale of the battle and the more huge spells flying about, the more effective it is. If the sort of spells that could scorch an entire region are all converted into nymphomancy, then it can mass produce monsters on top of sparing the human victims. In the chronicles of war, thanks to a group of inma well versed in this spell who intervened in a conflict between humans on a certain continent split between two massive nations, cries of ecstasy echoed throughout the battlefield instead of bloodcurdling screams, and it was then transformed into a mamono realm by the monsters and the soldiers who became their spouses. It even developed into a new nation according to the anecdotes that remain.

“My body is hot... even though I did it as usual. How strange... Ah...♥

Your member has grown so big...♥”

~a sorceress who cast a spell to “enhance weapon attacks” on herself and her warrior pal~


Translation notes:

A more literal translation of "spell succubize" would be “spell succubusnize”, but it sort of sounds overly clunky in English.

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A spell that temporarily turns it's target into an user of nymphomancy. It grants the target both the needed technique and mamono mana to use nymphomancy, so in other words the target will be able to use nymphomancy. Even those who are unable to use magic itself, or human woman who lack mamono mana will be able to use nymphomancy with this.

However, for those unskilled in magic as well as with human mentality nymphomancy will be extremely difficult to control. It should be obvious, but a target that acquires the power of nymphomancy for the first time will be unable to control it, so it will usually set itself into motion automatically according to the desires of the target. Bewildered by the nymphomancy cast on it's own, the target will be manipulated by the lust and pleasure set forth from it. All this spell ever does is "allow you to use nymphomancy", so in itself it will not affect the body or soul of humans.

However, once the target comes into contact with a man they have affection for, and based on the sexual desires of the target swelling up, the "nymphomancy" instilled into the target will automatically use "Seduction Spell (p. 49)" ect to seduce that man, leading him into having sex with the target. So the target will temporarily be a being that may be referred to as a "quasi-inma". Nymphomancy only ever acts out based on the desires of very user itself, so something like an unknown man being seduced without discrimination will never happen. The man the target has guided into sex will without exception be the partner she herself has desired for in heart and soul, and the pleasure she herself receives will be grounded in her instincts as a female and the lust dwelling within her body. And so, most women will awaken to their own desires while having sex with the man swayed by magic, and they will come to wish that the pleasure and ecstasy they obtained will not come to an end. As aforementioned, "succubus instant" is not a spell that monsterises its target. However, if it causes the target to awaken to their own desires, the moment they wish they were a being that can satisfy those desires, the nymphomancy will cast a spell to grant them that wish, by turning the target into a mamono.

In the case were the target remains human without monsterising until the effects of "succubus instant" vanishes, the mamono mana granted to use magic will vanish, and the target becomes unable to further use nymphomancy. On the other hand, if the target monsterises before the effect ends, the mamono mana and needed technique will take root in the target, allowing them to continue to use nymphomancy even after the effect ends. In the case were they use nymphomancy countless times while having a human body because of this spell, there are cases were they develop an outstanding talent as both for sorcery and inma. These persons, if they change themselves into mamono using nymphomancy, will etch their body with numerous "pleasure runes (p. 128)" infused with nymphomancy, changing their hearts and body into an even more obscene being on their own will, and are reborn as outstanding inma practitioners.

“Ufufu...♥ I wonder if she received my present? In this state, she can do anything...... Ravish him, or being ravished by him......♥ Just wish for it...... and by doing so, the power to do so will become hers”

~arch-succubus teaching nymphomancy to her still human 'little sister'~


Editor's note:

Contrary to the other spells introduced previously, this one's translation was done by Monster Girl Redux user s_Momo. The original translation done by them utilizes [] in the place of "", but for consistency's sake, I changed it to match the other articles.

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A high class spell that wrings out the targets semen together with his experience and knowledge and makes it oneself's, this secret spell can only be used by inma of the highest rank. With this it is possible for the caster to suck out and steal the "power" of the target, which is the mana together with the experience and knowledge he holds, and make it her own by having sexual intercourse with the target. The target will pour his experience and knowledge into the inma as he ejaculates, and after all of it has been snatched away even his very age will be handed over to the inma, reducing him to a baby knowing nothing before long. All of the sucked out power turns into the inma's power, even the fencing skills the target kept polishing without break in order to protect everyone from mamono, even all of the piled up wisdom in order to explain the truth of all the things, all of it is turned into a thing solely for squeezing out the target's semen, it is changed into the inma's charm that drives mad, and into the inma's skill that brings pleasure to men. Namely, if the target is a hero with long military record or a renovated sorcerer, so a person wielding strong power, the power of the inma holding this magic will become high, making it difficult for the target to resist that inma.

In the age of the previous demon lord influential inma used this magic to amass power at infinitum, but non the less, this magic had its nature changed in the current age just like the other forms of Nymphomancy. For the inma of the current age, men aren't just food to be milked dry one-sidedly, but rather a parter gifted to each other, and so the husband's everything is their own, while on the same time all of their own is the husband's. Namely, "level drain" in the current age too is not a "one-sided exploitation" at one's convenience, but had it's nature changed to a magic of "sharing" power. The way the power is sucked out of men remains the same, but it is not snatched away at one's convenience permanently, it's nature is changed into only temporarily borrowing it, letting the inma enjoy sex with that power for a while, and after that the power is always returned to the man. Furthermore because of the nature of mamono mana, the power that has become one inside the inma will swell up even bigger, and so the sucked out fencing skills will be even better, and the knowledge he holds will be even clearer in his mind once they are returned to the man. And so, as the inma and her husband cycle the power between them as a "spouses" sharing of power, it turns into magic mutualy boosting them without limit. On the other hand it is also possible for the inma to lend her power to the husband, adding it to his own power and gifting him with vigour and sexual technique like an inma, while she herself will turn into a state just like a powerless human maiden, so enjoying sex in that way will become a possibility too.

In response to the size of the "power" sucked out, the ejaculation one has while an inma uses "level drain" will be accompanied by stronger pleasure than a regular ejaculation. And as everything is being spilled to the inma, the ejaculation will be accompanied by an illusion of one's very being and soul being sucked out, together with bringing an unusual pleasure to the man, an immoral joy of entrusting everything to the inma, and also a feeling not unlike relief as the inma receives his everything. In addition to this, as oneself becomes empty inside, filled with only the pleasure poured in from the inma and a precarious pleasure from being full with a sense of freedom, men will become addicted to "level drain" As for the height of pleasure being dependant on the sucked out power, namely, if the man's power is strong, then the pleasure of having power milked out by a inma during ejaculation will be high, and if the power sucked from the man is high, then the inma earning it will receive rather strong pleasure from the man. And so, it is not unusual that a hero who trained in order to fight mamono, even after having lost the need to fight mamono from becoming a mamono's companion, will continue to train just in order to maintain that level of pleasure. Furthermore, the power sucked out from a man with "level drain" will be, temporarily, concentrate the inma's efforts in order to change it into the inma's power, and by repeating the sharing as the inma returns the power, the man himself and that power will become influenced by the inma. The man will come to value obscene things, and together with becoming tainted with values close to that of inma by giving maximum priority to pleasure from having sex with his partner, receives skills and physique similar to an inma in order to pleasure females, and there are even cases were he may master "Nymphomancy", which is usually difficult for men to learn.

Taking everything from the target with "level drain" also means learning everything about the target. If an inma without parter should perform "level drain", she will gain deep knowledge about that specific man from taking in half his life into her own body, and if she doesn't avoid attachment to the target flowing in, then the target will be strongly imprinted into both her body and mind as her husband. Also, even after taking him as partner "level drain" will take everything from the husband, making her perceive him more directly during the act, and each time the husbands power, that is, will come to reaffirm just how much of a charming person he is to her, herself having him chosen as her male, and her love and dependence on him will grow even stronger each time. Mamono consider their husbands as if they were part of themselves, as a person to cherish, but by repeatability using "level drain" the spouses will come to sense each other even more as halves of themselves, and there will be a strong sense of being one in body and soul.

“Aah......♥ Your "life" is really tasty...♥ In order to come to my side... and in order for this moment, all the life you have piled up till now is lovely......♥”

~Lilim ushering in a hero into the depths of a demon realm~

"Elzana"-chan, a demon belonging to the "Kuroferuru Sabbath" with great pride in using Nymphomancy during sex, using "level drain"


Editor's note:

Contrary to the other spells introduced previously, this one's translation was done by Monster Girl Redux user s_Momo. The original translation done by them utilizes [] in the place of "", but for consistency's sake, I changed it to match the other articles.

Miracles granted by the gods:


This system of magic is used by heroes and clerics when performing miracles on behalf of the gods. According to the teachings of the Order of the chief god, it is believed to have been bestowed upon humans by the gods in the age of the former mamono lords as a means of opposing monsters.

In hieromancy, divine mana imparted by a divinity is used. Gods offer support in the form of blessings that enable even those other than gods to handle divine mana, which is normally too mighty for the human body to deal with. For that reason, having faith in a specific god is an absolute requirement for using hieromancy, and since it borrows the power of a god, doing something that angers the god will result in losing that god's blessing, rendering one completely unable to use hieromancy.

The spells that can be used and their effects differ depending on which god one has faith in. Basically, they bring about great powers based upon that god's teachings. The chief god has the most devotees, and her hieromancy has the most casters, but since the existence of monsters is regarded as evil according to the teachings of the chief god's religion, as a general rule, monsters are unable to receive the chief god's blessing, and it is assumed that they cannot use her hieromancy. Casters with a command of the chief god's hieromancy also lose it along with her blessing when monsterized, but there also exist other gods that both humans and monsters have faith in, and hieromancy and blessings are granted even to monsters by such gods.

When the chief god's hieromancy is lost due to monsterization, as a replacement, many become able to use the spells of other systems of magic such as nymphomancy or the hieromancy of other deities such as the fallen god, etc., which have similar effects, though lewdly distorted. Also, as an exception to the general rule, there even exist those who can still use the chief god's hieromancy even after monsterization or even though they were monsters to begin with. The strange thing is that although such monsters do have faith in the chief god, it's not that they've betrayed monsters or reformed their monstrous values that put sex on a pedestal, and yet regardless, they are still clearly receiving the chief god's blessing. The Order of the chief god is quietly ignoring this, but the existence of such monsters has led to various theories about the being known as the chief god becoming rife among heretical theologians.

List of known spells belonging to this system:

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A hieromancy recovery spell which can be used with the blessing of the chief god. It is cast by holding one's hands or staff, etc. over the target and praying to the god, filling the target with vitality, healing their wounds, curing their diseases, and alleviating fatigue. One of the most basic spells employing the “chief god's mana”, which has the property of boosting the vitality of all living things.

Vitality is the life energy possessed by living things, in other words, “mana”. The “miracle of recovery” is a spell that works by bestowing a benediction upon the target's “mana production ability” that causes it to surge, instantly resulting in the target's body being filled with mana, and galvanizing the mana contained within, thereby magnifying the power that mana brings about in living things. The target's body is invigorated by being filled with mana, which is the source of the power of life, boosting its healing capacity by leaps and bounds, and resulting in effects such as instantly restoring fatigue or closing external wounds. Additionally, since it also boosts the target's body's resistance, it can also cure some diseases and poisons. The amount of skill and mana required for using this spell is proportional to the magnitude of the restorative effects. In other words, any caster who can use the chief god's hieromancy is readily capable of using it to relieve weariness or heal minor wounds with ease; however, only high level casters can use it to restore vibrancy to someone utterly debilitated or treat severe, life threatening wounds, and the spell's casting time and mana cost both increase to an extreme degree.

Despite being one of the most commonly used hieromancy spells employing the chief god's power, its power is not almighty, and ultimately, it can only boost “the power innately possessed by humans”, the natural healing capacity and resistance of the target, so when humans are targeted, the extent of the restorative effects is consistently subject to the original limitations of the “human body”. That is to say, it is possible to instantly close a gaping wound which would normally take time to heal by hastening the healing process, but it's impossible to heal damage sustained that is so massive it cannot naturally be recovered from, such as in the case of a lost limb, or an untreatable disease that the human body has no resistance against. Nevertheless, considering the vast power of the “chief god's mana” to galvanize the life force, theoretically, it shouldn't be impossible to perform “miracles” such as overcoming a deadly disease or regenerating lost limbs by granting vitality exceeding human limitations, but to enable the body of an “ordinary human” to possess such a strong life force would require “remaking the body of a living thing into a stronger version” which exceeds the scope of this spell which is “to invigorate the power of living things”, so it is treated as a forbidden art by the Order. Additionally, the skill and mana cost required would make it so that the burden placed on the caster herself would be extremely huge, so performing such a “miracle” is unrealistic for both the caster and the target if they are both still just “ordinary humans”.

From a monster's point of view, this spell that boosts the target's innate “mana production”, causing instant recovery, is also equivalent to a spell that makes men instantly recover stamina and produce mana again and again to pour inside of them during sex. The hieromancy that can be used by receiving the fallen god's blessing also has a spell with almost the same effects, but since the fallen god's adherents are mostly monsters, it ends up being used chiefly for enjoying sex with men. It has a variety of uses. Not only can it be used to grant men boundless stamina, it can also be used to instantly boost production so much that the mana overflows from the body, causing an instant ejaculation, or it can even be cast continuously during an ejaculation to maintain a nonstop ejaculation for as long as one pleases. Moreover, it's even possible for a monster to use it for other purposes, such as continuously restoring her partner's mana while he is still human, allowing him to keep up with the monster's lust and keep having sex without resting until transforming into an incubus.

By the way, since it boosts the target's “mana production” by leaps and bounds, it also tends to be thought that the monsterization of women corrupted by mamono mana could be impeded by using it on them, but unfortunately, it actually galvanizes the mamono mana bound to the woman's mana along with it and conversely results in hastening monsterization.

“All right, you've completely recovered. Now you can still hang in there, huh...
No matter how many times... No matter how many loads... Ufufufufu♥”

~a pious dark priest~

The dark priest “Memiri”-chan, a yonge little devotee of the fallen god.

They say she has a habit of performing the “miracle of recovery”, or rather, “kiss of recovery”, whenever lust is directed towards her because she finds it so lovely.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A hieromancy spell that is usable with the chief god's blessing. It is an enhancement spell that increases spell potency, physical abilities, etc. by invigorating the target's vitality. Along with “miracle of restoration (p.67)”, it is one of the basic spells that utilizes the nature of the “chief god's mana” to boost the power of life.

“Miracle of power” invigorates the mana contained within the target's body, temporarily increasing various “powers” that the target possesses. A wide range of powers can be increased, not just physical abilities such as increasing physical strength or enabling the body to move swiftly and nimbly. The body can be made more durable, spell potency can be increased, and so forth. Various enhancement spells are derived from it. This spell is something that boosts the “power that the target is endowed with”. It only further increases the “power” of those who have honed their abilities as warriors, magicians, etc.. It cannot turn a novice with no combat experience into an expert. Like “miracle of restoration”, when used on humans, no matter what, it can only boost “the powers that humans possess”. The power that can be obtained is limited to the category of that which is humanly possible for the “human body”. Unlike “heroic blessing (p.69)”, which is described later, there is no way that so-called “superhuman” power can be obtained with it. Also, the effects are only temporary. Once the spell wears off, power goes back to normal. Therefore, this isn't something that can give your average soldier power exceeding that of a greater monster or hero, but in wars between humans, the presence of hieromancers who can boost the power of warriors and magicians will often be the deciding factor.

In the fallen god's hieromancy, there is also a spell that has pretty much the same effects as “miracle of power”; however, for monsters, it isn't something used to boost fighting “power”. Adherents of the fallen god use this spell on themselves and allied monsters to boost the “powers” that monsters are endowed with, making a monster's charm and beauty more bewitching for seducing men, further increasing the thickness of their sweet odor and pheromones that attract men, and other than that, enhancing a “monster's body”, which is the greatest “power” a monster possesses, so that it becomes even more pleasurable for men. In addition to that, by casting this spell on male targets, “the ability to reproduce”, one of the “powers” that humans are endowed with, can be boosted, making the penis swell bigger and harder, lust can be made to overflow so much so that the ability to reproduce is boosted with the intention of directing it at the caster, and as usual, it can be used to obtain a man and enjoy more pleasurable sex.

Furthermore, men whose mana has been invigorated and made to overflow by this spell will appear even more “delicious” than usual in the eyes of monsters, dramatically increasing the odds of being attacked. Although those who cast this spell to do battle with monsters do become stronger, on the other hand, the fact is that they also become ideal prey for monsters. In actuality, it seems that when men's mana, which is delicious even normally, is invigorated by this spell, it strongly draws out the “umami”. It is said that there is no small number of those who pray to the fallen god in an attempt to acquire this spell so that they can make their partner's essence taste even more delicious.

“God is watching us. You whose hearts are consumed by desire will surely receive god's blessing...
Ufufu... Please become tastier...♥”

~a devout dark priest~


Perentie Note:

For those unfamiliar, “umami” is a loanword from Japanese that basically means a savory taste.

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 3 out of 3

A hieromancy spell that infuses the target with magnificent divine mana, causing him to awaken to his power as a hero. It's an extremely advanced spell that uses vast mana. Only the gods themselves, the angels who are their messengers, and a handful of saints chosen by the gods can use it. The function of this spell is to “call out to a god, connect the target to a god, and arrange for a smooth transfer of mana.” Even when angels and humans use this spell, it is not the caster who bestows power upon the target, but the god, and ultimately it is only the “god”, the one herself who is actually granting the power, that chooses who is to become a hero. Hence, casters are unable to change targets into heroes just by using this spell, as they cannot become heroes without the approval of a god.

Those allotted a portion of the tremendously vast mana possessed by a god via this “heroic blessing” become heroes, which results in their abilities increasing by leaps and bounds. They are endowed with such high physical abilities that it would normally be impossible with only a mere human body. Due to the abundance of mana, they wield advanced spells and exhibit the strength of one thousand warriors, becoming exactly like legendary heroes. There are a number of enhancement spells that can boost magic power and physical abilities such as “miracle of power (p.68)”, but the power that can be gained by becoming a hero is so tremendous that those pale in comparison, and the mechanism for how that power is acquired is also a fundamentally different thing than enhancement magic.

The essence of this spell is not to “augment or amplify abilities” like ordinary enhancement magic, but instead “to raise the limit of abilities”. By nature, all living things including humans have a limit to how much mana they can hold within their body. Ergo, there is also a limit to how much power a human can possess, but this spell raises that limit for the target by leaps and bounds via divine mana, and it can make him evolve into a superhuman being. On top of that, those who have had their power growth spurred by the divine blessing are the beings called “heroes”. In other words, unlike “enhancement magic”, which can only temporarily augment abilities, the power acquired from becoming a hero is ultimately the result of that person's very abilities themselves which have grown beyond the limit after the fruition of that person's efforts and the blossoming of his talents. Hence, not just anybody can become a hero, and neither is their excellence the result of having become a hero. In fact, only those who possess such extraordinary qualities that they can transcend human limitations and those who have made tireless efforts, continuously increasing their own power, can become heroes. In this way, the power of a hero is an entirely different thing than the temporary power obtained by means of enhancement magic.

Since the evolution from human to hero is a permanent and irreversible thing, it cannot be counteracted by “spell break(p.45)”, and even if the hero were to lose the god's blessing, the increased power obtained from having become a hero would not be lost; however, if the god's wrath had been incurred, the god's blessing would turn against him, and all of the divine mana remaining in the target's body would horribly debilitate him, so he'd end up in a condition as if he had lost the power of a hero. In that case, it's possible to recover one's power as a hero by somehow expelling the divine mana from inside the body, or by monsterizing or incubizing, eroding the divine mana into mamono mana, and absorbing it completely as one's own power.

Many of the heroes currently in existence are those who were granted blessings by the chief god, but there are also those who became heroes by receiving blessings from other gods such as the goddess of love, “Eros”, or the “fallen god” worshiped by monsters. Gods make their choices of heroes based on an evaluation of the abilities possessed by the target, the target's mentality, qualities, and so forth, and basically those who conform to the will and dogma of the god sharing power are granted power as heroes.

Also, by becoming a hero, the direction in which power growth is spurred is determined to some degree based on the the god's doctrine and the aspect over which she rules. In the case of heroes made by the hand of the chief god, she tends to mainly produce superior warriors and magicians with the objective of fighting monsters, or superior healers to treat the wounded in battle. On the other hand, the power acquired by becoming a hero is not just physical abilities and mana.

By receiving the blessing of the goddess of love, “Eros”, sensitivity and expressiveness are honed, and one can become a songstress who inspires emotions filled with love and hope in people, able to revitalize people's hearts just by singing, and worshipers of “Hephaestus”, the god of smithing, acquire superhuman concentration and surgical precision, becoming craftsmen who create weapons and armor that are even favored by the gods. Such individuals are also “heroes” blessed by the gods. However, in human society, the term “hero” is only used to describe “heroes who have received the blessing of the chief god and fight monsters”. Artists, craftsmen, and so on, who aren't involved in fighting are not treated as heroes regardless of whether they have the power of a hero or not. Also, of course, incubi and monsters who have received the blessings of gods who favor monsters are not treated as heroes either.

Furthermore, in the case of the chief god, the birth of most heroes is also accompanied by an oracle or a hero ordination ceremony performed by the Order, and even when such functions are skipped and the god directly confers power upon heroes, the god's voice instructs the heroes themselves about their mission in most cases, so most of the chief god's heroes are self-aware of the fact that they are heroes.

On the other hand, as for the other gods, if it seems that a human they're interested in “is about to reach the limit of what is humanly possible should the current course of growth continue”, they may sometimes awaken that person's power as a hero without any ceremony or divine revelation, and in such cases, that person will usually not be self-aware of the fact that he had become a hero.

“In the name of god, let us confer heroic power upon thee.
And by god's commandment, I shall constantly be with thee...
Always... No matter what the time...♥”

~a valkyrie who guideth a hero~

The presence of heroes is one of the greatest military assets of the Order of the chief god, and sometimes exceedingly powerful “heroes” even end up as national icons. Naturally, even on the monster side, heroes are beings of significant importance who should be watched carefully, but that's not because they are the greatest of the enemy forces. Heroes are “superior males” overflowing with vitality that have within them superhuman mana, and as such, they are mouthwatering treats to the majority of monsters. They belong at the top of the list of husband candidates, and that's why they're kept an eye on. The intelligence corps of the mamono lord's army and “ratatoskrs” are always conducting investigations to determine when heroes are created, where they're moving, and so forth. Even at Library Sabbath, aka my very own “Runya Runya Sabbath”, catalogs of unmarried male heroes from throughout all the world's countries are produced and viewable.

Even out of all the human males, we can say that heroes are overwhelmingly “superior males”, and if a monster could get her hands on one, he'd probably make an excellent partner. Plus, heroes anointed by the chief god are fundamentally benevolent. They're mostly excellent in terms of personality too, having noble hearts full of loving kindness, and therefore, not only are they liked by human women, but also monsters as well. Yet still, “being a hero” isn't an absolute standard that must be met as a criteria for being chosen as a monster's husband, and the reason why is due to the nature of mamono mana, which causes each other's power to gradually swell by having sex. Even if the male she'd chosen were just an ordinary male, he would eventually develop into an “incubus”, which is a human who transcends human limitations just like a “hero”.

It is precisely the partner that a monster has chosen for herself that will become the most superior of all males and the most delicious treat to her. For monsters, basically, a spouse is a being used to empower each other through sex. Ergo, it is not viewed as an absolute necessity that he be “a superior male in his present condition”. They mostly decide the male who will be their spouse based on other values and criteria. Also, since monsters are beings for whom emotions such as love and fondness are directly tied to sexual desire, ultimately, the man they feel love or fondness towards will seem the most delicious to them.

For that reason, even if a choice is to be made between “an average male” and “the best male”, most monsters would choose the average male who they are “somehow fond of”. If there is an average male with whom a monster has deepened exchanges and “the best male” suddenly shows up, then a monster would probably be certain to choose the average male. This tendency is even true of the highest rank monsters who seek superior males. Since we baphomets also seek a powerful, superior male to become our “big brother”, heroes go right at the top of the list, but even if we perceive that a man is unseasoned and has yet to bloom, he may still have a chance. Also, it's not uncommon for us to fall for men determined to have a baphomet wife who challenge us over and over without giving up, even if they are completely unremarkable.

In most creatures, there's a tendency for only a portion of males to be popular with the females, but on the other hand, instead of coalescing on a single male, the passion of monsters is distributed over many males, and that is due to this nature. Thus, even if they attempt to use heroes as bait, all of the monsters wouldn't just swarm the heroes. In a confrontation with monster forces, all of the human men, from the knights all the way down to the lowliest of soldiers, will of course be inevitably pursued by the monsters.

All living things fundamentally have an upper limit to the amount of mana they can contain within their body. Mana is vital energy, the power that life itself possesses, i.e, there are established limits to the amount of power that a race can possess. Humans are no exception to this rule, either, and there is a limit to what is humanly possible. Even if one reaches his limit as a human being through effort and talent, his power will never exceed that of greater monsters and gods who possess high abilities far beyond human limitations. But those who become “heroes” and “incubi” are able to possess even more mana. Through continuous training, they can not only acquire power surpassing that of monsters, but even that of gods. These are beings who have had their human “limitations” removed when some factor caused more mana than a human being is naturally able to possess to dwell within the human body. It is as if their “shackles” are destroyed by the overflowing mana. When this is caused by divine mana, that man is called a “hero”, but on the other hand, when it is caused by mamono mana, that man is called an “incubus”.

Despite the distinction drawn between them, “heroes” and “incubi” are virtually the same kind of beings. The only difference is whether the limit was removed at the hands of a god or a monster. They're “heroes” because they fight with the chief god's blessing, and they're “incubi” because they're monsters' husbands. They can be differentiated in such fashion by where their allegiances lie, but no matter what method of biological classification is used, it is impossible to draw a clear distinction between the two. There is a method of distinguishing them based on their differing abilities and whether they possess divine mana or mamono mana within their bodies, but neither is sufficient for accurate classification. Basically, heroes, who are beings that have received the blessing of the chief god, tend to have their abilities increased so that they may fight to impose her will; while on the other hand, we can say that incubi are beings who have received a monster's blessing, and changes based on the monster's lust for pleasure such as increased sexual potency and stamina appropriate for having sex with a monster can be observed. However, they are both beings with superhuman growth potential. On the one hand, you have someone who trained repeatedly seeking the power to fight, and on the other, you have someone who copulated with a monster countless times, but they both have achieved a corresponding amount of ability growth, and that's all there is to it.

Hence, for example, if an incubus desired to master swordsmanship, or continuously trained himself in pursuit of power to protect his wife and children, he could also gain superhuman physical abilities and durability like a hero in addition to his superhuman sexual stamina. Then, in terms of having enhanced combat abilities, it becomes impossible to distinguish them from the chief god's heroes who have obtained power in order to fight monsters. On the other hand, as explained in “Heroes Viewed As 'Human Males'(p.71)”, just like incubi, heroes also have superior abilities as males. What's more, heroes granted power by the goddess of love, “Eros”, acquire increased sexual stamina and potency to enthrall their partners, so it can be seen that the nature of their empowerment is very similar to that of an incubus. And in the extreme case of the half god half monster “fallen god”, they become beings who are both heroes and incubi, bearing half divine mana and half mamono mana.

Also, in some cases, there are those who become “beings who transcend human limitations”, like heroes and incubi, even without the intervention of a god or monster. In such cases, there is something that removes the shackles of humanity, but the person himself will usually not even be cognizant of it. The distinction between incubus and hero is made even more tenuous due to these ambiguous beings who are difficult to classify. An example of a factor that could cause this is remaining in lands teeming with mana for an extremely long period of time. Sometimes legends about such places are handed down with claims like “if you train in this land, you can acquire inhuman power”. It seems likely that the source of such legends is people who acquired superhuman power by continuously training in those lands. For instance, in the case that the location is a land teeming with divine mana, then it can be inferred that the shackles of humanity were removed due to the influence of divine mana, and as such, the person would have transformed into a being who is very nearly a “hero”. On the other hand, training grounds where monsters who seek to master martial arts such as “jinko (Encyclopedia II- p. 168)” and “hinezumi (Encyclopedia II – p.174)” gather are lands teeming with mamono mana, i.e, there is a possibility that they have become mamono realms. Humans who accumulate training in these special mamono realms can acquire power enough to rival monsters, or sometimes even power surpassing that of monsters. In this case, he would become a being very nearly an “incubus”, but either way, the man himself would be unaware of it, and the order wouldn't recognize it either. He would still be treated as “human” in human society regardless, so long as he was lacking a monster wife.

Also, sometimes the shackles can also be removed due to influence from others. A human man who has continuously been practicing swordsmanship with a “lizardman (Encyclopedia I – p.66)” since they were little will lose his shackles before he knows it and gradually acquire enough power to rival her. Human craftsmen who continuously study with races who possess advanced crafting skills such as “dwarves (Encyclopedia I – p.100)” and “gremlins (Encyclopedia II – p.158)”, acquire godlike skills, determined not to be outdone by them. In this manner, by having well-matched friends and rivals to compete with, as if boosting each other, they can transcend their humanity and gradually grow even more powerful. When men finally obtain enough power to subdue “dragons” after continuing to challenge them countless times, it's also the same sort of thing. It can be surmised that what's probably happening is that mamono mana intermixed during battle when confronting a dragon responds to a man's desire “to acquire power exceeding that of the dragon and make her mine”, resulting in the destruction of his shackles and the fruition of all his accumulated training. In this case too, as expected, the man would become a being that is very nearly an “incubus”, but he would probably mostly be misrecognized as a “hero” who acquired enough power to defeat a dragon by the majority of humans, who are incapable of sensing mana.

Other than that, shackles are sometimes removed from being hit by spells. Rarely, there are tales of those who acquired mana over the human limit by having survived after nearly dying from being hit by a big spell. Also, aside from that, if a forbidden degree of healing is performed using the hieromancy spell “miracle of restoration (p.67)” such as regeneration of lost limbs or treatment of deadly diseases, the patient may awaken as a being that is very nearly a hero. In most cases, the factor that caused the unshackling is indeterminable. Among them, there are those who broke the limit themselves by continuously accumulating training even after reaching the human limit, and even those who are thought to have never had any human limitations in the first place for some reason. As expected, these “beings who transcend human limitations” are pretty much the same as heroes and incubi. The only thing that distinguishes them is the fact that they have neither divine mana nor mamono mana in their body. Additionally, if they were to take divine mana within their body by acquiring hieromancy, or take mamono mana within their body by obtaining a monster wife, then there would probably no longer be any way of distinguishing them from heroes or incubi.

In this way, the boundary between “humans”, “heroes”, “incubi”, and “beings who transcended human limitations” themselves is extremely vague. Biologically and magicologically, they're nothing but “strong humans” who just took different paths to get there. It is difficult to accurately classify them, and ultimately, the current classification is done out of convenience to reflect their origins and allegiances. While they are more or less the same kind of beings, the way that they are treated is based on this convenient classification. Primarily in human societies under the control of the forces of the Order of the chief god, incubi are treated not as human, but as inhuman monsters. In the Order of the chief god, any attempt by humans to uncover the secret mechanism behind heroes, a miracle of the gods, is regarded as an outrage against the gods, so open research is also forbidden. Humans generally conceive of heroes as holy beings anointed by the gods and the Order, while “incubi” are evil beings who became monsters themselves after having been imprisoned by monsters. That's sort of how it is. For that reason, those who transcended the human limit themselves mostly also tend to be mistaken as either one or the other.

Furthermore, all other living things besides humans also have a limit to their abilities and the amount of mana they can possess. Naturally, there are limits for monsters too, depending on race, but in the case of monsters, the “limit” is easily removed by repeatedly obtaining a man's essence, i.e, among monsters, unmarried individuals correspond to “ordinary humans”, and we can say that married individuals who have obtained a human husband and received his blessing, repeatedly copulating all day and night, correspond to “heroes” and “incubi”.

There is a hypothesis once posited by biologists which claims that if one were to possess mana in excess of the human limit, i.e., vital energy, the power would be far too tremendous for the mind and body to tolerate, but it has been confirmed that in the case of sudden incubization induced by being showered in highly condensed mana, the body and mind also naturally become stronger along with the increase in mana, so that hypothesis has been refuted. The following is a speculative theory among heretical theologians: “Humans are creatures who were created with unlimited growth potential in mind from the very beginning. To become an incubus or a hero is not to transcend one's humanity, but to assume one's rightful original human form. Isn't the present condition of humanity in fact the result of some sort of limit being imposed on us?“

Since the previous hypothesis has been refuted, and there is the existence of those who overcome human limitations without the intervention of monsters or gods, it lends credence to this theory. On top of that, the author will add in her own theory too, but the fact that the effects of “miracle of recovery”, “miracle of power”, and so on, are confined to what is “humanly” possible, regardless of the fact that they can theoretically produce even greater effects, may not be due to the caster lacking the required abilities or mana amount. Instead, it really does seem likely that some sort of “limit” has been put on spells and blessing granted by the gods.

▼A diagram showing the relationship between heroes and incubi using a human man as an example.


the ordinary human barrier

the limit of the amount of mana possessable



Breaking the limit of the amount of mana possessable!






※It's a rare case.

is joined with a monster♥

魔物の魔力をうける. 女の子になりたい♥. 好きな男の子がいる♥
Receives mamono mana. Wants to be a girl. Has a boy that he likes.

Supplementary Information from KC's Twitter:

>Although many of you may already know this, this talk is about what it is like to turn into "Heroes" or "Incubi".

>These terms refer to condtion where an ordinary human has their 'limits as a human' removed by receiving tons of mana by various reasons. Think of it like having your level caps removed in RPGs.

>Incubi and Heroes are the same thing in principle; their only difference the nature of their mana recieved: whether it was from Gods or from MGs.

>Heroes and Incubi have great amount of mana stored in them, so their basic physical stats are very high, (For example, you can get things like HP +1000, Def +500, ability to endure critical blows and stay at 1 HP etc, etc.)

>But they only had their level caps removed, meaning you don't get automatically strong in battles just beacuse you have become a Hero or get to be good in sex just because you have become an Incubus.

>The apparent power of Heroes are actually from their trainings all paying off at once when blessed. This is because by removing the level cap, the stacked-up EXPs from their trainings made their level jump.

>This means if you did not go through any trainings beforehand, even if you get blessed, only your basic physical stats will go up and you will not get that strong. Think of it like those Lv.1 Heroes.

>Only by leveling up by going through trainings you can become strong in inhuman levels.

>So, in theory, anybody can become a Hero if you get blessed and receive mana from God. But since getting actually strong solely relies on your efforts to overcome human limits, there only exists a handful of Heroes.

>This in other words mean there can be ordinary people who are actually a Hero.

>On the other hand, you normally become an Incubus by having a repeated sex with MGs. This means your EXPs in sex will stack up and once your level caps are removed by becoming an Incubus your level of abilities related to sex will jump, for example like ability to give pleasure to MGs or receiving pleasures from MGs.

>How much you can cum or how long you can maintain erection does rely somewhat on your sex levels but they are mainly based on your basic physical stats. So if one were to become Incubus too fast, like for example by some potions or magics from Succubi, it is very likey that they will be befuddled by their state where they can't just stop cumming and their erections not going away thus losing control and just giving into the pleasure.

>Also, since amount of cum relies on basic physical stats, it seems Heros can also cum a lot more than ordinary people, too. Though not on the level of Incubi.

>This sums up the part of battles and sex. But there are other areas as well where you can break limit by becoming a Hero or Incubus.

>Since the areas where its level caps were removed by Gods usually reflect the intention of the God that had blessed you to some degree, the Heroes blessed by the Chief Goddess nearly all have their abilites related to battle and magic unlocked.

>On the other hand, if one were to become a "Hero" by the blessings of the God of Art, they can create masterpiece paintings or songs that are so magical people can be overwhelmed by emotions just by taking a glimpse of it. Or if one were to blessed by the God of Knowledge, they can become scholars with inhuman capabilities like ablity to process things inside their head with computer-like speed.

>These blessings from 'minor Gods' tends to be given out unknowingly and doesn't involve grandiose rituals usually seen when Chief Goddess gives her blessings so people often don't recognize Heroes who were born this way, even including the ones who have been blessed.

>In Incubi's cases, however, they usually have abilities related to sex break limit because of the way they were born, but since their creation doesn't carry any deity's intentions it is possible for them to be on superhuman level in any area they like, provided they put enough effort in it.

>An artist who were able to fully display their talent by becoming a Hero or an artist who did the same by becoming an Incubus. If they both put the similar efforts in, it would be impossible to tell who is a Hero or who is an Incubus, except checking for what kind of mana they possess or whether or not they have a MG for a waifu. Of course, it is always possible that one can be both Hero and Incubus as well.

>Also, among Heroes, the ones blessed by Eros have their abilities related to courting and their charisma unlocked, and the ones blessed by Fallen Gods have their sex abilities unlocked so it is very hard to tell the difference between them and an anctual Incubus

>Next are Incubi's lifespans. Their increase in lifespan has actually nothing to do with being an Incubus per se, just having a high level of mana making you live long.

>The reason why Incubi's lifespan become simliar to that of their waifus' is because by having a lot of sex with them, their manas fuse and combine, becoming inflated and then proceeding to circulate around them. (By this,) Husband's everything becomes MG's while MG's everything also becomes their husband's.

>Heroes, while not as much as Incubi, also experience increase in lifespan because of their high mana level. This is reason why you can see sage-like old men live over 120 as if it's nothing.

>This concludes my 20-part tweets of ranting, thank you for listening! This kind of MGE world's basics and mana's basics are all well-explained in MGE WG3 Sabbath Grimoire, so if you are interesed, please read them! [Advertising]

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A hieromancy spell only usable by “heroes” with the chief god's blessing. Temporarily shares a portion of the divine blessing and mana dwelling within the hero, infusing allies with great vitality. This vitality, granted at the hero's command is, in other words, stamina that allows allies to keep fighting beyond their own limits. Not only does it enable chaincasting spells without running out of breath, it also protects the lives of those fighting alongside a hero from attacks that would normally prove fatal to ordinary humans. It's a spell symbolic of the beings called “heroes” who are the people's hope. This spell can protect every ally fighting alongside a hero. However, the more people are targeted, the less effective it grows, so it's most affective with a group of up to around 3 people. In the case that a hero who leads many soldiers targets all of them, the spell's effects do weaken, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's an extremely powerful spell. Soldiers led by a hero will also be protected by the chief god's blessing, and the powerful vitality dwelling within will ward off death and wounds.

This spell is possible precisely because it uses a “hero”, who is a superhuman being, as a catalyst. The true nature of it isn't to “raise the vitality possessed by the targets”, but to convert the hero, the caster himself, into “a being who shares vitality with allies”. The overly huge power possessed by a hero is something that ordinarily can't be wielded by ordinary humans who haven't broken their shackles, but through this spell, the hero and the targets are in a state where they are constantly linked by mana. Control of the power granted to the targets isn't performed by the targets themselves but by the hero, and that's how even ordinary humans are enabled to handle that power. The targets of this spell must be “allies” bonded to each other with a relationship of trust. If either the caster or the ally harbors doubts about the other, or is thinking, “I'll use that fellow”, then in that sort of situation, the mana link will be impossible to maintain, and power cannot be shared.

The mana link formed between the caster and the targets is absolutely crucial to “brave force”, but when fighting against monsters, that is precisely its greatest flaw. If the hero is eroded by mamono mana and monsterized, the mana shared with the targets will also be eroded and converted into mamono mana since they're constantly linked to the hero. The divine blessing will become a inma's blessing and end up violating the targets. If the person is sensitive to the influence of mana, that alone may be enough to cause monsterization in some cases, and even if not, the mana of the hero turned monster will continue to dwell in the target's body, so that even the slightest thing can trigger monsterization. In this way, if a symbolic hero is corrupted into a monster, then all of the allies gathered around her will also be caught in a chain reaction. Sometimes heroes stained in darkness will even go around corrupting their trusted and dear allies into the same kind of monster as them.

Furthermore, this spell increases the durability of living things remarkably via extraordinary vitality, but its nature isn't to actually prevent attacks themselves. For that reason, it makes them stronger against direct attacks by weapons or spells, but doesn't make them any more resistant to the seduction magic of monsters and erosion due to mamono mana. For example, in the case of mamono realm weapons, which have the quality of inflicting mana wounds, the feelings of exhaustion caused by mana, in other words, vitality, spilling from the wounds is mitigated, making it harder to pass out, but on the other hand, the body flushes hotly due to mamono mana entering through the wounds, and monsterization cannot be prevented. In this way, it was one of the extremely powerful spells when used in battles vs. monsters in the age of the former mamono lords when lives were taken, and still is if used in human vs. human battles, but in battles with the current monsters who don't seek to slay their foes, it's no longer as useful as it once was.

Also, due to its nature, when men under the effects of this spell have sex with monsters, it doesn't at all make it harder for monsters to slurp their mana. Instead, it makes it so that no matter how much they slurp, it doesn't run out, so that men last longer, and thus, essence milking can be done without a hitch. It's well liked by monsters, since it ensures that they can enjoy their first time having sex with a man even longer.

“Yes~ Hero-chan♥
'Everyone, follow me!' that what you said? That was cool♥
Let's tell everyone that you've now completely turned into a lewd monster... using that spell♥”

~an arch succubus “heroine hunter”~


Translation note:

"Sakyubasu" is a katakana transliteration of the English word "succubus", but "inma" is a Japanese word for "succubus". Sometimes KC also refers to other fiends such as imps as "inma" too. For clarity, we'll keep "inma" as "inma" especially since the succubus profile notes they are meant to be two different names.

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A hieromancy spell that can be used with the blessing of the chief god, powerful attack magic that eradicates wicked beings with a flash of holy light. It is said that it was once quite potent against monsters, especially undead, *demons, etc., and that it could instantly disintegrate monsters engulfed by the holy light. On the other hand, it has absolutely no effect on non-monsters. Naturally, that goes for humans, but it can't even harm animals or non-living things.

This spell used to be one of the biggest threats to monsters... But that's all in the past. As of the present, this spell is almost never used. Unlike in past ages, the spell is ineffective on current monsters, and that's because even when used against *demons and undead, the worst it can do is “dazzle them a bit” or “make them feel slightly unwell”. Due to this, various theories are flying about among scholars as explanations for why “evil obliterating incantation” no longer works on current monsters.

One is that it's because “monsters have become stronger”. Every current monster, from the mamono lord all the way down to the lowliest ones, can continuously accumulate power by slurping essence from her spouse. The monster races have broken free from the shackles that had constrained them. Naturally, children born from such monsters are far more powerful than the monsters of yore. The creatures themselves that are currently called “monsters” have evolved into far more powerful beings than the “monsters” of the age of the former mamono lords, so isn't that why?

There is also another theory that claims “it's because the chief god has grown weak”. The chief god, who was wounded in combat with the mamono lord and her husband, is still in the process of recovering from those wounds even now. Therefore, isn't that why the power of this spell, which is brought about by the chief god, has weakened?

But there is something that can't be explained, if it's simply a matter of power, as those theories suggest. Once, there was an incident in which one of the most powerful hieromancers aimed for an extremely young monster child, convinced that the spell would prove effective if used while a monster is still weak. The child the man had locked in his sights was also completely mediocre in terms of race and total mana, yet still, the spell was ineffective. All ended safely, with the hieromancer being raped by the monster child and winding up as her husband. If it were simply a matter of power, as conjectured, then the spell should have been effective when used by a powerful hieromancer against a weak monster, but instead, in this manner, the spell is consistently ineffective regardless of the caster and target, and cannot inflict a single wound.

This is speculation on the part of the author, but perhaps the reason may be more fundamental than that. In actuality, the spell has no attack capability. Instead, the true nature of its effect is to “annihilate the existence of monsters”. To “annihilate” living things, especially monsters, which have tough vitality and are made up of complex structures, requires an extremely advanced and difficult spell. It was probably only possible for the chief god precisely because she possesses the power to create life and had created the monsters herself, and thus, she knew absolutely every little detail about them. This spell, which is a version altered to enable use by human casters as well, presumably may have a complex spell formula with numerous conditions and *constraints. In conclusion, couldn't it possibly be that “evil obliterating spell”, which has the power to annihilate “monsters”, just isn't able to recognize the current monsters as “monsters”?

“Oh, holy light!
Purge the wicked in the names of the gods!
...Huh? W-Wait! Wait!”

~excerpt from the records of a certain cleric~


Translation notes:

* 悪魔 akuma, meaning “demon” is translated as demon here, but it's talking about demons in general and not the specific “demon” race, which is デーモン dēmon.

* 誓約 seiyaku, which means something like “oath/vow” was used in the original text, but 制約 seiyaku a homophone meaning “constraints” seems to make more sense in context.


Perentie note:

The reference to the chief god creating the monsters is probably reference to the past or perhaps original chief god (albeit we have no reason to think the current chief god, despite being inexperienced, might not have made some life as well). The point remains that the spell was possible because at the time the chief god was the one who defined what the monsters were and knew everything about them, but once the current Mamono Lord came to power she changed all that.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A hieromancy spell that can be used with the blessing of the “fallen god”, the god of corruption and desire. The fallen god's acolytes use this spell to spread the god's teachings by implanting a “seed of corruption” within the target's heart, and it can be cast simply by touching or exchanging words with the target. The spell is used casually by acolytes of the fallen god called “dark priests (Encyclopedia I – p.208” who lurk in cities masquerading as clerics of the chief god's religion when ministering, hearing people's confessions, and so forth. Additionally, a “seed of corruption” is a portion of the tremendous power of the fallen god, but barely a tiny sliver, so it doesn't immediately exert influence on the target, and therefore, most people will be unaware that a spell has been cast on them.

“Seed of corruption” is a blessing of the fallen god that tempts the target from within, leading to corruption. The small fragment of mana implanted in the target normally exhibits no effects whatsoever, but it activates in reaction to contact with the opposite sex, rendering the target hypersensitive to stimulation from the opposite sex and extremely prone to desire. In other words, it makes it so that even the slightest emotional fluctuation, such as when a male finds a female “lovely” or when a female perceives a male as “rugged”, will cause indecent “desire” to rear its head, and the effects are even greater if that person is someone fancied by the target. The mood elevation, increased heart rate, etc. that happens when in contact with the member of the opposite sex that the target is enamored with become directly linked to the “desire” for pleasure and reproduction that exists at the foundation, and it rises to the surface. For example, even an innocent little girl with no sexual knowledge would end up becoming aware of the indecent “desire” to seek her partner's body and get off that exists within herself. Every time the target experiences desire, the “seed of corruption” literally grows like a plant seed, resulting in the target being tormented by indecent desire that increasingly surges from even the slightest thing. Eventually, the target's mind will come to be dominated by indecent fantasies just from thinking about the opposite sex, and the “seed of corruption” will entice her to surrender herself to pleasure and drown in desire from within, causing her to become uninhibited towards pleasure. Once the target takes the plunge into depravity, the “seed of corruption” sprouts, and the fallen god's mana that used to be but a fragment, swells up and completely erodes the target. The target also becomes an adherent of the fallen god, and if female, changes into a beautiful, lewd “dark priest”, causing even more debauched desires to blossom.

Fanning the flames of desire in people, raising the “seeds of corruption”, and leading them into depravity is precisely one of the duties of the fallen god's missionaries. Sometimes, they use their own body as a receptacle for desire by becoming men's partners to teach them the joy of satisfying their desire, and sometimes, they guide women so that they can fall together with the men they have feelings for by preaching the bliss of succumbing to corruption according to desire. “Dark priests”, who sow the seeds of corruption in people, are also extremely lustful beings. Leading people into depravity is an act that stems from a heart of loving kindness befitting of a cleric, but at the same time, when this spell is cast on men who strike their fancy, it is in fact also done for the purpose of satisfying their own desire to become a receptacle for desire cultivated by their own hands and continuously have essence and pleasure poured into them forever.

“I have certainly heard your confession. In the name of God, let us absolve your sin...
Starting tomorrow, you will be able to become a “different you”... That's right, huh...♥”

~a merciful dark priest~

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

An advanced hieromancy spell that is only usable by high ranking saints favored by the “fallen god” and the angels who serve her. The spell's purpose is to convey the will of the fallen god to the target, and it is used to set the heroes and clergy of the Order of the chief god, who forsake their own “desire” and try to repress it, back on the righteous path of corruption. Exploiting the extreme similarity between the chief god's mana and the fallen god's mana is what makes this spell possible, and it is used to hijack the “link” formed between the chief god and her adherents when conveying divine revelations or blessing them as heroes. In other words, it is a spell which intervenes in oracles from the chief god and “heroic blessings (p.69)” so that the target ends up hearing the fallen god's voice instead of the chief god's voice, or becoming a hero with the blessing of the fallen god instead of the chief god.

Since the voice of a god can directly reach human souls, it deeply penetrates their hearts more naturally. Therefore, the voice of a god is difficult to resist, and even more so if it's honeyed words. The voice of the fallen god can in fact easily lead even exhaustively trained high ranking clergy into depravity. If someone who receives the god's oracles and conveys her words to the laity is influenced by this spell, then the words of the fallen god which incite desire in people and lure them towards pleasure will probably end up leading many into depravity.

Also, along with being granted her power and blessing, those who are awakened as heroes at the hand of the fallen god instead of the chief god have their souls thoroughly indoctrinated in the fallen god's vision of the rightful form of humanity and the world which is to spread the pleasure and peace obtainable by falling to all humans and monsters. And instead of becoming “heroes” who fight to destroy monsters in accordance with a divine commandment, they awaken as “mamono realm heroes” who follow their own desire, spreading depravity to people while also indulging in depravity themselves.

When performing “heroic blessing”, since there is a possibility that the fallen god's acolytes may have slipped in among the clergy in attendance, it is recommended that it only be performed in churches, holy lands, etc. that are concentrated lands filled purely with the chief god's mana where there is no room for the interposition of the fallen god's mana; however, the efforts of the fallen god's acolytes to defile such lands have also born fruit. Many of the fallen god's mamono realm heroes have slipped in among the heroes of the chief god's religion and are secretly maneuvering to lead the Order itself into depravity.

Due to the existence of this spell, it is not uncommon for small churches in small villages to be completely usurped by the fallen god. In fallen churches, fallen angels, saints, etc. elucidate the teachings of the fallen god using their own bodies, and at night obscene festive rituals are performed in which they offer up the image of themselves drowning in pleasure with their partners to the fallen god. The chief god's faith is at the center of people's lives, and therefore when the fallen god's debauched faith replaces it, the village itself ends up being engulfed by corruption.

“I heard the voice of god and learned of the love of the true god. In accordance with the will of god, I *promise the people of my kingdom æternal peace and pleasure...♥”
~the princess of a holy kingdom who awakened as a hero~


Translation notes:

*verb missing

*神蝕 shinshoku is a made up word patterned along the lines of 日蝕 nisshoku “solar eclipse” and 月蝕gesshoku, “lunar eclipse” only with 神 meaning god/deity instead 日・月 sun/moon. Simply translating it as “fallen eclipse” seems reasonable since it's obviously a reference to the fallen god, it seems redundant to add another element expressly referring to god even though present in the original term.

Perentie note:

æternal = An obsolete spelling of "eternal," here perhaps used to make the princess' style of speaking sound more classy or ancient.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A hieromancy spell that priests who serve the sea god, such as “sea bishops (Encyclopedia I – p.116)”, use by borrowing the power of “Poseidon” the sea god. One of the most basic spells of Poseidon's hieromancy that makes creatures “suited for underwater activities”. It enables land creatures, including humans, to temporarily be active even in the sea. Underwater breathing becomes possible, as well as underwater speech, and vision will remain clear even underwater. To perform the “oceanic binding ritual” which enables men married to sea monsters to live even in the sea, the man targeted must be constantly supplied with mana, so it is necessary to keep copulating with his monster wife to be, but, on the other hand, “oceanic welcoming blessing” is usable just by offering a simple prayer to Poseidon.

“Oceanic binding ritual” is a spell with a permanent effect which causes a human man to evolve into an incubus adapted for life in the sea, while on the other hand, “oceanic welcoming blessing” is a spell that's nature is to grant power that enables underwater activities. The effects are only temporary, and it is typically used on humans and land monsters when they visit underwater cities as tourists, when sea monsters bring men under the sea for trysts, and so on. For the purpose of safety, this spell, created by kindhearted Poseidon, incorporates a formula that will extend and sustain the magical effects with Poseidon's mana or mamono mana from the outside. In other words, in addition to Poseidon's mana floating in the sea, contact with monsters also makes the spell's effects last longer, so it is designed so that the effects won't suddenly wear off in the middle of the sea.

For that reason, whenever men visit underwater cities, monsters are inevitably drawn to them. Often, they will try to touch a man's body, or become physically close. There are no ulterior motives... is naturally something we cannot say. If there's a man doing things by himself, then most monsters would aggressively try to accompany him, since for an unmarried monster it's the perfect opportunity to get him to like her too along with the beautiful oceanic city. And apparently, it's not uncommon for “oceanic binding ritual” to then be performed after men are bound to monsters and become residents of the sea. Additionally, the “sea bishops” themselves who cast this spell may accompany men into the sea out of concern for them due to their gentle and devoted personalities, but being modest late bloomers, in most cases, they can't make the first move themselves, so we absolutely want men to aggressively make advances on them.

“Mother ocean, please grant this being a gentle aquatic embrace...
Now it's okay to enter the sea. I'll be guiding you as well, so I am happy if I can get you to like the sea where we live even the slightest bit...♥”

~a sea bishop, a priest of the sea god~

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A hieromancy spell usable with the blessing of the goddess of love, “Eros”. It's one of the most basic spells of Eros' hieromancy, a spell which grants adherents “the power to convey love”. It is invoked whenever the caster “expresses love” though words, gestures, etc., granting those “expressions of love” the blessing of the great goddess of love. The goddess' blessing lets her partner know that the “love” indicated by the caster's expression of love is not false, but is from the heart. The caster's words of love work their way into her partner's heart more deeply, enabling not just the meaning of the words to be conveyed, but even the feelings and emotions of the caster imbued in those words as well. When the caster's fingertips touch her partner's body, it makes him feel affection and kindness, and when she firmly embraces her partner, he is enveloped by warmth and solace, so that even without words, her love will certainly be conveyed beyond a doubt.

This spell is granted to adherents by the god Eros so that they can convey their love even more deeply to the one they love, and so that even those who are clumsy and awkward at expressing love can get their feelings through to the one they love. And at the same time, it's also something that was born from the god Eros' lamentation over the existence of those who falsify love to ensnare others and the resultant emergence of those doubtful of the love of others. For that reason, the caster must truly “love” the partner she is targeting with all her heart. False love such as that of those who feign love out of desire to exploit their partner is never granted the goddess' blessing.

This spell cast by “expressing love” naturally also applies to the sex acts that monsters perform on their beloved men, which are their greatest expressions of love. Everything from the indecent way they move their hands when fondling their partner's body all over, their alluring tongue which thoroughly licks and brings in the penis, and even their body as it shakes on top of their husband, will end up receiving the goddess of love's blessing. Sex with a monster whose body is blessed by the goddess doesn't just bring her husband pleasure, it lets her husband know how madly in love she is with him while performing the act and even how much rapturous bliss she is experiencing from it. Each and every caress from a monster ends up taking on a meaning equivalent to a confession of love and courtship display. The man will end up being pleasured and having his essence slurped amidst a sweet sensation akin to having “I love you.” “I adore you.” constantly whispered in his ears. Additionally, for example, even if a monster wife is reticent and inexpressive, and even if a highly arrogant monster calls her husband a slave and boasts that sex is nothing more than an act of feeding, the “love” hidden within will be completely conveyed to him.

The “love” a monster directs towards her husband is tightly bound to lust, and it is an extremely deep “passion” rooted in a monster's instinct. Like the pleasure a monster's body provides her husband, it is essentially “superhuman”. When made aware of it by this spell, the existence of that “passion” within the monster's heart and the fact that it is entirely directed at himself will clear away all the fear and doubts of even a man who is doubtful of the love of others so that he can drown in the love and pleasure that is provided by the monster.

~a cupid, an angel of love, quietly grabbing the hem of her partner~


Translation note:

*”lover enhance” is probably phrased this way because the verb comes last in Japanese, so it seems reasonable to adjust it to “enhance lover”.

The great power that makes up the world:

Elemental Magic

Elemental magic is magic that controls the elements, which are the energy of the natural world. It's intrinsically difficult for humans to wield the power of the elements, but this system of magic allows for that by making contracts with “spirits”, beings formed of the elements of the natural world. It's possible to invoke extremely powerful spells that control elements corresponding to contracted spirits, i.e., the power of nature itself such as fire, water, wind, and earth, but one cannot use spells of attributes different than those of the contracted spirits.

As for spirits, there exist “pure spirits” which aren't monsters, “mamono spirits”, which are monsterized versions of them, and “dark spirits”, which are even more deeply corrupted by the dark element. The further their corruption progresses, the mightier the spirits' power grows. When forming a contract with a pure spirit or casting spells, incantations are done using a special language called “Spiritish”. Casting works by the contractor issuing commands to the spirit through incantations, while the spirit acts as an interpreter who calls out to the elements of nature, and the power of a spell depends on the concentration of elements in the land where it was used.

Contracts with mamono spirits or dark spirits are formed through sex between the contractor and the spirit. The elements accumulated in their bodies blend with mamono mana, and thereby adapt to their partner, the contractor, just like the spirits themselves, converting into something that can be directly used by the contractor. These elements are imbued in the contractor's body via sex with the spirit, enabling the contractor to use elemental magic without needing the spirit as an interpreter and making it highly effective regardless of the concentration of elements in the land. Furthermore, by spending lots of time together with a spirit, and making love countless times, the powerful bond that solidifies between the two will make it so that they can read each other's minds without even exchanging words, enabling the use of elemental magic with more intuitive control of the elements while omitting the process of issuing commands to the elements by chanting an incantation.

In this way, it is a powerful system of magic, but there are cases when the spirit may be unwilling to lend the caster her power depending on her mood, especially since mamono spirits get sulky if sex is neglected; it normally necessitates allocating as much time as possible to love-making. Additionally, it's terrible for combining different attributes. Not only would this require forming contracts with multiple spirits, each of them would attempt to make her own element stronger to indicate that her love for the contractor is deeper, so it would be terribly difficult to regulate the power.


Translation note:

"Spiritish" is actually called 精霊語 seireigo in Japanese, which is the word for spirit with the language making suffix 語 -go added to it.


The Mechanics of Elemental Magic

In the case of pure spirits:

Stick out!
Gives commands to the spirit with magic.
*Cannot directly issue commands to elements.


Stick out!



Earth Spirit
Conveys orders from the elementalist to the elements.
*Cannot use elements without orders from the elementalist.

aye aye

Earth elements (the ground)
*Since the pure spirit doesn't have very many elements,
it mainly uses magic with the elements in the natural word.

In the case of mamono spirits:

earth mamono spirit
Spirits transformed into monsters have lots of elements.

hands over

They get off plenty together as husband and wife, and she hands over lots of elements♥
The elements are already adjusted perfectly for her husband's use♥

Stick out!


He can use magic by issuing direct commands to the elements he received beforehand!
The spirit can also use magic herself.

List of known spells belonging to this system:

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

“Spiritish oath” is a spell used by elementalists when forming contracts with the “pure spirits” that exist in the natural world. A mana link between the elementalist and the spirit is required when forming a contract with a spirit. This spell, which is cast using a Spiritish incantation, communicates one's will to form a contract with a spirit and performs a mana exchange to establish the link. When this spell is cast on a spirit, a contract will be formed should the spirit agree to it.

The link required to use elemental magic can also be made naturally over time by staying in contact with a spirit. Even without a formal contract, if one deepens engagements with a spirit, the spirit will lend him its power, so this spell is not necessarily even required for using elemental magic; however, “pure spirits” have neither a body, nor a gender, nor a solid sense of self and are therefore extremely vague and unstable entities. Not only do they have unstable forms such as flickering flames or relentlessly shape-shifting masses of water, so too does their very existence itself lack stability. Unlike ordinary living things, their existence isn't firmly established. On top of that, their relationship with the elementalist would also be something vague and volatile, which means that he would have no idea whether or not he'd even be able to borrow power from the spirit until the moment he used elemental magic. Unfortunately, spirits may at times suddenly fall asleep or go elsewhere without warning, so the stable usage of elemental magic would be impossible. That's why this spell is used to stabilize the existence of an unstable spirit by clarifying the relationship between the elementalist and the spirit via giving the spirit a role to fill as a servant of the elementalist. Once they officially have the relationship of contractor and employed spirit, the aforementioned problems naturally disappear and it becomes possible to stably borrow power, although it does still depend on the spirit's mood.

On the other hand, one can form a contract with a “monster spirit” using one's own body to swap mana and establish a link by becoming physically intimate and engaging in sexual intercourse. What's more, the elementalist needn't even rely on this spell, since by transforming into a monster female and obtaining both a body and a gender, the monster spirit becomes a stable being, and the physical act of sexual intercourse establishes an extremely powerful relationship between the contractor and the employed spirit, that of “lovers” or “husband and wife”, thereby enabling the use of elemental magic.

Additionally, the incantation used to cast this spell has the meaning of a “marriage proposal“ in Spiritish. As previously mentioned, this spell isn't absolutely necessary for forming contracts with monster spirits or dark spirits, but having become monsters, they gain a clear self-awareness as women and will acknowledge human men as the opposite sex, so for them, the meaning of these words becomes extremely important. Even when forming a contract with a monster spirit, just like with pure spirits, it is necessary to acquire the spirit's consent, and that's where these magic words come in handy as a reliable method to make it far more likely to happen by sending a powerful jolt through the spirit's heart and making her acutely aware of the caster's existence. Moreover, it tends to exacerbate a spirit's obsession with her elementalist, so the relationship and the sex will easily become deeper and more intimate afterward. Also, if the caster forming a contract with a spirit using this spell is an incubus or monster, by performing the mana swap, mamono mana will be poured inside the spirit, which will therefore result in transforming a pure spirit into a monster spirit.

No matter what, this spell is only a means of proposing a contract to a spirit. One cannot ignore a spirit's will and force her into a contract. For that reason, when forming a contract with a spirit, it is crucial for the caster to have an affinity with the spirit and spend time interacting with her to build a trusting relationship. If contracts are formed with spirits of several different attributes, then one will become able to use elemental magic of the corresponding number of attributes, and if multiple contracts are formed with spirits of the same attribute, then the potency of the elemental magic of the corresponding attribute will be even further increased, so one can increase one's power as an elementalist by leaps and bounds by contracting multiple spirits; however, when multiple spirits are contracted, squabbles over the contractor will occur among them, so it is generally considered to be extremely difficult from the second contract and on.

This is particularly so in the case of monster spirits, who are deeply enamored and obsessed with their contractor. They will practically compete with each other to pour more power into their contractor and prove themselves the most useful to get attention from him, and will at times go berserk, becoming uncontrollable. When the spirits' power becomes too much for the contractor to handle, it will end up being used according to the desires of the spirits. The power of fire will make the contractor's body flush hotly, the power of wind will disturb the contractor's thoughts, causing him to be consumed by maddening lust, the power of water will make his heart drown in peaceful pleasure, and the power of earth will make him produce endless amounts of semen and mana. Those with multiple spirits of the same attribute in tow will drown in the magnified power, while those with multiple spirits of different attributes will just be tossed about by the chaotic mixture of power. Spirits gone wild will drag away their contractor, and he will end up having to spend his life getting milked while having sex with them one after another or all at the same time.

In this manner, when leadership is robbed away by spirits, or rather, sex-crazed monsters, wielding elemental magic will be out of the question. Elementalists capable of wielding high level elemental magic of multiple attributes are extremely rare because they'd have to make love with and satisfy multiple spirits without being dominated by the pleasure and power continuously poured into them by the spirits. In most cases, elementalists who continuously deepen a bond with just a single spirit and master a single attribute will have far greater proficiency than those who barely managed to contract multiple spirits and wield the four elements while being at the mercy of multiple spirits. For that reason, most elementalists usually limit themselves to contracting only a single spirit. The ability to control multiple spirits at will is restricted to those with an exceptionally rare gift for elemental magic who have the capacity to subdue multiple spirits, and those who continuously put effort into extraordinary research. In particular, the total number of elementalists in the world who have subdued all four of the primary elements, fire, water, wind, and earth, is so small that it's countable.

“Wow... How bold♥
That's the first time I've ever been told such a wonderful thing...♥”

~wind monster spirit, sylph~

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

The most basic “elemental spell” usable after forming a contract with a spirit. If one has a contract with a fire spirit, then it will release searing flames. If a water spirit, then it will produce a torrent of water. If a wind spirit, then it will cause a fiercely blowing sharp gale. If an earth spirit, then a pillar of massive rocks will stick out of the ground. In this manner, it's a spell for conjuring and releasing the elements of the natural world corresponding to the attribute of the contracted spirit, so we can say it's an elemental magic version of “mana shot (p.41)”.

The mana employed when using magic is normally a mass of pure energy that has no form or substance. Therefore, when using flame magic with “mana shot”, which is archaeomancy, one must definitely imagine flames and it is necessary to give the mana the nature and shape of flames using a spell formula and incantation. On the other hand, the fire elements that dwell within a fire spirit are themselves “fire”. Therefore, when using flame magic with “elemental shot”, it isn't strictly necessary to imagine flames, and it will already be a flame spell just by releasing the mana. Flames conjured using fire elements are fundamentally even stronger than flames conjured using ordinary mana.

On top of that, since the spell formula and incantation needed to make flames can also be abridged, it's possible to use magic with stronger effects more easily. However, with elemental magic, only the element corresponding to the contracted spirit can be utilized. It's impossible to conjure water using fire elements. Also, spell effectiveness may vary depending on the spirit's mental state and the density of elements in the land, so it's inferior to archaeomancy in terms of stability and accuracy. Since fire elements themselves are settled exactly as “flames”, the caster cannot do something like using her imagination during conjuration to make the flames take on the shape of an animal, so archaeomancy is probably the clear winner.

Furthermore, when the elements of the natural world are eroded by mamono mana, their nature greatly changes, and by the same token, the nature of elemental magic is greatly influenced by the state of spirits, so when a “pure spirit” is monsterized and becomes a “monster spirit”, the effects of the elemental magic usable by the caster will change into something different even when using the same spells. Basically, they become like the attack magic used by monsters. It works more or less as follows: searing flames will bring hot passion that's hard to endure to the target's body and mind. Wind blades will inflict mana wounds rendering the target powerless by causing mana to spill from the body instead of damaging the body itself, becoming non-lethal blades with the same nature as mamono realm silver.

“Ufufu♥ When I think about him, I can feel the power inside of me terribly melting♥
I'll engulf you all in this water too...♥”

~a water monster spirit undine~

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

An elemental spell usable with a contract with a fire spirit. Creates a high temperature space by producing “heat” via invigorating the fire elements that exist around the caster. Elementalists who can skillfully manipulate fire elements can not only conjure flames, but can even freely manipulate “heat” that's invisible to the eye.

Those who set foot inside the space full of heat produced by “red hot fire” are dehydrated, robbed of stamina, and weakened. The area of effect and amount of heat is proportionate to the elemental density of the location where it is used as well as the caster's proficiency. If a high rank elementalist uses this spell, it will create a space of scorching heat that none can even approach save for those who have high heat resistance. Since it's easier to invigorate elements the closer they are to the caster and the spirit, the caster tends to stand right in the middle of it when creating a high temperature space over a wide area, but since elementalists become endowed with a certain degree of resistance to high heat upon forming a contract with a fire spirit, it isn't a problem. In the same way, it has very little effect on those who are strong versus heat such as those with a high affinity towards fire elements and monsters who live in volcanic regions. If the caster is able to exercise more fine-tuned control over the elements, then she can gather the invigorated fire elements around her own body as if putting them on, and with a high heat armor formed in this manner, it's even possible to use it in such ways as to prevent others from making contact, or to defend against water and ice spells.

By narrowing down the area in which fire elements are invigorated, this spell can also be used to provide heat to only a specific target, and it's not just used in combat. There are also ways to use it in ordinary life, such as heating cold soup or heating water. In addition, it's also used in various industries. It's not even rare for blacksmiths, chefs, etc. to have contracts with fire spirits.

Also, instead of using it in battle, it's even possible to use it to energize freezing people by warming up their bodies. In this manner, fire elements may be conjured in the form of flames that incinerate targets, which symbolize “aggression” and “destruction”, but at the same time, they also symbolize “creation”, producing something from heat and flames, and “vitality”, providing the sort of energy that flares up to living things, so they have dual aspects.

The power of the “red hot fire” of an elementalist with a monster spirit in tow is more strongly marked by the “vitality” aspect possessed by fire elements. In concordance with the desires of a spirit who's been eroded by mamono mana and converted into a monster, the space of searing heat produced by distorted fire elements will provide heat to everyone, activating their bodies, and uplifting their minds.

The heat produced by this isn't something an ordinary human body can control. It goes beyond flushing, producing a hot sensation like bursting into flames. The body's movement gradually grows dull, and eventually, there will only be agony. Heated desires and excited urges will gradually roast the thoughts, and ordinary thinking becomes impossible over time. Ordinary “red hot fire” robs foes of strength via heat, but a monster spirit's “red hot fire” is something that provides such an abundance of heat based vitality that it's uncontrollable, which results in the body and mind becoming restricted. It renders foes powerless just the same, but instead of robbing them of strength, it makes their bodies filled with energy and stamina.

On the other hand, since those with a high affinity towards fire elements, and monsters, especially monsters who live in volcanic regions, are capable of controlling the heat within themselves, they may turn ferocious or be driven wild, but their bodies won't be deprived of freedom, and instead their activated bodies and minds will only receive a boon. Regardless of being unable to move, with their female carnal desires aroused by the heat dwelling within them, and men flaunting the existence of sticky hot essence in front of them, I don't even have to mention what monsters will do when their lewd bodies that seek males and minds full of passionate urges are provided even further heat, right?

Furthermore, the caster will be in the middle of this space of scorching heat, so of course, he'll end up being influenced by it the most. Like with ordinary “red hot fire”, this heat won't immobilize the caster himself, but he will receive the boon of having his body and mind heated up and activated most strongly of all, so his body will flush terribly, and he'll be attacked by lust to the point that it's unbearable. Sometimes the male elementalist and the spirit will get so carried away in the heat that they'll seek each other's bodies and have sex, and the space created with the two at the center of it will grow even hotter.

“When I'm with him, my body gets so hot it feels like it's gonna melt...♥ I'll share this heat of mine with every one of you as well♥”
~fire monster spirit ignis~

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

An elemental spell usable with a contract with a water spirit. Invigorates the water elements that comprise the “water” targeted, purifying it and removing filth and toxins from the water.

Water spirits and water elements are existences that symbolize “purity”. If there is only a slight amount of filth and toxins, then this spell needn't even be used. Even in their natural state, water elements have the power to maintain themselves in a pure state at least to a minor degree so that water can dilute and eventually be purified. This spell amplifies that purification by invigorating the water elements, so that the kind of filth and toxins that either couldn't be purified or would take many years to purify if left to nature, can be instantly eliminated. This spell has a broad range of usages. Naturally, it can convert filthy muddy water into water fit for human drinking, and a higher rank caster can even restore an enormous poisoned lake where no fish can live to its clean original state, teaming with life. Also, the “water” targeted needn't be purely water. For instance, the various bodily fluids that make up living things also contain water elements. When used on living things, it also functions as a detoxification spell by removing only that which is harmful to the body from the water within it, i.e, the blood.

Purification performed by water elements is done according to the values of the water spirit which is their embodiment. It's often said that fish can't live in water without a spec of filth, but spirits who form water to cultivate life innately know how water must be for living things. That which is required by aquatic life is never treated as impurities, and only toxins and filth that are clearly harmful to living things can be removed. Furthermore, among the properties held by water elements there are also those such as “fusion”, which allows substances dissolved in water to bind with it, and “flow”, which creates currents in water. Dissolving nutrients, mana, etc. beneficial to aquatic life in the water and uniformly distributing it is one of the most important roles of water spirits and water elements. A highly talented water elementalist is even capable of artifically manipulating the nature of these things. In other words, the true nature of “pure water” is to “transform the water's quality”. That means not only can specific compounds be removed from the water, it's even possible to add specific compounds to the water.

Elementalists who can freely manipulate “water” in this manner are involved in a variety of industries. They can serve as excellent healers, become doctors who prepare a variety of magical drugs, or become professionals who adjust the quality of the water in lakes and seas to ensure that a greater quantity of fish can be caught, etc. Being able to freely change the quality of water means that theoretically it should be possible to poison lakes and rivers, mass killing large quantities of fish, humans, etc., but using it in such a manner would infuriate the spirit, and the water elements themselves would never obey, so it's actually impossible.

On the other hand, the values of water spirits that have become monster spirits change tremendously upon becoming monsters, and the nature of water elements changes at the same time. Since water monster spirits try to be pure and chaste for their partner, they hate poison and filth that would harm their beloved even more, and their power to purify it becomes even stronger. On the other hand, they come to have a lewd mentality as well and delight in having their body which they had kept pure defiled by their partner's essence so that it grows cloudy. As if to indicate this, water elements tainted by darkness will start to actively incorporate mamono mana, maintaining thicker concentrations of it without diluting it at all. If one alters the quality of water using “impure water”, a changed form of “pure water”, then one can dissolve mana in the water that causes humans to go wild with lust or triggers monsterization. While toxins lethal to humans are immediately purified, toxins that transform humans into monsters remain dissolved in the water and are not diluted. Also, by using “impure water” on a living thing, aphrodisiacs taken into the blood stream can be diffused throughout the body and with their effects dramatically increased, and if even the slightest amount of mamono mana is present, then monsterization can even be triggered.

It's a peculiar method of use, but monster casters who form contracts with water spirits will use it to alter the nature of their own saliva and love juice. It's possible to alter these fluids which contain one's own mana more easily and with more variety. They may be given powerful aphrodisiac qualities, or if already endowed with them in the first place, they can be further enhanced. It's even possible to add a variety of magical effects. Monsters with water spirits in tow have all of the “water” flowing within their bodies converted to poison that melts men and makes them drown. When attacking a human man, they'll aggressively steal his lips. Of course, this goes for the saliva poured inside, and in the case of a high rank caster, she can even alter her saliva “after” it has been poured into a man's body. Having his lips stolen by one of them means that he will be dominated by her from the very inside of his body, and as if equally, gently, melting, and as if getting used to it, he'll be stained into a being who is appropriate as a monster's partner.

“...Now the toxins inside you have disappeared.
Anyhow... your water is very clear... I'm sure it'll look very pretty when clouded with pleasure...♥”

~a Nereid elementalist~

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

An elemental spell usable with a contract with a wind spirit. Causes a magical wind to blow that strips those targeted of whatever they're wearing and blows it away. Even a novice caster can easily use it to strip someone of ordinary clothing, and as the talent of the caster and spirit increases, it becomes possible for it to work versus heavy armor, magical armor, magical clothes, etc. as well.

This spell borrows the power of wind spirits, whose existence symbolizes “liberation”, so it doesn't strip away equipment using the physical power of wind. Instead, it produces a wind with a magical effect that “liberates the target from everything she is wearing.” Therefore, physical countermeasures such as holding one's clothing in place with one's hands, or using a belt or metal clasps to firmly fix armor in place, are entirely meaningless. The wind will strip everything right off the body as if ignoring such efforts. Also, as mentioned before, the true nature of this spell is to “liberate people from everything they're wearing.” Its power isn't merely limited to equipment that actually physically exists.

A higher rank elementalist can even clear away the “mana” that the target is covered in. In other words, it can blow away protectors formed of immaterial mana, spells that shroud the target in mana, and even curses, and the like, leaving targets literally stark naked. However, since this is something that brings an end to magical effects maintained by mana by clearing away that mana, like “spell break (p.45)”, the only spells it can cancel out are those which produce temporary effects by covering the body in mana.

Methods of fixing it in place via specific kinds of mana are an effective countermeasure to this spell which renders physically securing equipment meaningless. One is to place a protection on equipment using earth elements, which symbolize “stability”, and exist in opposition to wind elements. In the same way, earth elemental magic has a high resistance against “innocent wind”. A protective wall formed of earth elements probably cannot be blown away. Next, another effective measure is for a human and monster married couple to infuse each other's equipment with each other's mana, or to cast spells on each other. Mamono mana erodes other mana by nature, and it's especially determined to closely and powerfully bind and become one with the mana of the man who is one's partner, therefore it's extremely difficult to cancel out not just with this spell but with any spell. Also, for the same reason, “cursed equipment” which tries to bind with the mana of the one who acquired it is much more difficult to remove than ordinary equipment, and “cursed swords (Encyclopedia II – p. 122)” bind with the body of the one who acquires them, so they are impossible to remove unless caught in an extremely early stage.

Since the spell's effects increase if the spirit's power grows stronger, naturally, if the contracted spirit is a monster spirit, then it will exhibit an even mightier power. However, as usual, wind elements eroded by mamono mana will distort in a manner corresponding with the desire that sprouted in the spirit. Upon being tainted with darkness, this wind which “liberates those targeted from everything” will completely blow away even the target's self-control which sugarcoats her true nature as well as the sense of shame, etc. which covers up and hides her true nature. Some will start to honestly and innocently seek the affection of the one they love just like children, while yet others will become females who fully bare their passion like beasts. After the devilish wind blows, the only ones who remain have their bodies and hearts laid completely bare.

Furthermore, wind elemental magic is generally difficult to control compared to other attributes due to the capricious personalities of wind spirits, and the nature of wind elements, which symbolize “freedom” and “change”, and that's a demerit of this spell as well. The greater the power of a wind spirit grows, the more uninhibited and driven by her own desire she becomes. It's even more striking in the case of monster spirits. In proportion to that, it becomes more difficult to control the magical wind, and sometimes it will unfortunately strip every last person indiscriminately, both friend and foe alike. The free and uninhibited monster wind spirit's sexual curiosity is directed most strongly of all towards her contractor who is her spouse, so naturally, the contractor's clothing, reason, etc. will probably also be blown away along with this.

“The wind feels so nice.
It's the first time in my life that I've ever felt this good...♥”

~the words of a certain young girl at a hill where the wind blows~

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

An elemental spell usable with a contract with an earth spirit. It performs communication with plants and at the same time controls them according to the caster's directives. This is made possible by borrowing a spirit's power and invigorating the earth elements in the earth, so that the through it, the caster's thoughts are transmitted to all plants rooted there. The earth elements invigorated when using this spell bring about great vitality in plants, temporarily enabling the kind of growth that isn't observable under natural conditions. In other words, it's possible to form a wall by making branches and leaves grow in profusion, to extend vines and bind one's enemies, to make roots burst from the ground and wrap around legs, and so forth.

However, strictly speaking, the power of this spell is only something that performs communication with plants, and they can't be forced to obey orders. Getting plants to listen to the caster's directives requires suitable “compensation”, which is what the “vitality” given to plants through the earth amounts to. In other words, the true nature of this spell is an arrangement in which the caster provides vitality to plants, and in exchange, the plants aid the caster. For that reason, basically a suitable amount of elements must be used to control plants. Without compensation, plants will not obey the caster's directives, and the more enormous the plant being controlled is, and the more complicated it is to control, the more vast the sum of elements demanded by the plant will be. For that reason, the kind and number of plants that can be controlled at the same time depends upon the competency of the caster and spirit.

If the caster has a contract with a spirit of greater power, i.e, a monster spirit, then it's even possible to control “tentacle plants”, which are the vine shaped plants of the mamono realm. Depending on the variety, tentacle plants are highly intelligent compared to ordinary plants, and may even be capable of advanced thinking, and by their very nature, they are endowed with high mobility and can freely perform complex and extremely fine movements. For that reason, when controlling them with this spell, the amount of “compensation” demanded will be much more vast. Also, tentacle plants prefer the mana of humans and monsters, especially the higher quality stuff that results from each other's mana being blended together when a human and monster married couple have sex. Being the gourmands that they are, it seems as far as these tentacles are concerned, the plain earth elements that can be handled with a contract with a pure spirit are lacking, so the mamono mana eroded earth elements of a monster spirit are sought after. In addition to that, the contractor and the monster spirit will need to have sex consistently to raise the quality of elements provided to the tentacle plants. If it is lacking, then they'll be attacked by the tentacle plants and forced to have sex on the spot.

“Fertile earth” also effects plant monsters such as “Alraune (Encyclopedia I – p.34)” just as it does ordinary plants. As a general rule, the more advanced the plant, the more vast the “compensation” sought will be, but there is an exception when it comes to monsters. The vitality brought to plant monsters by invigorated earth elements makes their beauty which captivates men even more alluring, makes their sweet nectar which enchants men even sweeter, and makes the scent of their flowers which seduces men even thicker so that it can reach even far away. Being graced with even the slightest amount of invigorated earth elements will help lead to fulfilling a monster's greatest wish, which is to obtain a human male spouse, therefore, it's possible even for casters with pure spirits in tow to get their cooperation. However, since they are monsters, their intelligence and thinking abilities are extremely high compared to ordinary plants, and they are beings that clearly possess a will of their own. In the case of an ordinary plant, it's a simple affair. The plant lends its aid in exchange for receiving nutrients, but it doesn't go so simply when it's monsters you're talking about. Whether or not they'll help out depends on how they feel towards the caster, as well as their mood and ulterior motives. However, humans with a high affinity for earth elements tend to be liked by plant monsters who are imbued with the earth attribute by their very nature, and depending on the case, one may even be able to easily borrow their power, but if one doesn't take things in moderation, then one may be overly liked by them and the caster himself will end up becoming the “compensation”.

Earth elements are existences that symbolize the “birth” and “prosperity” of life. The act of boosting the vitality of plants via earth elements is also equivalent to boosting the fertility of plants. When “fertile earth” is used by a caster with a monster spirit in tow, this tendency is even stronger. This power is effective not only on plants, plant monsters, etc., but also sometimes even on human men and women with a high affinity towards earth elements. In much the same manner that increased vitality causes plants to produce pollen and spurs pollination, it also spurs reproduction in humans and monsters, causing more essence and seed to be produced, arousing the desire to mate, and invigorating the womb so that monsters can get pregnant from it. Superior earth elementalists also often have a hand in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, etc., and on top of that, in mamono realms, they also fill the role of aiding the reproduction of plant monsters. Furthermore, those whose bodies become filled with earth elements after having sex countless times with the earth monster spirit, which is the earth itself, become beings who live rooted in the same kind of earth as plant monsters, and are more strongly influenced by earth elements. In other words, the higher one's talent as an earth elementalist, the more it brings powerful vitality to the caster himself, which will lead to being attacked by an irresistible urge to reproduce with the monster spirit.

“Wanna shoot...? Shoot...♥
My body's purpose... is to raise your seed...♥”

~earth monster spirit gnome~

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 3 out of 3

An elemental spell that makes a sphere of light that also looks like the sun float in the sky, adjusting the environment in the area illuminated by it to be ideal. The sphere of light is a mass of the four major elements. It maintains an ideal temperature via the power of fire elements. The water elements moisten the earth and the atmosphere. The wind elements carry clean air and seeds, and the earth elements cultivate life. In other words, it's an extremely advanced spell that temporarily “adjusts the condition of the world” within the area. Spirits of all of the four major elements fire, water, wind, and earth are required in order to use it. An elementalist with all four of the great spirits in tow can use it even by herself, but since the existence of such individuals is atypical, the spell is normally used when four casters gather with each having a spirit of each attribute in tow. What's more, the power of pure spirits is insufficient for using this spell. To maintain this spell over a long period of time requires casters with at least monster spirits.

By using this spell it's even possible to create a “bright green mamono realm” space which has similar scenery to the human world with a clear blue sky extending, and the earth being adorned with green plants, within a typical mamono realm, a “dark mamono realm”, which has black earth adorned by ominous blue and purple plants and a sky that's dark like night, illuminated by a crimson moon and the light of mana. It's treasured by Sabbath for testing spells in different environments and doing comparative research, for the collection of materials and samples that can only be obtained in a bright green mamono realm, and aside from that, human world crops and plants grow more richly in a bright green mamono realm. Also, since it's possible to minutely adjust it to optimize the environment for raising specific kinds of crops and animals, there are also large plantations, etc. that utilize this spell. Also, a peculiar thing is that there are those who use this spell to create green gardens, including those who develop tourist facilities for monsters who prefer having sex amidst green, as well as elementalists who are employed by whimsical monster nobles.

Also, sometimes there are nationwide efforts to gather elementalists as part of an endeavor to enrich the land. The effects of this spell are ultimately only temporary, but by maintaining it over a period of many years, new elements gradually start to be produced and accumulate as if drawn to the elements invigorated by the elementalists. By spending many hours, it becomes possible to maintain a bountiful land even without magic. However, basically elementalists capable of boosting the power of nature to that degree are casters who have contracts with at least monster spirits, and depending on the case, they may be casters with contracts with dark spirits who have obtained even more of the power of darkness. In other words, if they keep pursuing further natural splendor, they'll end up influencing nature with elements eroded by monsters. The natural end result is that the land will become a “mamono realm”. Since the scenery of a bright green mamono realm isn't much different from the human world other than the fact that nature is more bountiful, many will not even realize that it had changed into a mamono realm, and they'll transform into monsters and incubi before they even know it.

“In order to produce a richer natural environment, it is important that all of the four major elements be present, and that they all be boosted evenly without destroying their balance. Let me describe it in more concrete detail...


…And that's why I believe it may be possible that the most effective and efficient method of boosting the power of nature is to pour essence inside me, one with a connection to all of the four great spirits.

...However, I lack the proper personnel to help me prove it. If you think this sounds like a job for you, then by all means, please come visit mamono realm state 'Polove'”
~a certain spirit scholar's ad~

Ms. Saphirette Spherica is renowned as a spirit scholar. Since the love and attachment of monster spirits is directed mainly towards men, it tends to be thought that it would be easier to have multiple spirits in tow if the caster were a woman instead of a man, but the spirits pour in their power based on monster values so that their contractor can further enjoy pleasure and sex with a man, so the contractor's mind will be tormented by surging obscene desires, and she will have to control her hotly flushing, sensitive body.

Limitlessly massive spells:


A system of magic specialized for casting massive spells with enhanced potency and area of effect (AoE) using rituals. By spending a long time preparing for spell invocation, it is possible to cast a massive spell centered around the location where the ritual was performed. It was created with the goal of magnifying the potency and AoE of existing spells, so it's fundamentally able to be used in conjunction with other systems of magic. For example, “spell radius expanding magic circle”, which is the foundation of teletomancy, enables one to change a spell from another system of magic into an AoE spell just by writing it in. That is to say, most teletomancy spells are, for example, “both teletomancy as well as nymphomancy.”

In teletomancy, most of the time either a magic circle or an altar imbued with spell formulas is used as a cornerstone, and spells are cast by storing mana within it. The most typical way of storing mana within a circle is to continuously chant incantations, and other than that, there are also various other methods that are a bit peculiar such as setting up offerings and magical intermediaries, continuously dancing within the circle, and so forth. These processes are generally called “rituals”. There are both ones where the spell is constantly being cast while performing the ritual, and ones where the spell is cast after storing up power by means of the ritual. Theoretically, it's possible to cast spells with unlimited range, but it would take an absurd amount of time. In the case of a spell that could engulf the entirety of an enormous nation, it might even take dozens of casters years to pull it off. Moreover, it's easy to enhance and expand a spell by making addendums to the magic circle or increasing the number of offerings, and this is also suitable when casting a combination of two or more spells at the same time or casting compound spells.

Furthermore, when monsters perform teletomancy, the most typical and effective method to perform a ritual is to use themselves as intermediaries by continuously having sex with men within the circle due to the distinctive property of mamono mana to inflate by absorbing human mana. We can say that the ability possessed by the monsters of Zipangu known as “Ryu (Encyclopedia II – p.182)” to bring about rain by obtaining mana from having sex with their husband is also a sort of teletomancy.


Translation note:

Teletomancy is based on the Greek word "telete", meaning roughly "ritual, rite, ceremony".

List of known spells belonging to this system:

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

Magic circles capable of “empowering existing spells” that are the basis of teletomancy. Magic circles are imbued with spell formulas for boosting the effects of spells, and by adding in the formula of any spell that one has in mind and performing a ritual to cast it, the effects can be greatly empowered. There are even ones that be used easily and will exhibit their effects just by casting the spell one has in mind ordinarily while within the magic circle.

“Spell empowering magic circle” boosts the actual effects of a spell, while “spell radius expanding magic circle” has the power to widen a spell's radius. For example, combining “spell empowering magic circle” with the “seduction spell(p.49)” that a inma uses will result in a remarkable increase in the spell's power to focus the target's feelings and consciousness on the caster, and the target will become so fascinated with the beauty and loveliness exuding from the inma that it will exhibit such a powerful hallucinogenic charm effect that it would be as though everything else in the world other than the inma herself had faded from existence. As another example, combining “spell radius expanding magic circle” with “breath of ecstasy (p.56)” will result in the pink inma's breath transforming into a pink atmosphere that enshrouds the entirety of the surrounding area, creating a pink world that envelops everything in inma euphoria.

These magic circles can be prepared by the casters themselves, but there are also magic items such as scrolls, mats, etc. enscribed with magic circles in advance. It is possible to easily use these even without knowledge of teletomancy just by adding the spell that the caster wants to use to the magic circle; however, the power of these pales in comparison to those that excellent teletomancers deal with. Not only are they mostly disposable, there are often “imitations” mixed in among these sorts of magic items that will not exhibit the proper effects. These range from duds produced by inexperienced casters, to fakes produced by greedy human merchants, to even items created by Black Goat Sabbath that distort the effects of spells into nymphomancy. At a glance, these magic circles are extremely complicated, so without knowledge of teletomancy, it's impossible to appraise them. For that reason, there is a large amount of “imitations” circulating in the marketplace. If one neglects getting them appraised, then spells may fail at a crucial moment, or the effects of spells may turn out to be completely different when cast.

Additionally, as far as teletomancy is concerned, “foundations” such as magic circles, altars, and so on are in fact “spell formulas” themselves. Excellent teletomancers will devote themselves to meticulously crafting these. Not only do they spend lengthy periods of time preparing complex magic circles and altars engraved with numerous spell formulas, sometimes the entire structure of a building itself can function as an altar for performing a ritual. Indeed, it is not uncommon for the very bases of our Sabbaths themselves to be massive magical apparatuses. Moreover, it is said that some spirit realms themselves are also created as “foundations” for the use of teletomancy.

“Now, let's swear our eternal love and pleasure within this magic circle...♥”

~A “ritual of seduction” by a dark mage~


Translation notes:

"Sakyubasu" is a katakana transliteration of the English word "succubus", but "inma" is a Japanese word for "succubus". Sometimes KC also refers to other fiends such as imps as "inma" too. For clarity, we'll keep "inma" as "inma" especially since the succubus profile notes they are meant to be two different names.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

Teletomancy that creates an atmosphere that makes it difficult or impossible for others to approach. It's one of the most small scale of all teletomancy spells, and it's also classified as nymphomancy. It's one of the spells rooted in an inma's instinct that monsters can wield unconsciously, and it is invoked by having sex with human men.

The spell wards off people while monsters are having sex with human men, i.e., the purpose of the spell is to prevent sex from being interrupted. Essence and mamono mana mix together through sexual intercourse, causing mana to swell and overflow into the surroundings, creating an unapproachable atmosphere on the spot, albeit it does not create a physically impregnable wall of mana. Instead, what it really does is make others feel that “it's somehow difficult to approach”. Ergo, it's not actually impossible to approach, but even if someone were to behold the sight of the caster copulating with a man, she'd soon become unaware of it “somehow”, and it would feel like part of the background. Also, those influenced by this spell fundamentally cannot be clearly aware that they are under its effects. Although it may seem like monsters are sitting ducks while getting down and dirty with the men they claimed as the spoils of war on the battlefield, it is due to this spell's effects that they can enjoy sex without being targeted by the enemy.

A magic circle isn't used for this spell, but the spell formula that replaces it is embedded in the inma instinct that all monsters possess, and it is legitimately teletomancy in which the caster and the man are the intermediaries, and sex is the ritual. The power of “people repellent spell”, which is also nymphomancy that is invoked according to the caster's desire, arises from the obsession and desire of monsters to become completely engrossed in essence and pleasure and immerse themselves in the time shared with the men before them. Due to that, it is a spell usable by all monsters; however, there is an exception in the case of races with peculiar desires such as “bicorns (Encyclopedia II – p. 86)” who long to build harems centered around their spouses, and apparently it may also exert the opposite effect, attracting other monsters and human women who are fond of the men they are copulating with.

When a multitude of monsters uses this spell at the same time, it will have a huge area of effect befitting of teletomancy to the point that it can enshroud the entirety of a village. Villages where many monsters gather out of a desire to spend their days quietly with their spouses without being disturbed by anyone inevitably become hidden monster villages which are difficult to discover by outsiders due to the “people repellent spell” of they who are engaged in sex day after day. It's not even uncommon for there to be hidden monster villages in the forests near human settlements, and the power of this spell is also one of the reasons why Sabbath branches located in human settlements are difficult to discover.

There once was a nation that tried to use this spell as “monster repellent”, but even in the case of a small village, casting people repellent over a wide area with permanent rather than temporary effects requires that the mana of humans and monsters swell by blending together and continuously overflow. Were they to attempt to implement “monster repellent” on the scale of a small nation, almost all of the residents would have to become incubi and monsters, and spend their lives engaged in sex, so it would completely defeat the purpose.

“I only have eyes for you... ♥

You only have eyes for me... ♥”

~a shirohebi dreaming of “a world of just two”~

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A teletomancy spell handed down among the tribe of succubus warrior women called “amazoness (Encyclopedia I – p.104)”. A mighty spell that engulfs the entirety of an amazon village in wild furor, arousing the bodies and minds of the amazons so that fierce lust rages ferociously.

“Day of rejoicing” is the ritual performed during the amazon jubilee of the same name, which is held for the purpose of recognizing and glorifying the exploits of amazon warriors during “manhunts”. Warriors who demonstrated remarkable valor and prowess even for an amazon will take part in this ritual which is performed sort of in the spirit of a dance by flaunting the sight of themselves ravishing the men they captured during the manhunt who ended up as their husbands on top of an altar which serves as a substitute for a magic circle. This spell incites such frenzied excitement in the amazons that it can appropriately be likened with the bloodlust of a warrior on the eve of battle. Moreover, the desire aroused isn't a “woman's desire” to delight in being sought after and made love to by a man, but is instead of the same nature as a “man's desire” to lustfully lash out and violate his partner, dominating her with pleasure to claim her as his own. Despite being women, amazon warriors embrace this desire and direct it towards men. Since the whole point of this festivity is to recognize the exploits of warriors, naturally it is the duty of the village's men to receive the desire of the warriors with their bodies, and since an amazon with her husband before her has no reason to suppress that desire, she'll enjoy mercilessly violating her husband according to the wild furor.

In the first place, the roles of men and women are sort of inverted according to the values held by the amazons. It is the women who protect the men, and they prefer being dominant during sex. Hence, the power of this spell only exacerbates the temperament they naturally possess so that they can ravish the men who are their partners without hesitation and enjoy sex even more; however, the spell affects not just amazons, but any women, whether they be human or other races of monsters. Women placed under the ritual's influence will get carried away in the wild furor engulfing the village and start to sense power surging within themselves along with raging passion. Due to this, eventually they'll be overflowing with confidence as if they themselves were champions, which triggers a feeling of liberation as though the shackles holding down their own power and true nature had been removed.

While observing the manly sight of the warrior women ravishing their partners nearby, they'll start to feel that even they are capable of the same thing, and gradually lose their resistance to lusting after and violating men. On a “day of rejoicing”, the fruits of battle seized by the warriors are meant to be shared with everyone, so men with no settled partners captured during the manhunt are released in the village, and warriors still lacking partners and women captured along with the men during the manhunts are permitted to “hunt” such men. Gripped by the fervent mania, they attack and violate men, and eventually, while riding them like horses, they experience passion and the desire to dominate the pathetic beings gasping weakly beneath them. Meanwhile, the urge to protect men which is crucial to an amazon warrior gradually sprouts. Even one who was originally just an ordinary docile village girl will end up transforming into a fine “amazon” warrior both mentally and physically by the time she has milked essence countless times amidst the frenzied furor of the day of rejoicing.

Furthermore, the wild furor of “day of rejoicing” awakens the nature of monsters to “attack humans” as predators, which is embedded in their instinct. Even now that monsters have come to live with human spouses, as a vestige of their former behavior, most will obtain their spouses by launching sexual assaults against men, but the method of obtaining a spouse has also diversified greatly through the process of evolution. For instance, “holstaurs (Encyclopedia I – p.78)” have chosen the path of living in submission to humans, “cockatrices (Encyclopedia I – p.78)” provoke men into ravishing them, “alices (Encyclopedia I – p.52)” arouse protective urges in men with their childlike innocence, and so on. Even such monsters will recall the devilish nature that remains at their very foundation amidst the wild furor, and they will then attack and violate their beloved men as desire dictates, just like the amazon warriors, or perhaps like a huntress or a beast. I've heard that many monster couples even visit amazon villages during a “day of rejoicing” to enjoy sex that is different than usual in this manner.

“Extol the valor and prowess of our valiant warriors on this joyous day! Let yourselves be driven by impulses to your heart's content, and find the champion within yourselves!

Well... Why don't we show off too... ♥”

~an amazoness on top of an altar~


Translation note:

Brolen noted that there has been some criticism of the translation "amazoness" online. That is it probably doesn't come from the English word amazon + English suffix "ess", meaning "female", but the plural form of the word amazon in French or Greek, which is actually "amazones". Regardless, the text uses "ess" in Japanese, as "amazо̄n" refers to the region, while "amazonesu" refers to the warrior women.

Perentie note:

As a compromise (since we don't know for sure why KC wrote it as "amazoness" in English), I decided to keep it as "amazon" in most of the text while using "amazoness" when the text referenced the specific profile and when a amazoness was quoted at the end, it reads a bit smoother that way too. We can of course correct or change this later if need be.

Editor's note:

For clarity's sake, Brolen is the translator contracted by Monster Girl Redux (MGR) to translate MGE material, and is the one responsible for most of the translation shown previously. Perentie is a moderator on MGR, and is one of the greatest contributors to the western MGE community, being the one to coordinate and raise funds for the translation efforts.

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 3 out of 3

A teletomancy spell created by “demons (encyclopedia II – p. 8)” called “fiends” which targets a human city, binding a pact that offers up the city to the fiends in exchange for prosperity and happiness. Invocation of this spell requires setting up a fiendish altar in the city center or a place symbolic of the city and performing a large scale ritual. It's not something that brings about a radical change like instantly changing the place into a mamono realm, but a vast host of fiends such as “demons” and “devils” will appear from the fiendish altar and infest the city, resulting in the entire city being placed under the influence of a wide variety of fiendish spells. The ritual must be performed by the city's legitimate representatives or a multitude of its denizens. In other words, the fact is that the casters of the ritual are not the fiends, but the humans who are attempting to sell their souls to the fiends in exchange for wealth, happiness, and the like, and it is performed strictly according to the will of the citizenry rather than that of the fiends; however, it's probably not even uncommon for fiends to pull the strings behind the scenes by means such as inculcating a city's representatives with the idea of performing the ritual and egging them on or monsterizing a portion of the “multitude of its denizens” into fiends in advance.

In cities that have sealed a binding contract with fiends via the ritual, various spells are cast by fiends so that humans will be led into depravity. One of the most important of these is a spell and contract that ensures fiends will be accepted by the city. Fiends summoned via the ritual audaciously take up residence in the city as if to close in on its inhabitants and size up their desires, and yet the people will treat them in the same manner as human residents since they are unable to sense that anything is amiss. This inability to experience any sense of fear or danger even despite the fact that the fiends constantly whisper honeyed words in an attempt to bring about their downfall is why no one would ever even think of tipping off the Order or any such thing. And the most crucial point of the contract which is magically enforced is that fiends are given the right to grant the residents' desires. Fiends will react to even the slightest intimation of desire and appear before the eyes of residents. In other words, if there's a man tortured by solitude, fiends will appear and drown him in their love to the point of making him dependent on them, if there's an utterly exhausted man, fiends will devotedly wait on him hand and foot, thoroughly spoiling him, and if there's a man with sinful lust, fiends will gleefully offer their own bodies, receiving his lust in its entirety and corrupting him. What's more, when men snuggle with fiends, the pleasure granted by the fiends can quite easily continue eternally so long as the men wish it to. It's also the same even when human women entertain desire. Their longing for beauty as women, fear of aging, and desire to seize the hearts of the men they fancy makes them suitable prey for fiends who will quickly be converted into monsters with the power to grant their own desires.

With a “fiendish pact” in effect, harboring desire is equivalent to granting consent to fiends. Thus, one will be unable to refuse any fiend seeking to satiate his desires; however, it isn't that the nature of this power causes the residents to unconditionally accept fiends, nor does it compel them to feel fondness towards them. Instead, what it does is eliminate the revulsion towards the beings known as “fiends” that had been instilled in the residents by the teachings of the Order and human society, as well as the strongly ingrained morals that cause resistance to the entertainment and fulfillment of desire, i.e. it resets their impression of fiends to a “neutral” state of neither fondness nor disgust. Ordinarily, since the very presence of fiends and the act of dealing with them is taboo, those confronted with a contract proposal from a fiend would weigh the fulfillment of desire against violating the taboo. Furthermore, due to attitudes towards fiends, humans would be constantly wary of pitfalls and suspect fiends of trying to deceive them; however, under the effects of this ritual, if a fiend proposes a contract, the only things that will factor into the decision of whether or not to agree to it will be one's own desire and the boon granted by the fiend. Hence, the residents will then easily choose the path of pleasure-filled depravity the fiends lead them down.

Since embracing desire means accepting the fiends in this manner, we can say that it could be possible to live without becoming involved with fiends even in a city dominated by a fiendish contract “as long as one were to harbor no desire whatsoever”; however, one would start witnessing the sight of dreadfully beautiful fiends nestling closely to men filled with desire and receiving it everywhere throughout the city. Gradually, the city would become enshrouded in the sweetly debaucherous atmosphere created by the fiends. According to fiends, most humans are creatures that determine their own happiness by comparing themselves with others. Being merely human, when placed under the rule of fiends, for men it is difficult to go without feeling any envy or jealousy at all upon beholding the sight of those who live a life filled with pleasure and ecstasy, and for women, it is the appearance of the beautifully charming fiends found all throughout the city which they envy, and envy and jealousy are emotions predicated upon “desire”. In this manner, it's an extremely roundabout way of doing things, so it seems many monsters would voice objections: “You should just attack and claim the men normally”, “Shouldn't you just convert the city into a mamono realm?”, but the ritual is performed all according to human desires, and we can say that the method of letting them ultimately choose corruption for themselves is something truly becoming of fiends.

Furthermore, there are many rites for binding sweethearts or husbands and wives in “marriage”, but we can say “fiendish pact” amounts to a “marriage” with cities. The fiends summoned by this ritual are not chosen indiscriminately, instead they are those bound to an agreement beforehand, and many groups have been formed for the purpose of summoning rituals. The fiends belonging to these groups inculcate humans, and the remaining books regarding “fiendish pact” also include spell formulas that specify the group to which one belongs. If the formulas are missing, or the group has already been summoned by a different city, then apparently it's set up so that another group will be randomly summoned. The majority of those who belong to these groups are races called fiends such as “demons” and “devils (encyclopedia II – p.10)”, but it's not a requirement, and apparently races who like to devotedly serve and spoil men such as “inari (encyclopedia I – p.200)”, “kikimora (encyclopedia II- p.78)”, and “shoggoth (encyclopedia II – p.164)” may sometimes also be members.

“I have been eagerly awaiting this day... At long last, I can give everything I've accumulated so far in life to you... my dear...“

~an old wizard spellbound by a fiend~

The forbidden sorcery of the netherworld:


A system of magic for controlling life and death, violating the taboos set in place by the gods. Most casters are classified as undead monsters, and there are also a small number of human casters, but since they're involved with necromancy, soon enough, they'll be corrupted by the mana and rendered undead.

Since the secret art of raise dead, which is regarded as a forbidden spell that runs contrary to divine providence and bends the underlying principles of the universe by the Order of the chief god, belongs to this system of magic, necromancers become targets of ostracism, and are reviled by many humans.

On the other hands, monsters have no values that forbid overcoming death, and the undead are also regarded as a tribe of monsters, so they have no negative feelings towards necromancy. While human necromancers lurk in hiding when conducting their activities, in monster society, necromancers have a high status; there are civilians in the military who lead undead legions, and there even exist entire nations made up of the undead. Also, many monsters seek necromancy so that they can once again live with their partners who were separated from them by death.

Every living thing has what is called a “soul” which is the core of their existence; using mana to touch souls and incite them into action is the very essence of this system of magic. The secret art of raising the dead, an exemplary spell, summons the souls of the dead back to their bodies and grants them new life; however, they don't revive as completely the same kind of lifeform that they used to be, instead transforming into undead beings such as “zombies (Encyclopedia I- p.158)”. Since the undead require extremely large amounts of mana to maintain themselves even after being reanimated, they must be given mana periodically by some means, or given a human male partner, or, if the necromancer is male, he needs to provide mana himself by having sex with them. Additionally, invoking spells that act on souls also requires a huge amount of mana, and if the necromancer happens to be a monster, she'll replenish her mana by ravishing her man voraciously enough to outdo a starving undead.

Furthermore, the power of necromancy can be increased dramatically by borrowing the power of “Hel”, the goddess of life and death (Encyclopedia II – p.117), so it has an aspect of hieromancy as well.

List of known spells belonging to this system:

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell for listening to the voices of the souls of the dead. It enables communication with the “souls” of living things, a normally ungrantable wish. The caster can only converse with the souls that exist in the surroundings, and the conversation is conducted entirely in the caster's mind without any vocal utterances.

Souls gripped by deeply rooted delusional postmortem obsessions that have become specters will sometimes unilaterally attempt to initiate conversations with necromancers, but most of the time in such instances they cannot hear the necromancer’s voice. The fact is that this spell enables bilateral communication by creating a mana link between the soul of the necromancer and the soul of the deceased. The souls of the dead basically have both memories from when they were alive as well as memories after death and disembodiment. Sometimes the dead remember things about past events involving those still currently alive that no one else could ever possibly find out. They can serve as witnesses to history, and it's even possible to acquire valuable knowledge about technology, magic, etc. that has been lost to the past; however, their memories from during their lifetimes are shaky, and sometimes they may not even be able to recall the past, this is particularly evident in the case of ancient souls that have been abiding in the world of the living for ages.

This spell itself is the first step in necromancy. Any necromancer can communicate with the dead extremely easily; however, whether or not they can get through to them is an entirely separate issue. Many of the souls that remain in the world of the living happen to be psychotically deranged due to lingering regrets, attachments, obsessions, etc., so even if one's words reach them, the conversation may not work out in some cases. Unfortunately, conversing with such souls places a tremendous burden on the caster's mind.

Additionally, the voices of the dead can speak directly to the human soul, naturally entering the mind just like in the case of a god's voice, and it's not uncommon for them to exert huge influence over the mentality of necromancers. Most of the souls abiding in the world of the living are “in the process of transforming” into monsters such as “ghosts (Encyclopedia I – p.162)”, or “will o' wisps (Encyclopedia II – p. 118)”, etc. Having repeated conversations with them is sure to contaminate even the caster's mind with their obscene delusions and passions, and there are even times when the necromancer will hallucinate that the dark desires of the deceased are her own, which causes her mind to grow lewder and lewder over time. What's more, it is not uncommon for women to delve into necromancy with the intention of “just hearing his voice”, but when the voice of their dead lover reverberates directly within their very soul, it exacerbates their obsession with him, eventually even culminating in a degree of loving attachment and clinginess that would be considered mentally ill by human standards, so many become psychologically like half-way there to being monsters. Even if at first “they just wanted to hear his voice”, they will surely arrive at the forbidden art (p. 102).

“Ufu... Ufufu...♥ I've always wanted to be like this with you...♥

That girl taught me...♥”

~a romantically obsessed necromancer~


Translation note:

“Living things” in the second sentence may seem like a contradiction, but appears to be meant in the sense that these souls are those which originally belonged to living things, which one assumes would imply that there are other souls that belong to things that were originally never alive to begin with, like spirits dwelling in mountains and rivers and such. The word for living thing there, 生き物 ikimono, means life in the sense of biological life or animal life. 死した者 shishita mono "people who died" was simply translated as "the dead" here.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell to summon wandering souls before the caster. This spell is used to summon the souls of specific individuals designated as targets, and undead that developed from souls such as “ghosts”, etc. can also be summoned. It's one of the most elementary necromancy spells, but this spell should not be used recklessly without a clear purpose in mind because it is difficult to deal with souls that linger in the mortal world, especially in the case of those that are seized by deep-rooted delusions.

Souls that linger in the land of the living are essentially tormented by feelings that went unfulfilled, and when summoned souls visit the caster, they expect something in return. Therefore, they consider it an unforgivable outrage if they're summoned for no reason and sent back with nothing, and it's highly likely that the soul's wrath will be incurred. Upset them, and one may be cursed to continuously suffer the same torturous feelings of unfulfillment as the dead, or one may be haunted until the soul's lingering regrets are resolved, etc. Furthermore, if the caster is male and he has summoned a monster such as a “ghost”, then on top of being haunted, he'll end up as her partner and have his essence continuously wrung out of him and slurped up for eternity. Should such consequences be undesirable, then after summoning, one ought to at least hear what the spirit has to say with “talk wisp (p.101)”. It will probably be better if all one has to do is listen to the soul go on and on grumbling about her former life.

On the other hand, if the necromancer promises to fulfill the soul's lingering regrets, then the soul summoned can even be employed as a servant. Among them, in addition to “ghosts” and “will-o-wisps”, souls that are in the process of transforming into monsters can also easily be convinced to cooperate by promising them husbands. In fact most of the individuals who comprise the armies of the dead that attack human cities and savagely violate human men were bound into servitude through such promises. However, in the event that the necromancer is unable to keep his word, naturally, he'll wind up suffering a commensurately severe retaliation or be eternally imprisoned by the pleasure of being milked of essence.

What's more, souls that remain in the mortal realm due to having died only a short time ago or due to having deep regrets can easily be summoned even from a place far removed. On the other hand, in the case of souls that have already been invited to the netherworld and no longer reside in the land of the living, one must borrow the power of “Hel”, goddess of life and death, in order to summon them. In other words, it is absolutely necessary to become an adherent of the goddess Hel and receive a powerful blessing from her, so any necromancer capable of summoning the souls of the dead back from the netherworld will no longer be a human being by that point.

“Oh, unrequighted soules congregated before me...

I swere on my name that ye schal haveth eternal mates...

Let me watch as your souls are defiled by pleasure...?”

~a lich necromancer binding ghosts into servitude~

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A secret necromantic art for calling the souls of the dead back to their bodies, granting them life anew. In the Order's sphere of authority, it is regarded as a forbidden art that runs contrary to divine providence, and as such, it is the very reason why this system of magic is taboo.

By nature, once the body and the soul are split apart by “death”, it's impossible to restore life no matter how mighty a miracle of recovery is used, but by violating both the “body” and the “soul” with mamono mana, this spell utilizes the “erosive and binding” properties of mamono mana to powerfully unite the body and soul, accomplishing the feat of “raising the dead”. Those who have had their souls firmly reaffixed to their corpses by means of the power of darkness at that point become beings who are exempt from the existing laws governing living things. The link between the body and the soul, which have been powerfully bonded together, is altered so that it can never be lost, resulting in the acquisition of a mighty undying nature. In other words, those resurrected with the “secret art of raise” are reanimated not as the same kind of living things they once were, but as “undead" beings.

Moreover, if the damage to the body is terrible when raise is performed, then upon conversion into an undead, it will be mended to a certain degree, at least enough so that she can arouse carnal desires in men as a monster, and her body can withstand having rough sex. However, the more severely damaged her body is, the more ferocious and essence starved she will be upon becoming an undead.

In human society, “the secret art of raise” is treated as a forbidden art because of a moralistic point of view, and it has become a secret art due to the fact that the spell formula only remains in the form of a small number of books, etc. On the other hand, as long as one knows the spell formula, then it is not at all a difficult spell. In fact, almost all necromancers can use it easily. The difficulty of casting raise depends on the state and condition of the “body” and “soul” of the dead person that one wants to resurrect. Basically, the greater the damage to the body, and the mightier the being was during her lifetime, the more difficult it will be to raise her. The spell is performed by chanting an incantation while pouring mana into the corpse, but the greater the difficulty of the resurrection, the more mana is required, and also, things such as longer incantations or large scale rituals may sometimes be necessary.

Also, when raising the dead, a process must be taken to summon the “soul” back to the body, and just as in the case of “call ghost (p.101)”, if the soul is still in the mortal world, then it is easy to summon, but calling a soul back from the netherworld requires the cooperation of “Hel”, the goddess of life and death. In other words, the fresher the corpse, and the deeper the regrets of the deceased, the easier it will be to raise them. The difficulty of raise is also dependent upon the race and sex of the person. Generally, humans are the easiest to raise because they are more readily susceptible to erosion by mamono mana, and then it goes “dwarf (Encyclopedia I -p.100)”, “elf (Encyclopedia I – p.96)”, monster, and god, in order of increasing difficulty.

As far as the sex of the person goes, on the one hand, females are easy to raise, but raising a male requires restoration of “the power to produce essence” which is lost upon death, one of the traits that makes a male a male, and therefore it is extremely more difficult compared to raising females. When raising a man, it will be necessary to receive the blessing of “Hel”, the goddess of life and death, and perform a ritual for the sake of borrowing her power, plus, a living sacrifice to offer mana to the male undead semi-permanently. In other words, it requires a monster who will live as the spouse of the one resurrected and have sex with him for eternity. Those who become adherents of the goddess Hel for the sake of performing the “secret art of raise” will end up acquiring an inhuman undying nature even if they were originally human women, i.e., since they become beings that are very nearly monsters, if the caster is a woman and she is raising her lost lover or husband, then it won't be an issue as long as the caster offers herself as the sacrifice.

Moreover, compared to the body, the nature of a “soul's” existence is unstable. Depending on the situation in which the soul is placed, there are cases when unpredictable circumstances may occur. For example, in the case that the “soul” which ought to return to the body has already become a “ghost”, and additionally has also acquired a partner and generated a body with his essence so that she has firmly established herself as a soul only existence, then when raise is cast on the remaining body, a portion of her soul will be parted from her ghost as if being drawn to her body, i.e., a single soul will be split into two, so that two monsters, both a “zombie” and a “ghost” will be born from a single dead person. Despite being split in two, it doesn't change the fact that the soul is the same, and they will exist as two who are one with the link maintained. They each have their own consciousness and are capable of independently pondering different things, yet they each recognize each other as the very same person. It causes a sensation like having two different bodies. Due to this, they share memories and can even share the pleasure given to them by their partner by synchronizing their common feelings towards him.

This is a digression, but long, long ago during the ancient era of the former mamono lords, there was also a spell called the “secret art of raise”. However, the current version of the “secret art of raise” is only made possible due to the use of mamono mana to unite the body and the soul, but mamono mana only acquired its “erosive and binding” properties after the ascension of the current mamono lord, and the transformation of all monsters into the forms of women. Due to that, the former version of “the secret art of raise” was unable to reunite the soul with the body and instead it just involved altering and reanimating corpses that were soulless empty shells via mana, so it was difficult to call that “resurrection”, i.e., the former version of “the secret art of raise”, was a fundamentally different thing than the one we have now. It is a completely different spell that just shares the same name.

Furthermore, it is said that even the former “secret art of raise” could reanimate corpses as high rank undead with a sense of self such as “liches (Encyclopedia II – p.112)” and “wights (Encyclopedia II – p.114)” in some cases, for example, when more highly advanced spell formulas were used, or when the target being reanimated was the corpse of a person with the required qualities. However, even in such cases, it was impossible to reaffix the soul to the body, and they existed in an unstable and incomplete state that was just being forcibly held together, so memories and thinking was distorted, and it is said that they mostly became wicked undead who lost the personalities that they used to have while still alive.

Everyone~, I'm back from under the dirt♥
Everyone~, I'm lonely. I want some...♥

I've been lonely all along and I want some too...
I missed you...♥”

~A sorceress from a certain country seized by madness~

A witch and necromancer who belongs to the “sabbath of the undead”, “Tetorii”-chan.
She's currently recruiting a wonderful onii-chan to depend on and love each other eternally!

An undead is a being whose soul has been reaffixed to its dead body by the power of darkness. When the body and soul are powerfully bonded together, the link between them will never be lost. The powerful undying nature possessed by the undead is a consequence of this fact; however, that is not to imply that the link will not be lost because the soul “cannot be removed” from the body. In fact, even if the soul and the body exist “apart from each other”, the link will not be lost. This is the nature of the undead, and it is for this reason that a "lich”, for example, can put her own soul inside a vessel called a “phylactery” and cast spells that detach her soul from her body. Aside from that, even such things as traveling to remote places to scout as only a spirit after having detached from the body and possessing or haunting other people with her soul are possible

For the living, “separation of the soul” from the body is an extremely dangerous thing as there is a possibility that it will not return, but in this manner, once reanimated as undead, it becomes possible to do it safely. In other words, the undead can handle souls more flexibly compared to the living, and are universally endowed with a high potential for necromancy.

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A spell that grants a blessing which causes the target to transform into an undead upon dying. This spell is proof that one is favored by “Hel”, the goddess of life and death. It is also hieromancy that is cast by praying to Hel to grant the target Hel's blessing and mana. It is a promise of eternal peace and transformation into an undead upon death, a blessing granted to humans by the goddess Hel, but according to the values of the Order of the Chief God, it is instead perceived as a “curse” spread by the goddess Hel.

It renders the target's “soul” into a state where it is eroded by mamono mana in advance using the mana of the goddess Hel who is half living and half dead, i.e., half god and half monster. According to the Order of the Chief God, when the “soul” has been defiled by undead mana, even if the target dies, the link to the corpse will be maintained, causing the target to be instantly reanimated as an undead. But if the soul were just defiled by ordinary undead mamono mana, then at that very instant the target would become undead; however, even though this blessing stains the soul in darkness, the body remains human until death which means it's an extremely advanced art that hinges upon the goddess Hel, who encompasses both life and death.

This spell does not immediately transform the target into an undead. Instead, as long as the target does not die, she will remain human. Therefore, it is not even possible for those who have had this spell cast on them to be aware of it, and they will realize that they have received the goddess's blessing for the first time upon dying and becoming undead. The mind is not tainted by darkness until death, so their thinking and morality essentially remain human, but the tainted soul does influence their psychological state, however slightly it may be. While there are no major observable changes in the mind, they'll start to experience a thrilling increase in heart rate and a sensation similar to intoxication whenever they notice the kind of “dark, decadent beauty” that is preferred by the undead.

As previously mentioned, this blessing is granted to those favored by “Hel”, the goddess of life and death. Therefore, adherents of the goddess Hel will naturally acquire this blessing. That is why most necromancers will eventually transform into undead sooner or later. Additionally, this spell isn't just used by adherents of the goddess Hel. At times, the goddess herself will bestow this blessing upon humans that strike her fancy. They say those who visit places connected with the goddess Hel such as churches or temples, may sometimes unwittingly receive the goddess's blessing.

Basically, in most cases when humans change into undead, they'll end up transforming into lower rank undead such as “zombies” and “ghosts”. Only those who had the required power and qualities during life, such as royalty, heroes, and high rank sorcerers, or those who had sex repeatedly with their partner and accumulated enough power after becoming low rank undead transform into high rank undead such as “liches”, “wights”, or “phantoms”; however, those who repeatedly engage in acts that tarnish their soul until death after receiving this blessing can earn even greater favor with the goddess, so it's possible even for those originally lacking the appropriate power and qualities to instantly transform into high rank undead upon death. For example: those who have repeatedly practiced necromancy and have touched many souls and bestowed undeath upon many people, those who have devoutly followed the teachings of Hel and shared the goddess's blessings with many of the living, those who have frequently come in contact with “decadence” while captivated by tainted souls, and continuously sated their heart with intoxication. The goddess promises such individuals an elegant afterlife characterized by decadence and debauchery, and they will be welcomed into the world of the undead as undead nobility in the name of the goddess Hel.

“My, how tragic...
Just when your dream was coming to fruition and you were on your way to the royal capital,
you who aspired to scholarly pursuits perished when the carriage you happened to be riding in had an accident...

My, how joyous...
By dying you have obtained a path to eternal scholarly pursuits and eternal pleasure...♥”

~a pious adherent of the goddess of life and death~


Translation note concerning the above quotation:

*The word for anata, translated as "you" is written with the kanji 貴女which makes it feminine, so she is talking to a woman.

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that causes the target's body to lose its power as the “vessel that protects the soul”, dramatically reducing resistance towards pleasure. It is one of the blessings granted by the goddess of life and death, Hel, and it is also hieromancy.

The changes induced in the target by this spell are likened with “bodily *decay”, but it doesn't actually cause the body to rot and the changes are not apparent on the surface; however, the *festering body abandons its duty to protect the soul, and pleasure that would originally only be dealt to the body will reach even the soul with no obstructions whatsoever. Normally, if the breasts are fondled, the breasts will start feeling good along with the sensation that the breasts are being touched. But if someone under the effects of this spell has her breasts fondled, then the sensation won't just be like her body is being touched. Instead, there will be a sensation like she's being touched more deeply inside, and pleasure that's normally unobtainable will be induced, as if even the very core of her existence were being pleasured. The physical changes caused by the “blessing of decay” are of the same nature as the changes that are brought about when the living are transformed into undead, and the sensation of directly having her soul pleasured is also the same kind of thing that the undead experience. In other words, this is a spell that renders living bodies into the same condition as those of the undead. The pleasure provided by their partners is considered the greatest pleasure, especially by monsters, and when it pierces their already crumbling, festering body and directly violates their soul, they experience a sensation that can only be described as follows: “my very existence itself is getting off,” and the resultant pleasure is absolutely irresistible.

Also, more than just pleasure is transmitted to the soul due to the body's decay. Just being touched by one's spouse's hand, just being within distance of his breath, is enough for the soul to become filled with that heat, providing real feelings of life and sex to the undead. For those with decayed bodies, everything is felt with the “soul”. Eating not only delights the tongue, but provides joy to the “soul”. Paintings aren't just viewed with the eyes; they become burned into the “soul”. Music doesn't just remain in the ears; it jolts the “soul”. That is why art culture and gourmet food is popular among the undead. This spell is treated as a “curse” by humans, but to the undead, it is a great “blessing” granted by the goddess of life and death which is used so that the soul can obtain great pleasure and delight. Among the undead who have been granted this blessing by the goddess, high rank undead such as “wights” are able to bear an especially powerful “blessing of decay”. In the dark, decadent kingdoms of the undead, just by being there and being beside their partner, they tremble with joy as their souls experience real feelings of life and sex. Therefore, they are constantly experiencing sweet sensations. That's why their beautiful looks and charm filled with warmth never fade even though they are dead.

Moreover, if the body loses its role as the protector of the soul due to a “blessing of decay”, then mamono mana poured inside will also end up directly eroding and defiling the soul. This means that resistance to monsterization is dramatically reduced, but when that mana being poured inside mixes with the mana of the goddess Hel that maintains the spell, it binds the body and soul together, producing an undying nature. That is to say, those who have received the “blessing of decay” have a possibility to turn undead no matter what the method of monsterization and no matter what race's mana caused the monsterization.

“Our performance is a drama of depravity and decadence that has the goddess's blessing...
Ladies and gentlemen in attendance, may this night be engraved in your souls...

Ngh...♥ N-No, darling. As you can see, I'm busy now.
W-Wait! Don't touch my body until after the performance has ended... Ah!♥”

~a phantom who leads an undead troupe~


Translation notes:

*腐敗 fuhai literally means decay, but figuratively also means corruption/ depravity.

* 爛れる tadareru literally means to fester, but figuratively also means to be dissolute/ debauched / indulgent, so the original Japanese text has a zombie tone and a lewd tone at the same time.

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

An arcane necromantic art which creates a link between the souls of the two people targeted, enabling them to share their lives. It's one of the most advanced techniques in necromancy, a system of magic that uses mana to touch “souls”, and it creates a link between two entirely different souls so that they become as one.

Normally when the living perish, the soul separates from the body, and will soon be invited to the netherworld, but when two souls are bound together by this spell, even if one of them enters a death-like state, the soul will be detained in the mortal world, and so long as both souls remain, they won't be vulnerable to death. Not just any two souls can be bound together. They have to be two people who share a sufficiently deep connection. More specifically, it is recommended that they be in an intimate relationship as a married couple. Most of those who undergo this ritual are married couples consisting of a human man and a monster. In the case that one of the couple is an undead, then that undying nature will be shared by both of them. In other words, as long as his undead wife exists in the world, then the man who is her partner will never die.

Furthermore, the link between the two souls will not be lost even when both are dead. It is of no relevance to the undead who live together forever as husband and wife, but it is supposed that even after death their souls will never stray from one another; even if invited to the netherworld, the souls of the married couple will always stay together. It is said they will be able to become husband and wife once more if reincarnated in the next world.

Also, so that they may be as one, both will become able to intuitively sense the location and status of the other soul, and when the souls are together, i.e., when the partners are right next to each other, they will start having powerful feelings of jubilation and tranquility. Just as if attempting to become one, they will then prefer living in a conjoined state, lying together, deep kissing and embracing.

This spell is also “teletomancy” and requires a large scale spell formula. It is believed that this spell was created in the past by a certain undead necromancer who sought a spouse who was undead like her to alleviate her loneliness, but as of the present, the cultural habit of holding “marriage rituals” has spread among monsters due to the goddess of love, “Eros”, and because of that, this ritual has also become popular among other monsters besides the undead who would rather form “an eternal marital relationship” instead of just having the goal of “sharing their lives”.

The ritual is mostly held in beautiful red and black churches where “Hel”, the goddess of life and death is revered. This elegant ritual refined by undead nobility and the words used during it, “Not even death shall do these two apart,” are famous. While the caster is using mana to join the two souls, the couple being targeted by the ritual must keep touching each other in some way. It's possible to perform the ritual even just by holding hands, but in that case, it takes quite a long time, so in the case that it is performed as a marriage ritual, the couple will generally continue deep kissing and entwining tongues for a while so that an even deeper bond is formed between them. Also, since being delighted invigorates the souls, and facilitates the process of binding them together, so for undead brides and grooms, it is also important to accentuate the ritual with music, food, etc. which will bring joy to their souls.

According to the teachings of the goddess of life and death, this ritual is regarded as an inevitability for two souls that are in love. Most undead and adherents of the goddess Hel dream of performing this ritual with their partners. Particularly in the case when undead monarchs, “wights”, are bound together with their partners, undead orchestras perform at these ceremonies, and they are literally dignified royal banquets. That is what all undead brides long for.

I've been eagerly awaiting this moment♥

Darling... Now your soul will become one with mine.
'Not even death shall do these two apart'...
I swear an eternal oath with you...♥”

~a wight bride shrouded in a black veil~

Acquired sorcerous instinct:


A system of magic for imbuing oneself with the power of a beast created by “beast Sabbath” which observes how beastmen strengthen their bodies and control their postures with mana and conducts research to thoroughly investigate this.

By using mana to fortify the body, it boosts physical abilities by leaps and bounds and also corrects for flexible, efficient usage of the body, enabling races that have excellent physical abilities in the first place to become even more powerful, while even enabling races with naturally poor physical abilities to move like beastmen. Additionally, it can also boost vision, audition, and olfaction, etc., which are also physical faculties. Theriomancy, which was developed to handle mana more naturally, uses a completely different method of controlling mana than other existing magic. There is no need at all for chanting incantations, spell formulas, or thought; instead, spells imprinted in one's instinct are cast automatically. Therefore, races with low intelligence, and even those who have no talent for magic whatsoever, such as beastmen and other races with low magical aptitude can easily acquire it.

Since focusing and thinking instead obstructs casting, theriomancers are to eliminate those things as much as possible and avoid excessive consideration; it is recommended that they behave like beasts and obey their instincts. If hungry, eat, if sleepy, sleep: a lifestyle consisting of such is what they naturally strive for, and since things such as deceit, shame, and moral views towards lust, which is an instinctive desire, pose major obstacles to theriomancy, it is necessary to meekly submit to one's desires and urges towards men and breed, so it's an extremely suitable way of life for monsters. Unlike other systems of magic, it isn't acquired through gaining knowledge and repeated practice. Instead, most naturally gradually become able to use it by completely becoming a beast and living as part of this Sabbath's “pack”.

Furthermore, the crux of this system of magic is to not deeply consider the principles of magic. Even those who created it are now thoughtlessly devoted to copulation, and all who conduct research into this magic end up the same way, so hardly any progress has been made with regards to additional verification and elucidation of the underlying principles of this magic.

List of known spells belonging to this system:

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that imbues one's body with the power of a beast, boosting the caster's physical abilities remarkably. This is one of the foundational spells of theriomancy, which awakens the wild power within, turning one completely into a beast. It increases physical strength, including strength in the arms, legs, etc. and also hones the senses such as vision, audition, and olfaction, enabling movement like a beast endowed with excellent reflexes and a lithe physique. Additionally, since the animalistic sense, so-called “intuition”, is also sharpened, the caster will have a heightened ability to sense danger and become able to “intuitively” sense the presence of human men, and when combined superior olfactory and auditory senses for detecting the odors and voices of men, it's even more effective, so casters acquire an excellent ability to track down human men.

Magicians generally tend to have inferior stamina and physical abilities compared to knights and warriors, etc., so they excel at keeping distance from the enemy and fighting with magic, but theriomancers who use “beast boost” acquire extremely excellent stamina and physical abilities despite being magicians. They boast peerless strength in melee combat and are able leap right up to their foes and fight with the movement of a beast. The witches of “Beast Sabbath”, which mainly deals with theriomancy, can even deflect swords and rip straight through armor with their bestial claw moves despite having tiny young bodies. When they leap at their prey, the movement has unparalleled accuracy and is untraceable by the naked eye. Men who end up as their prey will already be pinned down and straddled like a horse by the time they notice they've been pounced on.

As for theriomancy, the fact is that one acquires the methods to use the spells instinctively by constantly behaving like a beast instead of through knowledge and thinking. This spell is the most basic one of them, and it enables instinctively “boosting the body's movements using mana” the same way beastmen such as “werewolves” are naturally equipped to. The caster doesn't even need to consciously use the spell, instead it is automatically cast whenever needed just as if it were a natural function of her body in the first place. When practicing theriomancy, it is necessary to reject reason and eliminate thinking to completely become a beast, but normally, if one abandons rationality and thought, that unfortunately makes it difficult to make situational judgments and coordinate with allies; however, theriomancers are indeed able to intuitively make situational judgments and coordinate with allies due to their animalistic senses which are honed by this spell. In fact, a beast's instinctive behaviors are more efficient and save time compared to actually rationally thinking about what one is doing, and no delay in judgment or pause will occur due to being bewildered by the events happening before one's eyes, so, on the contrary, it actually enables even quicker and more accurate judgments.

There are various spells for fortifying physical abilities in other systems of magic as well, but one of the most striking differences between this and spells in other systems of magic is that mana is used extremely efficiently. For example, when boosting the strength of the legs, with other schools of magic, leg strength is enhanced all the time, not just when one is running, but even when one is stopped, and mana is continuously expended. On the other hand, in the case of theriomancy, while stopped, that is to say, when not using leg strength, the spell's effects are not applied. Enhancement is in effect only when performing actions that require leg strength, such as running, jumping, the moment of coming to a sudden stop or landing, etc., and that's the only time that mana is used. In this manner, mana consumption is regulated by instinct, and is only performed whenever it is both necessary and appropriate, so the amount of mana expended is extremely minimal, and thus there isn't even any such thing as unnecessary wasteful expenditure of mana due to inefficient spell usage or over exertion.

Since mana is constantly expended with ordinary enhancement spells, the caster will run out of mana and the effects will wear off over time, but “beast boost” only expends mana the moment the body is used, so physical abilities can be continuously boosted without causing the caster to run out of mana, leading to a condition where it feels like the enhancement spell is constantly in effect. Furthermore, the enhancement spells of other systems of magic “only” boost physical abilities in most cases. For example, if one enhances one's leg strength dramatically and then runs, if one is not used to it, then there will often be issues such as gaining too much momentum and going too far, or having difficulty coming to a sudden stop. Being completely in control of enhanced physical abilities requires awareness of the increased power and the acquisition of new senses that are different than normal. On the other hand, with theriomancy, one can not only elevates one's physical abilities, but also acquire the instincts of a beast to make optimal use of them. In other words, even in an enhanced state, one does not require any extra awareness, and it is possible to control the enhanced abilities with ordinary senses. In this manner, theriomancy enables sensible and efficient handling of these abilities since vague thoughts and emotions are not used.

Due to the fact that this spell requires entrusting oneself to bestial instincts, the urge to reproduce, which is the most powerful instinct a monster has, will also be continuously boosted. After using this spell, feelings of elation will inevitably occur, and the flushing induced by the body's activation then develops into a burning lust for a male, resulting in a condition like that of a beast in heat. By continuing to use this spell over a long period of time, the caster will gradually become more and more dominated by bestial instincts, which means that she will gradually change so that she'll take action in the most optimal and suitable manner to satisfy the urge. In other words, after becoming a beast that's true to instinct, the caster's behavior will be driven purely by that urge, with nothing else entering into the equation or even crossing her mind at all. Breeding with a male will be the only thing she thinks about. Unmarried individuals will attack and rape human men just as if they were starved wild beasts tearing into prey, while those who have partners will behave like pets seeking a reward, and enjoy breeding with their males. Naturally, “beast boost” is used the whole time when letting instinct take over while engaged in furious copulation, granting the caster unlimited stamina and powerful lower body strength, so that her little hips can move violently up and down on top of her male nonstop, crashing their flesh together.

“Woof, I'm back with meat! I want a reward!
I'll take mating or a child, either is good♥”

~The Sorcerous Beast, “Ropurotto”~

▲Beast boost by the baphomet “Ropurotto”, the sorcerous beast.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that awakens the target's male instinct, driving his lust wild via bestial temptation. It is derived from the nymphomancy “seduction spell (p. 49)”, and likewise focuses the target's awareness and senses on the caster, but the effect appeals to the target's animal instinct, and is more directly tied to sex.

The spell is automatically invoked through performing bestial seductive gestures towards targeted men such as rolling over and showing off the lower parts, or turning around and waggling the butt, and it awakens the reproductive urge towards females that human males are naturally endowed with. That is to say, the caster can get the target to stare at her in a bestial manner and view her as a “female” with the presumption of reproductive activity, and the caster's sweet cries, sultry looks, seductive gestures, male-instinct-inciting feminine odor; and so on will then universally be acknowledged as amorous provocations towards the male. When the female caster flaunts her body and tempts a male to mate, the target becomes a rutting beast who views it with only the following in mind, “how great would it feel to vent my lust by screwing her, and can I impregnate her with my own offspring?”, so that he'll easily go berserk with lust and attempt to mate with the caster.

When using seduction on a man, an inma steals his heart by showing off her beauty and sex appeal to enthrall him, which is one of a monster's charms, thereby fanning the flames of desire towards herself. On the other hand, bestial seduction for mating with a male shows off the appeal of a monster from a different angle than that of the charm flaunted by inma. In other words, in contrast with “seduction spell”, which mainly exploits one's charm as an inma to perform seduction, wild pheromone mainly appeals to the target's instinct with “the fact that the caster is a female suitable for sexually reproducing with a human male”, which is her charm as a beast, thereby driving the target wild with lust for the caster.

Like seduction spell, this spell doesn't mind control the target either, and therefore, even after the spell breaks, once the male instinct is awakened, it will never disappear, though it may settle. Through mating with the caster, the fact that “the caster is a female suitable for procreating with the target” is instilled in the target's body and male instinct, and the target will gradually start to become easily aroused simply by the caster's presence. By using this spell and repeatedly mating in a state where the target's male instinct is awakened, it becomes deeply ingrained with the notion that the caster is the optimum female as a “mate”, and gradually, he begins to think without a shred of doubt that the caster before his eyes is a receptacle for his desire, and a female whose purpose of existence is to bear his own offspring, as if it were only natural. Eventually, even without the spell, the target will experience powerful passion and erections just from being cognizant of the caster's presence, and then, as a male, he will repeatedly assault and mate with the caster who is female devoid of any hesitation.

In this manner, due to the existence of this spell, men who become the spouses of theriomancers will end up living nearly like beasts, repeatedly instinctively mating with the casters. A theriomancer's only concern in life is receiving the lust and semen of a male with her body, and getting him to impregnate her with his offspring. Just as they are beings dominated by bestial instinct, so too do the men who become their mates end up as males dominated by bestial instinct whose only concern in life is using the females to vent their bestial lust and impulses, and making the females give birth to their own offspring. Those are precisely the very qualities required of a theriomancer, therefore men who become partners of beasts may even awaken as theriomancers themselves.

“*pant*♥ *pant*♥ *pant*♥ *pant*...♥”
~A cu sith who has forgotten language given the male before her, showing her belly~

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that places a powerful marking on the target's body via mana. It's cast by rubbing the caster's body against the target to stick mana to it, i.e., it's a spell that uses mana to perform the typical marking behavior of a beast. It's derived from “mana marker (p.44)”, but the marking is much more assertive, and since the nature of mamono mana is utilized to erode the target's mana with the caster's mana, it's difficult to remove even when set on living targets, and the effects last for a longer time compared to “mana marker”.

This spell marks not just the target himself, but everything produced by the target including the target's mana, body odor, voice, and so on with the caster's mana so that the caster and her packmates can sense it more strongly. Monsters excel at sensing the presence of humans in the first place, but targets hit by this spell are able to be detected even from distantly remote locations, making it impossible to hide from the caster and her packmates by any means. Instinct handles target detection so that the target's location can be inferred almost like how a beast sniffs out its prey even without conscious effort.

Also, through the body odor and presence of mana, one can discern the target's physical condition and emotional state to a certain extent, and it's even possible to read the target's thoughts, and if the target is an unmarried man, it also asserts to other monsters that “he is prey being pursued by the caster or her pack” along with issuing a threat. In addition, if the one doing the detecting is unmarried as well, the effects are even greater. The bestial instinct of an unmarried female in pursuit of a male to mate as soon as she finds him will be continuously aroused by the strong sensation of the male's mana, body odor, etc., which results in the sharpening of the senses with regards to the male. In other words, not only does the target's presence become easier to sense for females, it also becomes even easier to sense for the female who longs for him.

What's more, the effects of this spell are further boosted according to one's passion for the target and desire to mate with him. This spell amounts precisely to an assertion of property rights over the male the female beast has rubbed her own scent on. Hence, if the target is the caster's husband, or her obsession and desire towards the man are so powerful that her bestial instinct has already acknowledged him as her husband, the mana and scent marking on the target will grow proportionately thicker. The caster's mana rubbed against the target issues a fierce threat to any female who approaches her male, saying “Hands off. He's mine”, and there's no limit on the distance from which the caster can sense her male. Even if he's so far away that he's on the other side of the country, or even if he's in a spirit realm in another dimension, if the female keeps running according to her instinct and intuition, she'll surely be able to reach the male.

This spell enables the target to be sensed even from a distantly removed location, but on the other hand, there is a drawback which is that if the target is the caster's spouse, and he is right by her, the sensory perception of his presence will be too overpowering. For monsters whose own husband's existence is strongly etched into their instinct, the information contained in the mana he releases as well as his voice, body odor, etc. is acutely sensed even normally. If they're made to sense it even more sharply on top of that, the stimulation will be too powerful for their mind and body, their ability to take action will be suppressed, and the bestial instinct which enables the use of theriomancy will totally malfunction. Just sniffing the overpowering male odor causes them to be attacked by a sensation like the inside of their head is melting, and the bestial instinct abandons all other than entrusting everything to the male, which causes their expression to slacken in a slovenly manner. All of the sounds released from the male's mouth, his voice as he speaks, as well as his rough breathing given the female before him, will directly jolt the female's womb, causing it to throb, even before those sounds are all processed in her head, and her bestial instinct will be dominated solely by the instinct to become pregnant with the male's offspring. Depending on the situation, she may enter a state in which she experiences so much pleasure that it's enough for her bestial instinct to trigger orgasm just from the male's scent and breath alone.

In this manner, the female will be in total submission to the male's everything, and will be unable to resist any of the sensations induced by the male. Furthermore, in this state, everything including her body, mind, and instinct abandon all other actions and thoughts, so we can even say this is a state in which she is specialized solely for “conceiving the male's offspring”, and it's said that having sex in this state may make it easier than normal to produce a child. Since there are few actual cases, it's only based on speculation, but if this is correct, then it would be extremely delightful to couples consisting of human men and monsters who have greater difficulty conceiving compared to couples where the man and woman are both human. In Beast Sabbath, which is lead by the sorcerous beast “Ropurotto”, it is recommended to actively use this spell and spend one's days mating to produce offspring in order to actually prove this theory and verify that this state does in fact make it easier to conceive a male's child for the sake of all the monsters who long to have the children of their beloved males.

“There, rub~ rub~ ♥
Nyufufu, by doing this, you won't be stolen by anyone, nyaa ♥”

~a beast witch belonging to Ropurotto Sabbath~

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that shares the caster's buffs and mental exaltation with allies. It's invoked by howling or roaring like a beast and distributes the caster's buffs such as “beast boost (p.111)” with members of her pack in the surrounding area, their mates, and her own mate. The principle by which this spell works is to carry one's own mana in the “voice” one emits such as a “howl” or a “roar” so that the effects of spells reach allies along with one's voice. All allies within range of one's voice will be targeted.

With this spell, any physical ability or sense sharpening buffs resulting from enhancement magic, etc. will be produced in allies in the same manner as oneself, and at the same time, the caster's mental exaltation, arousal, etc. will also be shared with allies. In other words, if the caster falls into a state of arousal upon encountering a man who will serve as prey, boosts the power of her legs with “beast boost”, and then invokes “howling force” with a howl, every member of her pack who hears it will also enter a state of arousal, instinctively grasping that a man suitable as prey has appeared, and the man will end up being pursued by a pack of beasts with enhanced leg strength. Also, this spell even shares wild arousal towards males as well as the sexual excitement resultant from copulation with a male. When the individual who spots a male goes wild with lust, naturally so too will the rest of the pack, and even during ordinary times, it seems to be a common thing for the arousal of an individual copulating with her husband to be so overwhelming that she'll let out a remarkably louder cry of ecstasy invoking “howling force”, transmitting her wild state of lust to the entire pack so that everyone will uniformly begin copulating with their own husbands.

“Howling force” exhibits higher effects when cast by multiple casters of the same pack at the same time. Each of the casters acts as a “relay point”, and their “voices” can cover a wider range just like how the howls of beasts resonate together, so that the effects of “howling force” can be extended to the entire pack. After resonating and becoming one massive spell, not only does the area of effect of “howling force” dramatically expand, on top of that, it will exhibit all the effects of every “howling force” that was cast. The power of a pack sharing multifold buffs will be dramatically increased; however, for instance, even if three casters were to share their leg strength buffs, when pursuing a man as prey, it isn't the case that they'd get a threefold increase in leg strength, instead it would only result in the “strongest of those buffs” being shared by the pack. On the other hand, if when hunting a man, one sharpened her “sense of smell for detecting the presence of prey”, the next one boosted her “sight for perceiving the image of prey”, and the last one enhanced her “leg power for pursuing prey”, then all of those buffs would be shared by the entire pack. In this way, effective use of “howling force” to further boost the power of the entire pack requires the “allocation of roles”; however, wielding theriomancy absolutely necessitates “a lack of deep thought”, and even “beast boost”, which is classified as theriomancy, is a spell that also empowers one's abilities automatically based on instinct, which makes the deliberate allocation of roles extremely difficult for theriomancers, but the thing is, since “hunting as a pack” is engrained in a beast's instinct, by honing and polishing this instinct, it becomes possible to allocate roles “instinctively”. What makes this possible isn't the accumulation of knowledge or training as in the case of other systems of magic, but determinedly increasing the pack's proficiency. Of course hunting as a pack and accumulating battle experience contributes to it, but so does simply spending a long time with one's packmates, and deepening the bonds between individual pack members by females intertwining each other's bodies and “fooling around” is also crucial. While living as a pack, beasts will naturally come to have “roles” specialized for their own area of expertise. If the beasts' instincts are taught to allocate duties and work together while hunting, then whatever “beast boost” is required will be automatically cast as needed and exhibit an effect specialized for one's role with the presumption of sharing with the pack.

Due to the existence of this spell, we can say that “the strength of a pack” is the true power of theriomancers. If a pack has extremely high proficiency, they can sometimes even hold their own against divinities of far higher rank even when they're no match for them individually. Especially in the case of a pack that forms a “harem” commanded by a male, they tend to be extremely powerful. Through the same male, the females of a harem will be in a relationship where they are bound together by the “desire to produce a male's offspring”; the strongest instinct a beast has which is at her core. Since they hunt together to please the same male, they'll perform advanced and intricately interwoven team work on a daily basis. What's more, through their association with the same male, there will be more opportunities to get frisky with their packmates despite them being fellow females. In order to share and savor the essence that the male produced for them, the females will deep kiss while feeding each other mouth-to-mouth, and there is a tendency to start constantly performing behaviors such as teasing and licking each other's bodies, so that they'll be ready for the male to have his way with them anytime. It is due to this that the bonds between the mana of the females become extremely deep, resulting in a stronger pack.

Additionally, when sharing spell effects through “howling force”, the stronger the mana bond with an ally is, the higher the efficiency of sharing can be. That is to say, the most powerful mana bond will be formed between the caster and her spouse whom she has sex with on a daily basis, and sharing with him will be the most efficient, as buffs on the caster will appear almost exactly as is on her spouse as well. The one targeted doesn't need to be able to use theriomancy, and those who become the spouses of superior theriomancers will become stronger males to suit the casters who are superior females. On the other hand, the mana bonds grow weaker and the effects shared degrade progressively according to the following order: the caster's children, the caster's packmates of the same race, packmates of a different race, the spouses and children of packmates. This sharing degradation can be compensated for when multiple casters use the spell at the same time as mentioned previously. Packs formed of harems have the advantage on this point as well since the mana of all the females will be extremely deeply linked into one through the existence of the male, and effects will be shared by the entire pack with the greatest efficiency.

Furthermore, perhaps because casters of this spell have no concrete targets in mind and cast it only with the vague target of “packmates”, sometimes even human women, non-members of the pack, will get caught up in it and be effected. In such cases, the human women will also share the same buffs as packmates and can acquire the power of a beast; however, since this spell shares even the mind state of the beasts, it results in the body flushing with arousal, constantly seeking a male, and the mind will easily become excited and go wild with lust in the presence of a man. Therefore, a human woman certainly wouldn't ever be able to freely command the power of a beast. Getting caught up in this spell means that the woman resonates with the pack, i.e., despite being human, the woman strongly has the qualities of a beast. For that reason, the woman will seek a male according to the “bestial instinct” granted to her without the sense that anything is off about herself. She will even feel a sense of liberation upon entrusting herself to impulse and instinct, realizing that living according to bestial desires is the way she was meant to be, and then ultimately, she'll completely degrade into a beast and become a member of the pack.

“There's another one of those damn beast's voices...
You hurry up and flee too. If I'm able to hear the next howl, then eventually I too will...

…pant♥ pant♥ pant♥”
~one of the last people at a village on the outskirts of a forest~

Whoever you may be, you mustn't lay a hand on the sorcerous beast's pack.

Whoever you may be, you mustn't incur the wrath of the sorcerous beast.

Whoever you may be, you mustn't awaken my master from her bestial dream.

~the white goat's old note~

Loving White Magic:


A system of magic for treating and healing the sick and injured. It's also called “white magic” or “white thaumaturgy”. Because these casters are benevolent and think of others first, they're mostly distinguished and treated separately from other magicians, and they are also called “healers” or “white mages”. It tends to often be confused with hieromancy, but this system of magic does not utilize divine mana. Also, although the one who created this system of magic is a monster, there are both human and monster pharmacomancers.

When casting a pharmacomancy spell on a patient, reducing the burden on him to the very minimum while providing a powerful healing effect is considered the top priority. When a spell is cast on a target, the being will unconsciously try to resist using a considerable amount of the mana inside his body.

Normally, this is not an issue, but for a patient who is completely weakened, there is a possibility that “resistance” can become a huge burden, and even if the treatment is successful, it may be accompanied by pain and suffering. In order to avoid that when using pharmacomancy, the mana to be used in the treatment must be adjusted in advance to match each individual patient depending on his constitution and symptoms, and then it must be performed carefully over a long period of time so that the mana naturally adapts. The principle of how this works is that by casting the spell after melding the caster's mana into the patient's body, it is tricked into perceiving it as a spell cast by the patient himself. In other words, a powerful healing effect can be provided by not allowing it to notice that a spell was cast on it, thus avoiding triggering spell resistance. Having a loving heart towards the patient is absolutely indispensable for skillfully using pharmacomancy. Hypothetically speaking, if the caster were harboring animosity and malice towards her target, she wouldn't be able to adapt her mana to the patient's body or deceive the patient's resistance, so this system of magic is unsuited for attack magic.

Additionally, with pharmacomancy, it's possible to treat not just the body, but the mind too, and it is also used to heal wounded and sick minds, alleviating nervousness, fear, anxiety, and bringing about peace, composure, and vibrancy.

List of known spells belonging to this system:

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that grants the caster detailed knowledge of the target's physical and mental condition via touching the target. By making the caster's mana circulate throughout the target's body before once again returning to her, the caster can conduct a detailed examination, noting such details as the target's physical and mental state, the qualities of his mana, the presence of any other mana, any spells that have been cast on him, and any injuries or diseases that may be afflicting him. This practice is also referred to as “palpation”. Not only does it grant knowledge of the patient's pathological condition, the mana which is prepared to suit a patient being treated with pharmacomancy is also adjusted based on the results of this spell, so it absolutely must be used before performing treatment with pharmacomancy.

Although it is one of the most basic pharmacomancy spells, circulating one's mana throughout every single inch of the target's body and using that mana to examine the target's body requires extremely fine tuned mana manipulation and a high level of concentration. How much information about the target can be gathered depends on the caster's skill. An inexperienced caster can only get rough information such as “he has flu-like symptoms”, or “he is afflicted by a debilitating spell”, but for an expert pharmacomancer, the possibilities include even things such as precisely identifying a disease, pinpointing the site of infection, and determining how long it has been since it began to boot, or figuring out what specific spell has been cast and even identifying the caster.

In order to provide patients with good treatment, this process is absolutely necessary, and it is recommended to touch the patients carefully with loving kindness. Normally, no matter what, “only touching” is done when casting this spell, but there are so-called “dark pharmacomancers” who are unapproved by any of the medical organizations such as “Medical Sabbath” that perform treatment for the purpose of getting themselves men. When performing treatment, they will fondle men all over their bodies just to sate their own sexual curiosity, and some will even go so far as to stimulate men's genitals to the point of ejaculation and slurp up the mana. When being pleasured and aroused, even if the patient tries to withstand it without showing any outward reaction, the caster will grasp the patient's condition in full detail using “check-up”, which means she'll have a precise and complete understanding of even things such as the patient's arousal, how the pleasure is tormenting him, where to touch him to maximize his pleasure, and how long he can last until ejaculation. It now deviates from medical practice and instead takes shape as a inma feeding frenzy, but be that as it may, this indecent fondling perfectly satisfies the guideline of touching “carefully” and “with loving kindness”, and in fact the examination itself is performed correctly without a hitch, though accompanied by tremendous pleasure and ejaculation.

“Okay, please let me touch you a bit.
Fufu♥ It seems your heart rate went up slightly...♥”

~A white witch of Medical Sabbath~


Translation note:

The literal name of the spell is "in check" but that doesn't make much sense in English. Check-up we think is a good equivalent. There's no way to know for sure what KC was thinking with this name just from reading it, but a good theory would be KC may have named it "in check", as in "check inside" the patient's body. Perhaps the object is before the verb to reflect basic Japanese grammar, and it's an expression akin to the famous "star get".

"Sakyubasu" is a katakana transliteration of the English word "succubus", but "inma" is a Japanese word for "succubus". Sometimes KC also refers to other fiends such as imps as "inma" too. For clarity, we'll keep "inma" as "inma" especially since the succubus profile notes they are meant to be two different names.

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A recovery spell that heals the targeted patient psychologically and physically by slowly permeating mana throughout the body which is performed by going to bed with the targeted patient as if sleeping together and touching skin against skin continuously over a lengthy period of time. It's also referred to as a “sleep treatment procedure”. By performing this spell used for the purpose of long-term treatment which is more reliable and places no burden on the patient over a period of several days, it's possible to gradually heal wounds or cure diseases while alleviating pain and suffering even if they are so serious that the caster's mana and skill would be insufficient to provide healing using another system of magic.

The caster's mana utilized in this spell is prepared beforehand and adjusted to suit the patient so that his body can accept it without discomfort or resistance. Because of that, the patient recognizes the mana infused by the caster as if it were his own mana and will also be under the illusion that the mana dwelling in the body of the caster which is linked to it is also his own. The mana possessed by an individual organism is normally continuously circulated within the organism's body, but while performing treatment with this spell, mana starts flowing continuously between both people as if the caster and the patient had become a single organism. Mana is life force, that is to say, the patient enters a state in which he is able to employ the caster's life force as if it were his own, sharing her healing capacity and resistances along with it. With double the life force, the patient's body's ability to heal is far greater than if he only had his own, and even a completely debilitated patient can heal himself by substituting the caster's life force. The effects are even greater if the caster is a monster, and it's even possible to overcome deadly diseases and achieve miraculous recoveries that would naturally be impossible for the “human body”.

In order to maintain this state, the caster must constantly keep touching the patient. They don't just simply get in bed together. It is recommended that she wrap her arms and legs around the patient as much as possible, and press her body closely against his. Crawling her hands all over the patients body and caressing it is also effective, as it invigorates the flow of mana, and can further further alleviate the patient's pain and suffering. Perhaps because this method calls for intimate contact between the caster and patient in this way combined with the fact that most pharmacomancers have in common a devoted and caring personality, when monster casters use this spell on human men, strong passion towards the patient arises right in the middle treatment, and most will learn the heat and feeling of the patient's body by heart. I've heard that many join together with patients, becoming husband and wife during or after treatment due to that. On the other hand, since monster pharmacomancers who already have a husband will not permit any other man to have intimate contact with their skin, by using “operate (p.123)”, which is mentioned later, they employ this spell through other women by utilizing the method of inscribing the spell formula of “medical cure” on unmarried human women and monsters, or if the patient is already married, on his spouse.

The power of “medical cure” doesn't just cure specific diseases or heal visible wounds. The circulation and invigoration of the life force resultant from constantly using this spell cures mental illnesses, rendering the mind wholesome, and maintains a healthy body brimming with vitality. In other words, fatigue is removed from the target's body, power overflows, and the will to live springs forth, causing his mood to be full of total confidence; however, if the caster is a monster, sometimes that means “healthy” and “wholesome” according to monster values. In other words, it will be a “wholesome” lust which is youthful and vigorous that causes him to be sensitive to the presence of the opposite sex, ardently desiring females, and a “healthy” body which produces seed and essence and reacts to desire with an erection. By having repeated treatments with a monster caster, and spending an even longer time in bed together, the target's body and mind will be gradually fixed to be healthier and more wholesome in two senses. When there's a lewd woman before his eyes, he'll start to lust prodigiously for her driven by the energy overflowing from his body, and with his heart full of confidence as a man, he'll start to actively make a move on any monster who shows fondness for him and try to claim her as his own female. And the male sexual potency he can unleash on females will gradually become like that of a “wholesome, healthy” young man, or rather, even more vigorous than that, as it will be violent and endless.

Furthermore, when “medical cure” is performed by a “dark pharmacomancer”, the objective is to obtain the male patient as her own spouse and enjoy “providing treatment” to the man from the very beginning. Hence, if they get in bed with a patient, they'll rub their face and push their breasts against him, pressing up against him more aggressively and intimately. Not only will her hands be crawling all over the patient's body, but so too will her tongue, and she'll concurrently shower kisses over the entirety of it. What's more, the caster will touch the patient in an indecent manner, fondling his genitals over and over aggressively to induce ejaculation. In this manner, when captured by a dark pharamacomancer, men do receive treatment, but there's no telling how many times they'll be forced to ejaculate repeatedly until the treatment is finished. Furthermore, there are cases when it pretty much devolves into sex itself, with the penis taken deep within the vagina, and the two remaining joined the whole time during treatment; however, the mechanism of this spell which circulates mana between the bodies of a man and woman is very similar to the mechanism of mana circulation when a human man engages in coitus with a monster, so we can even say that “medical cure” is “pseudosex” between a human and monster. As a matter of fact, after having prepared optimal mana for the patient, oral and genital union between the caster and patient makes the circulation and sharing of life force even more deeply intimate, the caster's pleasurable caressing further invigorates the flow of mana, and it can provide only pleasure while eliminating the patient's pain and suffering more effectively. Thus, even if she's not a “dark pharamacomancer”, if the caster and the patient are married, it is recommended to utilize this spell along with spending their days having sex as husband and wife, which involves deeply intimate contact through caressing, kissing, and genital union.

“Your thingy needs treatment, doesn't it.
Ufufu♥ I'll stroke it like this and fix it so that it can spurt lots ♥”

~a weresheep pharmacomancer~

“Medical cure” a.k.a. “sleep treatment procedure” by the baphomet Dr. Little, “Greilia”.

“But I told you to do that sort of thing with the other witches...

What odd taste you have.. ♥.”

Difficulty: 3 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A spell that inscribes the spell formula of any given spell for the purpose of medical treatment within the target's body. It's an advanced spell used to heal wounds or cure diseases requiring immediate treatment, and this procedure is also called “surgery”. Mana preadjusted to suit the targeted patient is applied to the caster's hand or a pharmacomantic magic tool operated by the caster, which is then used to inscribe the spell formula internally by touching the patient's body with it.

The spell formula is invoked by the caster's mana as both are poured into the body together. Since the caster's mana is adjusted so that it melds into the mana originally possessed by the patient without any discomfort, when the spell formula is invoked inside the patient, the patient's body will be under the illusion that “he is using the spell himself”. Normally, when hit by a spell from the outside, the patient's magic resistance kicks in, but a spell formula inscribed by means of this spell will cause a hallucination as if the patient is using the spell himself, and thus, since magic resistance doesn't kick in, it's possible to invoke the spell as inscribed without mishap regardless of the patient's constitution and magic resistance. Also, by invoking the spell exclusively using the “caster's mana” camouflaged as the patient's mana, no burden will be placed on the patient's body or mana, and the magnitude of the effects of the inscribed spell will be stable without any fluctuation at all since it won't be influenced by the condition of the patient's mana, whatever that may be, whether it's dried up, or conversely, overflowing too much. That is to say, it is a spell which can trigger the effects as specified by the spell formula with absolutely no error in the prespecified location without the slightest deviation, and it enables extremely precise and exact treatment such as removing a miniscule diseased part inside a patient's body or only a tiny portion of mana. Since it's often used to treat patients in critical condition, the spell formulas inscribed will inevitably be complicated and difficult. The more serious the condition, the greater the spell's mana cost increases and the more time is required, so the caster requires advanced concentration and knowledge.

I have discussed the case in which it is used to treat serious diseases and wounds as an example when explaining this spell, but there are other methods of usage than that as well. For instance, it is also used as a sort of substitute for periodically taking medicine by inscribing simple recovery spells that boost vitality or mitigate pain in the patient. Additionally, by targeting a human or monster other than the patient when inscribing a specific pharmacomancy spell formula, it's also possible to use it in a peculiar manner that temporarily makes the target into a pharmacomancer. For instance, when treating male patients with the pharmacomancy spell “medical cure”, it's necessary for the caster to get in bed with the patient, press her body closely against his, and caress it, but if the caster is a married monster, she wouldn't ever do that sort of thing with any male other than her husband. In that case, the caster inscribes the spell formula of “medical cure” in an unmarried monster other than herself or the patient's spouse using operate to make her into a temporary practitioner so she can perform treatment. Furthermore, when the spell formula inscribed with “operate” is invoked, she won't be conscious of the fact that she cast the spell on the patient, but if she's able to perceive the results of the magical effects, then she'll only be aware of the results. The feeling is said to be very similar to how all monsters have several spells engraved in their instinct that are invoked even without the person herself being conscious of it.

Most of the time, mana adjusted to adapt to the patient's body is required for the use of pharmacomancy. Acclimating this mana to the patient's body requires a spirit of loving kindness towards the patient, and if the caster has any hostility or malice towards the patient, the task becomes impossible. It's also the same when inscribing spell formulas using this spell, and neither attack magic that would directly harm the patient, nor curses that would debilitate the patient can be inscribed, but despite that, the casters called “dark pharmacomancers” know of a way to abuse this spell to satisfy their own obscene lust. Generally, what they inscribe in men are things like “spells that enable bigger, longer lasting erections” and “spells that cause the production of copious amounts of essence, enabling more ejaculations”. These sorts of spells do not have an adverse impact on the patient in any sense; instead, the nature of these spells, which is to remarkably boost abilities as a healthy male organism, is extremely faithful to the ideals and decency of pharmacomancy. Therefore, even though “dark pharmacomancers” perform treatment flawlessly without incident, they also have no problem perfectly inscribing these spells for the sake of enjoyment after finishing treatment.

“I now begin treatment.
...Why are you getting an, uhm... s-stiffy, even though I'm just touching you...!!"

~Doctor Little, “Greilia”~

Difficulty: 1 out of 3

Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

A spell that dispels the fears and alleviates the anxiety of the target, bringing relief and serenity to the heart. It is used to ease the tension of the targeted patient and calm him down when providing treatment with pharmacomancy. If the patient's mind state is calm, the mana poured into the patient when using pharmacomancy will meld with less discomfort, which can boost its effects. It's also effective on targets in an extreme state of fear or derangement. The spell is invoked by touching the target, and the patient's deranged mind gradually goes back to normal as the caster keeps touching him. It's even more effective if the touching is done with intimacy instead of just plainly, such as by holding the target's hand, patting his head, or hugging him.

The power of this spell focuses the patient's consciousness on the caster who is gently touching and embracing his body, causing the sensation of her warm touch to be strongly perceived. Due to this, the patient's strained mind is assuaged, and his thoughts also grow vague, so that eventually all he can see and feel is the presence of the caster treating him gently. Strongly aware of the protection and loving kindness he is being showered in, the patient will feel a sense of absolute security from being touched and embraced by the caster, just as if he were a small child being sheltered by his mother. Even an elderly king living with constant paranoia, fearful of assassination, who is suspicious of everyone who approaches him including his own vassals, would gradually become calm like an innocent child in the embrace of a caster of this spell. The effects of this spell are only temporary, and the state wears off after a while, but once reacquired, the feeling of calmness remains. Due to this, those who were disturbed before being embraced regain their composure, and some of them even change to have gentle personalities. It's a spell that's really only meant for “support” when treating wounds and illnesses with pharmacomancy, but there is no end to the number of patients who become enthralled by the moment of peace produced by the spell and the casters who bring it about. It is said that in medical organizations run by pharmacomancers including the Sabbath led by the baphomet Dr. Little, “Greilia”, the originator of pharmacomancy, a considerable number of patients will keep going even after completely recovering from their illness or injury just to have their head patted in a caster's embrace.

The nature of this spell is to give the target a sense of security via the caster's presence. Thus, targeted patients will be in a state where they have entrusted their own “heart” to the caster. If the caster utters some words of significance to a patient in this state, then the patient will quietly accept it without suspicion or doubts. Normally, it's phrases like “It'll be okay. You'll get better for sure” or “It won't hurt” for the sake of calming and encouraging the patient before treating his injury or illness, but in the case of “dark pharmacomancers”, they'll use the spell and whisper sweet words into the patient's ear to spoil him and make him dependent on them in order to fulfill their own desires. With the words, “keep getting off like that and cum v”, the patient is rendered unable to resist the caster as she entwines around his body and fondles him, and he'll enjoy the pleasure being given as he was told to. Whenever “You were able to cum a lot. Excellent. You did great v” is whispered, his heart will calmly accept the pleasure, and the patient will ejaculate repeatedly according to the caster's guidance. While doing so, the patient will experience a feeling of relief as he has the essence squeezed out of him by the caster.

This spell has no effect unless the caster has heartfelt “loving kindness” towards the patient. That's because only words spoken out of concern for the patient will be quietly accepted without a doubt. It's impossible to use malice or hatred to do something like inducing a patient to harm himself or others, nor can a patient be controlled as one pleases. In other words, it's proof that the “dark pharamacomancers” who employ this spell are beings filled with “loving kindness” towards the patient. The reason they're “dark pharamacomancers” is just that that “loving kindness” is terribly inclined towards “sexual love”.

“Ufufu, good boy. Good boy♥
Now I'll put you at ease. Entrust your body to this good feeling♥”

~a black dark mage dark pharmacomancer~

Difficulty: 2 out of 3

Mana Cost: 2 out of 3

A spell for preventing illnesses by stationing the caster's mana in the target's body in advance. Mana melded without discomfort functions as disease “resistance” for the patient, preventing and safeguarding him from diseases, so this spell is also called “preventative touch”. Instead of providing treatment after the patient comes down with an illness, the stationed mana keeps constant surveillance over the patient's body, swiftly removing pathogens as soon as they are spotted. Thus, many kinds of diseases can be prevented just with this one spell. If it's a minor disease, then the stationed mana will instantly eliminate the pathogen, and by using more complicated spell formulas, even serious diseases can be dealt with to a certain extent. The amount of diseases preventable depends on the skill and knowledge of the caster working out the spell formula. What's more, it is more effective if the mana of a monster caster is used, since monsters have extremely strong resistance to diseases that affect humans.

The effects of the spell are temporary, and the mana stationed in the patient's body will completely disperse over time, but if the spell is cast periodically, diseases can also be consistently prevented. If a superior monster caster applies this spell to patients periodically, even those who were born frail with almost no disease resistance can live a healthy life free from the worries of diseases; however, if the caster is a monster, that means sometimes the patient's body will hotly flush, and she'll get horny as a side effect since the patient's body will always contain a certain amount of mamono mana insufficient to trigger monsterization. This becomes more apparent with repeated usage of the spell. It is advised to refrain from any activity that produces pleasure including sex, masturbation, etc. while the effects of the spell are active, and the patient must endure the side effects. The reason for that is partaking in excess pleasure will activate the mamono mana stationed by the spell, resulting in the transformation of the patient into a monster if she is a human woman, or an incubus if he is a man. A single occurrence of masturbation won't immediately cause monsterization, but the pleasure that can be had by changing into a monster due to the activation of mamono mana is so potent that even the slightest taste of it will result in addiction. Therefore, it is advised that it should not be done even once, but we can also say that the kind of human who needs this spell constantly would honestly be better off as a monster or incubus.

Furthermore, “dark pharmacomancers” use this spell specifically for the “side effects”. In the majority of medical organizations including “Greilia's” Sabbath and the like, the side effects are thoroughly explained, but dark pharmacomancers provide no explanation. Using disease prevention as an excuse, they scheme to make patients who strike their fancy horny for them all the time while changing them into incubi; however, since most dark pharmacomancers have acquired a high proficiency with this spell for the sake of empowering the side effects, the disease resistance granted will also be extremely powerful. Men wedded to dark pharmacomancers are promised a healthy life in which they will effectively never have to worry about illness.

“Your body has been weak since long ago, hasn't it.
But it's okay now... I'll coil myself around your body like this,
wrap you up entirely in me, and protect you... ♥”

~a lamia dark pharmacomancer~

Sources: Monster Girl Redux
Monster Girl Encyclopedia World Guide III: Sabbath Grimoire
